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In the hustle and bustle life of the mordern world, every individuals have to rush

to accomplish their assignments or jobs and heavy workloads are inevitable.

Hence, time management skill is likely to be one of the most crucial factors in
life as. This essay will clarify why such skill is essential as well as several ways
to horn the skill.

Obviously, time managements skill is ideal for everyone due to certain reasons.
Firstly, as a matter of fact, being able to control time can accelerate productivity.
Since time is distributed to particular tasks logically, there will be sufficient time
to accomplish them effectively. Hence, it is likely that less time and effort will
be required andworkers or students will be able to commit to other assignments,
becoming more productive. Secondly, time management skill is likely to lower
stress levels or even eliminate stress. Because works are completed timely and
people do not need to work to deadlines frantically, they will be able to rest
suffieciently and get proper sleep. Additionally, they can also avoid making
adverse decisions that can possibly be made when they feel pressured or tired.
Finally, the better one get at time management, the better their self-discipline
will be. When workers have their timetable arranged judiciously, they are likely
to avoid procrastination in their routines and will be able to head to their goals

Because of those affordmentioned reasons, it is apprently essential to enhance

time management skill through various ways. First of all, prioritizing tasks is
one of the advisable method to improve time management techniques. It is vital
that works which need immediate concentration should be finished first so
making a list of priority is necessary. Moreover, scheduling assignments and
creating deadlines is recommended so that one can manage to complete them
timely. Hence, planners or To-do lists are essential in working process. Last but
not least, despite common thought that multitasking is an effective ways to get
everything done, it is crucial to focus on a single task and accomplish it

In conclusion, the importance of time management skill is undeniable due to its

positive effects on people’s aspects of life and work. Although it will take time
to master time management techniques, different method to horn this skill must
be taken into consideration.

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