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Website Audit Report

Performed By Ahsan Mirza

August 02nd, 2023
Technical Audit

1. Website loading speed - (High Priority)

The amount of time it takes a website and webpage to load impacts its ability to perform
well in SEO. Pages with slow load speeds may rank lower than pages withhigher load

It takes around 8 seconds for Diva Techie’s website to load. It puts a bad first impression and
usually people don’t have this much patience to wait for a website that takes this long to open.
2. Avoid Excessive DOM Size – (Medium-High Priority)
Need to eliminate render Blocking resources if there are any.
Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS
inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles. Resources that may be contributing to
render-blocking include:

3. Avoid Enormous Networks Payload (High Priority)

Large network payloads cost users real money and are highly correlated with long load times.

Large network payloads (i.e., large file sizes) directly correlate with long page load
times. Reducing the total size of your page's network requests improves your visitors'
page experience, as smaller files download faster.

4. Properly Sized Images – (High Priority)

Need to upload images directly through the media library to ensure that the required
image sizes are available, and then insert them from the media library or use the image
widget to ensure the optimal image sizes are used (including those for the responsive
breakpoints). Avoid using `Full Size` images unless the dimensions are adequate for their
Ideally, your website pages should never serve images that are larger than the version that's
rendered on the user's screen. Anything larger than that just results in wasted bytes and slows
down page load time. Following are the pictures that need to sized properly:
SEO Audit

1. Meta Description – (High Priority)

Meta descriptions is displayed in the search engine results, they
can affect CTRs (click through rates), which are linked to SEO &
rankings.Meta description of your website is good enough.

Meta description is too long of our website’s Homepage as well as in all
other pages of your pages. It should be A snippet of text designed to
summarize a page. An ideal length would be up to 160 characters.

“Welcome to, your one-stop destination for premium mobile accessories and
reliable repair services. Explore our extensive collection of top-quality mobile accessories,
including screen protectors, phone cases, chargers, and more, all designed to enhance your
device's performance and protection.”
(311 Characters)

2. Meta Title optimization – (High Priority)

The meta title is incredibly significant for Search Engine Optimization. It is considered to be one
of the most important ranking signals and should therefore be chosen wisely. If changes are made
to the title, these won't be visible immediately and it can take a few days until the title is visible in
the SERPs.

Meta title is not keyword enriched. It should contain keywords in it.
3. Backlink Count:
Backlinks are links that point to your website from other websites. They are
like letters of recommendation for your site. Since this factoris crucial to SEO,
you should have a strategy to improve the quantity and quality of backlinks.
Diva Techie Website has no Backlink.

4. Image ALT Tags – (High Priority)

Alt text provides the better image content and description to the search enginecrawlers and
most of the images on your website DO NOT have Alt Tags.

There are 93 images on your homepage and 80 of them are missing the attribute/Alt
Tags and 93 are without title. Alt attributes are an often overlooked and simple way to
signal to Search Engines what an image is about, and help it rank in image search
5. URL– (High Priority)
Website indexation is the process by which a search engine adds web content to its
index. This is done by “crawling” webpages for keywords, metadata, and related
signals that tell search engines if and where to rankcontent. URL structure is not

6. Broken Links – (High Priority)

When there are links on a website that point to a nonexistent URL, they are
considered broken. Broken links negatively impact SEO as they send search engine
crawlers to wrong pages and waste their resources.

NO broken links found on your website that need to be fixed.

7. Sitemap Installation – (High Priority)

A sitemap lists a website's most important pages, thus, making sure search engines
can find and crawl them. Sitemaps also help in understanding your website
structure, making it easier to navigate your website.
Sitemap is installed in Di va T ech i e website.
8. Social Linking – (Medium Priority)
In today’s Digital Era, where time is money, being able to sync your main social media
profiles can bring some much-needed efficiency to your operations.
Your website is not socially linked to any platform.


Attributes Status Comments

Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a
"vote of confidence" from one site to another. So, earning
these backlinks can have a positive effect on a site's ranking position or
search visibility.
Your website does not have a blog; Blogging keeps your website
A blog gives you opportunities for internal linking,
Blogging helps you target long-tail keywords.
Broken Links Congratulations, your website has no broken links.
Favicons are the little piece of graphic that represents your brand on
Favicon browser tabs, bookmark lists, search history, search ads and even search
results, Favicons Increased Usability Of website
Google Analytics Your website is not submitted to Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager Your website is not associated with Google tag Manager.
Alt text provides the better image content and description to the search
Image Alt Tags engine crawlers and most of the images on your website DO NOT have
Alt Tags.
Meta descriptions is displayed in the search engine results, they can
Meta Description affect CTRs (click through rates), which are linked to SEO & rankings.
Meta description of your website is good enough.
Meta Title Some meta titles are not SEO optimized.
Mobile Friendly You can reach a wide range of audience with a mobile friendly and
Website responsive website.
Desktop Friendly You can increase the number of visitors and make them stay at your
Website website for a longer period of time with desktop friendly website.
DA Stands for Domain Authority is a score developed by MOZ ranges
Domain Authority 1 from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to
Page Authority Page Authority is calculated in the same way as Domain Authority, but
(homepage) at the individual page level. Page Authority is based off data.
Social Signal link How many social media accounts of your company are linked with your
with website website
URL structure of a website makes it easier to navigate for the users. It’s
URL structure
an important art of each website page.
Robots.txt Your website have a robots.txt file.
Having XML sitemaps allows search engines to crawl and index a
Sitemap.xml website sufficiently and allowing all search engines to be notified of
the site map by inserting it into the robots.
Website load speed is very important in SEO. Since Google has made it
Website Load Speed ~8s
a ranking factor, a website must load fast to rank higher in SERP’s.
Inbound links are the links that basically link back to your website and
Inbound Links 2
it is a sign that your website has a high-quality content.


35,000 charges per month for SEO Services.


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