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1. Individual written assignment – 2000 words (80%).

The analytical assignment should focus on one of the 10 “subskills” covered throughout the
course. The students are advised to write on the same topic as the one they have chosen for
their short presentation.  In the written assignment the focus should be on a particular theme,
area or focal point. Reference list should contain at least 8 academic sources. Recommended
structure of the essay:
Summary of the research reviewed
Account and analysis of personal experience
Conclusions and recommendations

2. Continuous in-class assessment - (20%)

a) individual presentation (10%)– students will choose one of the listed management
skills and based on research will deliver a 5-minute presentation. Students are advised to
choose a topic in which they have some work-based personal experience. We encourage
the students to not use PPT or any notes in order to express their ability and skills to
speak freely in front of an audience. The presentations will be recorded and uploaded by
due date, which will be arranged individually for each student at the first meeting (in
class or online).
3. Moodle-based quizzes 
There will be 2 multiple choice quizzes, constructed out of 25 questions.
Quiz No.1 will cover the first 5 topics in Management Skills from classes and the provided
readings in Moodle.
Quiz No.2 will be based on the second part of 5 Management Skills from the weekly syllabus
and the provided readings in Moodle.
Each correct answer is equal to 4 points.
The total of 100 points will be identical to 50% of the CICA total grade (each 5%)
The rest of the 50% will be the individual presentation as a final project.

Summary of the research reviewed
Account and analysis of personal experience
Conclusions and recommendations
Neo-Darwinism is the concept is given to the continuous evolution of human
beings  (Physiol, 2011). In other words, our nature will always look for further ways to
keep going. New knowledge will be integrated and that will cause us to see things
differently. Most of the time this will have advantages or disadvantages base on the
criteria of everyone. Furthermore, collective knowledge will unify all these new
experiences in order to create new possibilities. 

Diversity refers to different types of something (Cambridge dictionary). When one talks
about people, the concept attributes to multiple groups of characteristics. Ethnicity,
religion, skin color, gender, etc. hence, the topic is much more wider, in which it doesn’t
pretend to see it only in the romantic way to make multicolor hands together, rather than
that, it’s to realize the advantages that diversity generates.

Managing Diversity is something that has to be brought to the discussion table. The
American think tank “The Pew Research table center” settle in Washington, has
released that by 2055, the USA will no longer have a single racial or ethnic majority.
This point has been backed by several studies that show notably globalization. People
going abroad to their native country is more and more common to see, whether
because of professional development, education or because of seeking new
experiences in life. Witch refers that society is in constant change and movement.

Also, many companies are being expanded to multiple countries and therefore,
managing diversity has to be perceived more common than ever. It has to be seen in
the society, and deep inside as individuals that consist of a variety of aspects. In
consequence, through the time, individuals are becoming more and more complex.
Complexity in individuals can be seen as the characteristics that define one single
person, their unique attributes (Garth F., 1986). These characteristics and unique
attributes can be taken as a strategic advantage for individuals and companies growing
in a diverse society.

But how can organizations deal with this diversity in society to incorporate it into their
workforce and make it a positive tool to be used in order to achieve more success?

In the following notes, the discussion will be taking place.

Summary of the research reviewed
Companies have come to face that on one hand, their employees are not meeting their
needs, and on the other hand, they don’t meet the requirements of the growing diverse
society (intercultureTV).

Along with many points to consider, it is important to underline that managing diversity
is not approaching the idea of ignoring differences (intercultureTV), rather than that,
recognize them and understand such differences. Differences should not be seen as
negative aspects, quite the opposite; differences should be seen as advantages, as
important elements of the organization, and as tools to succeed in different goals of the

“Access-and-legitimacy approaches diversity as a smart business move: that with a

diverse market, the company needs diverse employees to help fully understand that
market” consider this a better way of doing business after their diverse employees
(Hammond, 2020). On the other hand Hammond as comments that many authors don’t
recommend the grievance as part of the method considering that employees could be
scared of consequences, instead of that, it is recommended by different authors the
voluntary methods of engagement (Dobbin and Kalev, 2016).

Lewis (2000, cited in states that people belong to different cultures and them
to belong, view concepts individually and differently. For instance, Germans consider
that honesty will lead them to achieve what they need even if this truth can be
unconfutable. On the other hand, English people love discretion and kindness to
prevent unconfutable situations. Furthermore, Chinese people believe there is no
absolute truth. Every culture has its own general way to see life and the interaction they
have with people is based on these believes.

Diversity is more than the simple external characteristics we typically think of, they are
certainly important but diversity is bigger than that. In the Figure 2.1 bellow by
Gardenswartz and Rowe (2003), it is consider a comprehensive model that defies in 4
levels the dimensions of diversity, where personality is the main core, and after it is
extended to other characteristics that create diversity wider.

 Essentially, personality is the first level and the most complex characteristic and
therefore, the way every individually perceive these differences.
 The second level is the internal dimensions, it refers to gender, age, sexual

orientation, physical ability, ethnicity, race

 The third level is the external dimensions; it refers to religion, geographic location,

income, education background, habits, appearance, work experience, parental

status and marital status.

 The fourth level is the organizational dimensions; it refers to work filed,

management status, department, functional level and affiliations.

Figure 2.1

Positive aspect of managing diversity

When talking about the positive aspects of any posture, should be consider what can be
reached by implementing the idea. “All people are different in many ways, as Jamieson
and O’Mara (1991 cited in mentioned.

The concept of managing people adds that these differences have a great potential to
help organizations to reach a better workflow to meet the needs of all sides, owners,
employees, customers, etc. (Kandola and Fullerton 1998, cited in
Diversity at work could be seen as work tools. Either they help the company to go
ahead or they interrupt their way and their flow. By referring the positive sides, diversity
can chop the gap between companies and customers. Having more diversity workforce,
companies are expose to more creativity, problems resolution based on different
backgrounds, therefore, employees can learn from each other. Additionally, sales
department might have won and extra tool in communication when involving in the team
someone from a different country and language, such employees can approach diverse

“Human capital is the summation of knowledge, experiences, skills and qualifications

that each person possesses” (Daniels and Macdonald, 2005). If companies adopt this
idea well applied, the results could be remarkable good. For instance,

 qualified employees
 Multicultural talents 
 gets closer to diverse audiences
 understanding of what moves the world
 It helps with demography differences
 Increase customer satisfaction
 Innovation
 More profitable
(Gardenswartz and Rowe, 2003 and intercultureTV)

Negative aspects

With this prevailing belief, let’s add the negative side effect that diversity might have.
Even if people, in general, tend to express solidarity, good values, tolerance, and other
diverse good impressions, it is often seen how in the practice by interacting in real
cases, it is no longer the case of such a tolerance. Therefore, diversity could harm
companies when it is not well applied. As with everything, there are positive and
negative sides, and when diversity is poorly managed conflicts are not being overcome.
Perspectives might create conflicts that in the same cultural case wouldn’t have been
considered as one. The resolution of conflict might take longer and if they are not taken
care of in time, it could cause long-term consequences.

Poor communications can be the origin of the conflicts this is the case of people that
come from different countries and the domain of the language is still an issue causing a
high turnover (Hammond, 2020), failing that companies have to reinitiate the recruiting
process for the free position.

In addition, when companies don’t know how to manage diversity, also can be a waste
of time and money.
Account and analysis of personal experience

Managing diversity, in my experience, is missing a long way to be properly developed.

Perhaps it is not seen as a big issue yet, but as soon as companies get no other option
but to hire people from remarkable different backgrounds, then it will be a topic no
longer to be postponed. Such a topic must be integrated to create the cultural
environment that the company wants to achieve based on its goals.

For instance, the practice of diversity training should be adopted in companies and
furthermore, incorporate it to the yearly trainings employees receive. The idea of
managing diversity is to use as assets all these differences and based on that, work in a
proper strategy to benefit the company and consequently the employees by generating
a proper working environment.

I come from Mexico and through the time big cities, like Leon the one I was born, have
become more and more international. What I could pensive is that Mexicans welcome
new knowledge, new tools and overall, new practices. On the other hand, Mexican
companies are settling with a majority of the employees as Mexicans, but this doesn’t
interfere with their welcoming attitude to foreign employees or the cooperation with
international companies to exchange employees for specific projects that required
specific skills, or simply to extend their attitudes. These practice most of the time come
with great results benefiting both sides.

The department of Human Resources plays a huge role in planning the strategies,
starting by the recruiting process along with the trainings and the prevention of turnover
staff. For around one year I worked in a company in this area, there I could perceive
that at least in the company I worked for, it wasn’t diversity a topic to hire new
employees and never the less, such a trainings for them.

I have lived and work in three completely different countries and through my journey
working, studying and socializing, I came to the conclusion to appreciate how important
is to approach new cultures and the benefits it generates by being expose to something
more than the comfort traditional zone. When people come from traditional countries or
even traditional families, to incorporate new ways of doing represents a huge challenge.
It is not easy but in the end it is worthy. The potential that one can develop is something
that cannot be described, there is not a specific method to achieve success, but it is
clear that diversity takes us closer to the rest of the world. It helps us to grow
understanding among others and therefore it might be easier to make strategies to
achieve success.

New York is one of the biggest multicultural cities in the world, to notice that, it’s enough
by having a ride in the metro. In the time that I lived in New York (almost three years) I
was able to see how diversity in this city belongs to the perfect example of what the
concept wants to achieve in the world, this means, one day to come to the point of
seeing people from different countries, ages, sexual orientation, languages and over all
backgrounds, and yet perceive it normal. Therefore, by studying or working, skills and
differences are the perfect assets in order to get work done.

In a multicultural society, diversity recently has gain interest in all organizations.
Therefore, it is not possible to imagine an international city or company without
considering the aspect of diversity that must be applied.

It is recommended that companies train their employees to grow tolerance and conflict
resolution based on communication.

It is recommended that human resources optimally approach diversity to be able to

achieve the advantages of diverse employees in an organization. Many organizations
haven’t discovered yet the benefits of their human capital. Encouraging diversity and
training after it will help to release positive results for the organization.

Resulting, training and encouraging employees to give their best, it’s part of the process
to have a successful organization. Valuable potential for an organization doesn’t
discriminate against people, I can be found in any person.

The biggest challenge is to create the best atmosphere in the workplace for employees
to gain confidence and give the best of them.

For a better strategy in organizations, it has to be considered the giant advantages

displayed managing diversity, but this doesn’t go alone without learning these
differences for a better undemanding. 

Companies must recruit their workforce to match the market requirements. 

And overall, there is nothing running well in long term without the right balance, every
individual and group has to do their own part.  


For a better strategy in organizations, it has to be considering the giant

advantages displayed managing diversity, but this doesn’t go alone without
learning these differences for a better undemanding.
Companies must recruit their force work to match the market requirements.

Managing Diversity
Based on the information that “The Pew Research Center” (American
think tank in Washington) has released that, the U.S.A will no longer
have single racial or ethnic majority by 2055. Therefore, the
organizations in the world will have several changes considering the
influence the USA has in it. Moreover, the same social changes have
been happening in most of the countries in the world.
Organizations will have to manage the best approach towards so much
diversity along their employees.

The concept of managing diversity includes understanding that all

employees are different and that these differences can turn into an asset
to work being done more efficiently and effectively (Mayhugh 1990 cited in
Kandola and Fullerton, 1998). Every single tool is useful as long as you
know how to use it.

Diversity in the workplace

An inclusive workplace refers to variety of workforce. In which

individuals identify themselves and others independently but part of a

This identity is framed by race, gender, ethnic groups, age,

citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, mental and physical
conditions, educations, skills, and more.

And therefore companies challenge to meet the needs of employees

and the requirements of a growing society.


Organizations with diverse workforce lead to have more qualified

employees considering globalizations and the multiple needs generated
after it. Multicultural talents always will benefit brands that wan to
escalate international markets. (Languages, traditions, needs, values).

The perception is created in a diverse workforce allows organizations to

get closer to diverse audiences that is become more and more

This will guide towards a better understanding of what moves the world,
the trends.

It helps with demography differences.

Increase customer satisfaction.


It is profitable

How can work a Managing Diversity How do we do that?

Promoting a culture of tolerance

Open communication

Creating conflict strategies

For good leaders, to manage diversity it is important to understand their
background in order to understand their behaviors and believes because
this can be the reason of their decision-making in specific contexts.

Similarities and differences must be seen as equal aspects

Tips for managing diversity

Prioritize communication

Treat employees as individuals

Objective Criteria

Be open-minded

Managers should be trained on what can and cannot be asked in an


Policies and Practices

Inclusive environment where all needs can be met

Open ears for feedback

Adapt changes that might benefit the flow between employees.

Explaining of rules in an efficient way

Non-discrimination tolerance

off-color jokes about ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion need to

be met with zero-tolerance enforcement

practices of sensitivity training to appreciate the advantages of different

point of views

conflict resolution in calm

Constant changes in rules and regulations, for that it is important to track

regional changes.
Avoid stereotyping

Important to consider

It is a process that takes time

Different areas where can be applied managing diversity in an


To succeed, it must be implemented in every department.

Demographic diversity tips
For example Germans believe that telling the truth they will achieve a
successful result, even if it is unpleasant for others. The English, however,
prefer not to cause trouble. The Chinese advance a view that there is no
absolute truth.

Tip to manage low wages

Create an environment in the company where employees can feel that rather
than salary, mental peace and benefits *daycare, space, recreational activities,
etc. When they feel valued in in their individual uniqueness.

Por otro lado, debe ser contante el enfatizar que todos nos tenemos que
adaptar a nuestras posibilidades y nuevas circunstancias.

Each person must be treated as anexpert.


For a better strategy in organizations, it has to be considering the giant

advantages displayed managing diversity, but this doesn’t go alone without
learning these differences for a better undemanding.

Companies must recruit their force work to match the market requirements.
And over all, there is nothing running well in long term without the right
balance, every individual and group has to do their own part.
And be seen one dimentionally

Some companies hire only for tokenism but this doesn’t help anyone

Diversity is not only HR task, it is all of us task

In the 70 orchestras were only white men, and after that they decided t make blind auditions.

Blind auditions – in a GaJumpers

In the USA
Physiol, J. (2011). Neo-Darwinism, the Modern Synthesis and selfish genes: are they of
use in physiology? p.p. 1007–1015. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2010.201384

Cambridge Dictionary .

Garth Fletcher (1986). Attributional Complexity. An Individual Differences Measure.

DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.51.4.875

IntercultureTV. Diversity Management. (video) Available at:

v=m6X_Vt4wej0&t=106s. (accessed March 2021)

Hammond J. (2020). “Beyond Access and Legitimacy: Training for Intercultural Communication in the
Contemporary Workplace”. Business Administration: Student Scholarship & Creative Works.
Dobbin F. and Kalev A. (2016).”Why diversity programs fail”. Spotlight on building a diverse organization.
Article (pdf) Available at:

Gardenswartz and Rowe, (2003). Diverse Teams at Work (2nd Edition, SHRM, 2003).
Available at:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Having a More Diverse Workforce (

Daniels K. and Macdonald L. (2005). Equality, Diversity and Discriminationbook. (Page


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