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The anthropologist Horace Miner illustrates about body ritual among the Nacirema, using the following narrative outline. First: an introductory paragraph from a general view, showing the Nacirema as part of the multi cultural diversity that exists Second: the outline continues with a part that gives us the location of the group for study. Third: we find a part that showing their doctrines and guidelines. Fourth: is the main text of the story, showing their practices, hierarchies and social development. fifth: finally returns a general and conclusively concepts that educated us concerning the group in front of the actual society.

First: The journalist Edward Ball made the introduction to the story letting us know their origin, he validates out rightly as the author of the story. Second, the author makes a narrative explanation of the factors that enable the development of history. Third, we found the body of the story, is explanatory and referenced in each of the arguments, making consolidation. Fourth: he concludes endorsing all their arguments, citing the references used to confirm the story as fact. Analysis: The review of these two stories show us common sense: story structures develop gradually; we never find the essence at the beginning of history. The body of the story is enriched with the most important episodes and usually the final part allows us to synthesize the contents read.

First: El Acusioso periodista Edward Ball realiza la introduccion a la historia dejandonos conocer su origen que de plano lo valida como autor del relato. Segundo:El autor hace una narracion explicativa de los factores que permiten el desarrollo de la historia. Tercero: encontramos el cuerpo de la historia que se hace explicativa referenciada en cada uno de los argumentos, logrando consolidarla. Cuarto: concluye avalando todos sus argumentos citando las referencias empleadas para confirmar la historia como un hecho real. anlisis: al revisar estas dos historias encontramos en sentido comn: Que las estructuras desarrollan la historia de manera progresiva; que nunca encontramos la esencia al comienzo de la historia; el cuerpo del relato se enriquece con los episodios ms importantes y generalmente la parte final nos permite sintetizar los contenidos ledos. El antropologo Horace miner nos ilustra acerca del body ritual among the nacirema, usando el siguiente esquema narrativo: Primero: un parraor fo introductorio desde un punto de vista general que muestra the nacirema como parte de la multiple diversidad cultural existente. Segundo: el esquema continua con una parte que nos ofrece la localizacion del grupo objeto de estudio.

Tercero: encontramos una parte que esbosa sus doctrinas y lineamientos. cuarto: es el cuerpo principal del relato donde se esbosan sus practicas, jerarquias y desarrollo social. quinto: finalmente retoma conceptos de forma general pero concluyente que nos educan referentes al grupo frente a la sociedad actual. We can conclude, retaking, to get a good knowledge of ourselves, to take care of its own interest, to prepare both physically and intellectually and like to see us, doing more enjoyable and easy exercise to interact with others and achieve a good development of our social life .

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