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Hello Thomas,

Hello. I’m Atichat, Alfie’s friend. Do you remember Alfie? We were with you. I see on social media
that you've started a new business, a bar in Birmingham. You’ve never drunk for me to see. I'm happy
to hear that you've started a bar. It was your Interests, as I remember. And now, where do you go
when you're feeling down? Because if you stay here, you enjoy visiting the stables. How are your
siblings, John and Arthur? Are they still squabbling about the TV remote?

Right now, I have already graduated diploma and I’m studying at King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok. I’m majoring in Industrial Education at Nonthaburi Province. Maybe I'd
like to be a teacher. Do you believe it? This is my first time living on my own. I felt lonely at first
because I had not yet adjusted. But now it’s fine. I’m fully at ease and happy. Look at a picture of my
room. (See attached photo.)

I'm sure you've known Finn, He is my cousin. I’d like to know about him, And I have many
questions. Where him live? Where he’s from, what does his job, what does his interests. Finally,
which classes are he in? I want to know when will you come to Thailand? I'll take you to your favorite
noodle restaurant. I’m sure to bring Boy, Petch, and Kong Prap to meet you. They’re looking forward
to seeing you. If you remember they. It was nice writing to you.

I hope you are well.


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