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NOTE : Do two tasks of your choice from your
respec8ve Domain. Task submission link will be
released shortly. Comple8ng two task is mandatory.

1. Python Development:
- Personal Diary: Create a command-line applica1on that allows users to write and save
personal diary entries.
- Number Guessing Game: Develop a simple game where the computer generates a
random number, and the user has to guess it.
- Contact Management System: Build a program that allows users to store and manage
their contacts, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
- Text Analyzer: Develop a program that reads a text file and provides sta1s1cs such as
word count, character count, and frequency analysis.

2. Frontend Development:
- Personal Website: Create a sta1c personal website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to
showcase your skills and interests.
- Interac>ve Quiz: Build an interac1ve quiz using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, where users
can select answers and receive immediate feedback.
- Recipe Finder: Develop a web page that allows users to search for recipes based on
ingredients and displays the matching recipes.
- Quote Generator: Create a web page that displays random quotes and allows users to
generate new quotes with a buJon click.

3. Backend Development:
- To-Do List API: Build a RESTful API for a to-do list applica1on, allowing users to create,
update, and delete tasks.
- Simple Blogging PlaIorm: Create a backend API for a simple blogging plaPorm, allowing
users to create, view, and comment on blog posts.
- URL Shortener: Develop a backend API that shortens long URLs and redirects users to the
original URL when they access the shortened version.
- Contact Form Handler: Build a backend API that handles contact form submissions,
sending an email to the website owner with the form details.
4. Machine Learning:
- Digit Recogni>on: Create a machine learning model using libraries like scikit-learn to
recognize handwriJen digits.
- Spam Email Classifier: Develop a machine learning model that can classify emails as spam
or non-spam based on their content.
- Iris Flower Classifica>on: Build a model that classifies iris flowers into different species
based on their petal and sepal measurements.
- Sen>ment Analysis on Tweets: Develop a model that can analyze the sen1ment of
tweets and classify them as posi1ve, nega1ve, or neutral.

5. Ar:ficial Intelligence:
- Tic-Tac-Toe Game AI: Create an AI opponent for playing the game of Tic-Tac-Toe against a
human player.
- Chatbot: Develop a simple rule-based chatbot that can respond to user queries on
specific topics.
- Image Cap>oning: Build an AI model that can generate cap1ons for given images using
techniques like CNN and LSTM.
- HandwriPen Digits Genera>on: Train a genera1ve adversarial network (GAN) to generate
realis1c-looking handwriJen digits.

6. Java Development:
- Student Record System: Create a program that allows users to store and manage student
records, including details like name, roll number, and marks.
- Library Management System: Develop a system for managing library resources, including
books, borrowers, and borrowing transac1ons.
- Calendar Applica>on: Build a program that allows users to manage their appointments,
set reminders, and view their schedules.
- Simple Inventory Management: Create a program for managing inventory, including
adding, upda1ng, and searching for items.

7. Data Science:
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Choose a dataset of interest and perform exploratory
data analysis to understand its paJerns, rela1onships, and distribu1ons.
- Movie Recommenda>on System: Build a simple recommenda1on system that suggests
movies to users based on their preferences or movie ra1ngs.
- Credit Card Fraud Detec>on: Develop a model to detect fraudulent credit card
transac1ons based on historical transac1on data.
- Customer Churn Predic>on: Build a model to predict customer churn for a subscrip1on-
based service using customer behavior and usage data.

8. Full Stack Development:

- Personal Blogging PlaIorm: Create a full-stack web applica1on for users to write and
publish blog posts with features like user authen1ca1on, commen1ng, and categoriza1on.
- Online Quiz PlaIorm: Develop a full-stack web applica1on that allows users to take
quizzes, tracks their scores, and provides feedback on their performance.
- E-commerce Store: Build a full-stack e-commerce store with features like product lis1ngs,
shopping cart func1onality, user authen1ca1on, and order management.
- Recipe Sharing PlaIorm: Create a full-stack web applica1on where users can share and
discover recipes, including features like user profiles, recipe search, and ra1ng.

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