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A Black Color Pencil

Once upon a time… there was a box of color pencils sitting on the shelf in
the store. There were 12 color pencils in the box and a girl wanted to buy it.
Girl : “Aaaa.. I find it. I want to buy this color pencil. I
will use it to color all my pictures.
The girl went home after she bought the color pencil and she left it on her
desk in her room. Meanwhile, all the color pencils talked each other.
All color pencils : “Yippeeee…., finally someone bought us”
Yellow : I’m so excited. I must be the first color pencil that
the girl will pick.
Pink : I bet the girl will love me, all girls like pink.
Red : I think she will also love me. She can use me to
color roses that she draws.
Green : Uhhh I’m so sure, she will need me to color the
leaves or grass.
Purple : Look at her hair ribbon before, it’s purple. She will
love me too.
Meanwhile, the black color pencil had been listening to his friends. He felt so
worry that the girl would not like him. He became sad.
Black : Why am I so ugly? She will not like me. So saddd..
Another hand, the arrogant white color pencil saw the black color pencil
feeling sad. She said something that make the black one felt even sadder.
White : Why do you look so sad?
Black : I feel the girl will not like me. Look at me, I think I’m
dirty. I’m not like the other.
White : Yes, I know. I can see that. You are very ugly, you
look dirty and black. Look at me. I’m so fair and white.
Pink : Hey white, why do you say that? It will make the
black one sadder.
Black : That’s ok, pink. That was true (mukanya sambil sedih
It made the black color pencil feel sooo sad. The girl came back to desk and
was ready to use them. All of the color pencils were so excited.
Girl (take pink color): Woaahhh.. What a beautiful color. I like it. Hmmm but
I think l will start drawing first.
She picked up the black pencils and started to make outlines. The black color
pencil felt happy and shouted.
Black : “She’s using me. She’s using me” (Shouted)
The girl started using the other pencils to color her picture, except the white
color pencil. Well, we seldom use white pencil for coloring the picture. Thus,
the color pencil was the only one that’s not used and left in the box.
White : Hiks.. Hiks.. I’m sorry friends. I shall not be an
arrogant color pencil.
All color pencil : That’s ok white. (The end)
Moral Story: Don’t judge people by their appearance. It is the beauty within
that matters.

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