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Top 10 human rights organizations in Pakistan

1. Hope Uplift Foundation:

Where there is hope, there is faith, and where there is faith, miracles happen.
For over 20 years, Hope Uplift Foundation has been a reflection of its name by giving hope to
the underprivileged. It is an NGO that uplifts the poor and the needy by offering many windows
to help. HUF deals in programs such as Public Assistance, Education, Microfinance, Vocational
Training, Women Empowerment, Water, and Health& Food.
Hope Uplift Foundation has many feathers in its cap. Some of them are as follows:
ICI Dulux paints had a competition of 26 NGOs in their donation program and HUF won the
first prize.Our donors trusted us and Mr. Inqasar Nawaz donated PKR 4,500,000/-. Our school
campus was built in just 4 months at a cost of PKR 5,200,000/-Our HUF schoolchildren compete
in all competitions and always bring back prizes.Marriage assistance program helped more than
1,000 couples. The most honored achievement of Hope Uplift Foundation was the donation of a
4 Kanal plot in DHA (429-EE, Phase-4, DHA, Lahore) for our school building, where over 1000
children study in the morning and over 1,000 more in the evening for just Rs.100 per month. The
total cost of building this school was PKR 100 Million.The big construction company Habib
Rafique donated Hope Uplift Foundation PKR 40 Million Birds Eye View of the NGO : PKR 5
Million Interest-free loans given.Around 70 Wells constructed.More than 1000 people were
helped by providing them with clean water by the grace of Allah.25,000 children have been
given education, scholarships, and vocational training.14,000 human beings have been served
with food, Atta, and Raashan.More than 150 women are empowered monthly on occupations
such as directors and teachers.
2. Edhi Foundation:
Edhi Foundation is one of the biggest and the oldest foundation in Pakistan. They have been
acting as a social welfare service provider across the whole world. Being an entity that is run as a
non-commercial, non-political, and as non-communal entity. Edhi with many diverse programs
has been serving round-the-clock without any discrimination. It is a privilege that this
organization has been hosted by Mr. Abdul SattarEdhi and Mrs. BilquisEdhi. And they have
always represented Edhi foundation on governmental and non-governmental platforms. As they
have been effective on both national and international platforms for contributing their
inspirational services for the sake of humanity.
All those different fields on which Abdul SattarEdhi represented Pakistan has been the greatest
of all, especially by saving the lives of millions of children who were left without the shade of
parent’s love. Edhi centers have fostered abandoned children free of cost. This has nurtured
disabled, handicapped and helpless people to make these centers feel like home. Even the
feeding women and elderly ones who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families
have a place to go now. A big part has been played by the free dispensaries, hospitals and
medical centers that have been providing free medication to critical patients that were prone
diseases, etc.

3. Chippa Welfare Association:

CHHIPA WELFARE is famous for being a non-profit welfare organization in Pakistan. The
organization is imbued with a noble mission of having sincere love and affection for the
humanity and a strong commitment to serving the COMMON PEOPLE without discrimination
of any caste, creed or color under all circumstances, where frequent road accidents, sudden
events, and emergencies occur daily.
Chhipa Ambulance Service ChhipaDastarkhawanChhipa Orphanage Chhipa Home Chhipa
Morgue Chhipa Kitchen Chhipa Monthly Ration Bag Chhipa Ritual Bathing RoomChhipa FREE
Ghusal&KaffanChhipa Mobile Morgue Chhipa Graveyard ChhipaJhoolaChhipa
Newborn Home Chhipa Old Home Chhipa Women Shelter Home
4. Shahid Afridi Foundation:
Shahid Afridi Foundation was founded in March 2014 by Shahid Afridi, by a Pakistani
Cricketer, popularly known as “Boom Boom” worldwide. SAF is a non-profit organization
registered in Pakistan, which was coined with the aim to improve the conditions of the most
destitute communities of our society. Today, SAF is a global organization with our presence in
North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific.
Our ethos is to support the most underserved communities in Pakistan as well as globally.
Working in remote areas and communities, SAF helps vulnerable families meet their basic needs
and provide access to better services in areas of Health, Education and Water along with
promoting Global Peace & Goodwill message via sports diplomacy initiatives. As they have
grown over the years, SAF has worked hard to ensure that they consider all aspects of rural
community development, support for female education and empowerment in all components of
everything they do.
Combined with local skills and knowledge with other organizations and government to promote
and improve the health and livelihoods of the rural communities, SAF has worked in partnership
with local communities to provide employment opportunities across all of their projects. SAF has
been successful in building hospitals, developing schools network and initiating water projects
across Pakistan. The organization is committed to serving the people of Pakistan in order to
transform the lives of the despaired communities through humanitarian aid and provide hope for
a better future because together we are HopeNotOut for humanity.

5. Transparent Hands:
Transparent Hands is one of the most technologically advanced platforms used for crowdfunding
in Pakistan. They have been offering a wide range of healthcare services for free, including all
the medical, surgical, treatments, medical camps, and telehealth facilities. And it’s a big step in
the progress to help the underprivileged community of Pakistan. The main goal of an initiative
like Transparent Hands is to set trends and reach the millions of people that are willing to donate
from all around the world. All the needy patients all over Pakistan who are suffering now have a
home for medical services.
Transparent Hands is an NGO that is committed to working day and night to relieve the
sufferings of the needy ones. And this only possible by providing state-of-the-art healthcare
facility without any discrimination, free of cost, and easily accessible. It’s an opportunity for the
donors who are looking forward to supporting in a connected and transparent manner.
6. Care Foundation
Care Foundation was founded by Mrs. Seema Aziz, who had traveled to flood-affected areas in
1988. Her basic aim of traveling has been to help people reconstruct their homes. Mrs. Seema
noticed that children were roaming around the streets and that was disturbing for her. And this
was only because of the lack of schools in the city. She believed that these children had been
deprived of basic rights like education that is indeed necessary for a nation to stand. There being
a silent observer Mrs. Seema has an idea to solve anything. It was time to take action.
Why Care?
In 1988, CARE opened its first school on Sheikhupura Road, in the Pakistani province of Punjab.
On day one, over 250 children had lined up outside, barely clothed but eager to learn. One school
turned into several more. The children are no less capable than students attending private schools
around the country. What’s more, the children are topping their board exams and competing in
Model UN Conferences.
7. Pakistan International Human Rights Organization
Pakistan International Human Rights Organization (PIHRO) that was established in 2004 is a
registered, independent, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian and non-governmental
organization. The Organization is registered with The Securities and Exchange Commission of
Pakistan under Section 42 of The Companies Ordinance, 1984.
PIHRO is a local, multi-disciplinary, development-oriented and non-profit making organization.
Its staff consists of human rights professionals including country experts, lawyers, journalists,
and academics of diverse backgrounds. They usually publish more than dozens of reports in
more than 5 countries having extensive coverage in local and international media. Its primary
objectives are to promote and protect Human Rights and to help the poor and downtrodden in
securing their rights through advocacy, research, legal aid, and financial assistance. PIHRO with
this leverage bring all national organization, institutions, and human rights defenders to press for
change in policy and practice that promote and implement declarations, covenants, protocols,
and communiqués related to Human Rights and justice around the country.
8. Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation
PCHF is trying to build a non-profit children heart hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. They want to
provide free heart surgeries of deserving children will be performed. The number of children
born with heart disease in Pakistan is high. Adequate numbers of trained doctors, quality
facilities, infrastructure and funding are all deficient. As a result, adequate care to people from all
socioeconomic backgrounds is lacking and this leads to heartbreaking problems for children and
their parents.
The thought of having a dedicated pediatric heart center had been discussed among the
professionals related to the field before, but over the years nothing concrete has materialized
from these discussions. The age-old adage that “one man can make a difference” holds true for
this noble idea as well. Farhan Ahmad, an information technology expert, and businessman after
having personally experienced the difficulty in getting access to quality pediatric cardiac care,
decided to make this cause his own. After exhaustive meetings, brainstorming and research the
idea to develop a dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital and Research Institute was formed.
The goal of the project is a noble one as stated in the mission statement: “To establish a state of
the art medical facility that provides the highest quality of care for children with heart disease,
irrespective of their financial means. To act as a model institute for the education and training of
healthcare professionals, and promote research into the causes and management of congenital
heart disease.”
In order to achieve this goal, the first step was to form a company called the Pakistan Children’s
Heart Foundation (PCHF) that was to oversee the development of the hospital project. This not
for profit organization is registered as a Section 42 Co. under the Company Ordinance Act of
1984 and functions under the purview of the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

Which one is the number 1 human rights organization in Pakistan and why:
Human Rights Program
The Carter Center’s Human Rights Program envisions a world where all people have the
freedom to enjoy equally all their human rights so as to reach their full potential and live in
dignity. It advances and protects human rights by supporting individuals and nations striving to
realize the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights and responsibilities enumerated
by the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and a growing body of public international
Supporting and Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Courageous and effective activists working for the rights of others often face great risks in
countries where basic human rights are still ignored. These unsung heroes from countries
worldwide gather at the Human Rights Defenders Forum at The Carter Center to address national
and global issues affecting the enjoyment of human rights. Forum discussions have been led by
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and publicized to call attention to shared concerns. To
continue dialogue, foster collaboration to advance human rights, and to amplify human rights
defenders’ voices, the Human Rights Program built a virtual Forum on Human Rights at The
Carter Center. Through its Human Rights House in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the
Center has developed and supported networks that work in solidarity to swiftly protect defenders
from threats.
Promoting and Protecting Human Rights of Women and Girls
In his book “A Call to Action,” President Carter wrote, "The world’s discrimination and violence
against women and girls is the most serious, pervasive, and ignored violation of basic human
rights." The Human Rights Program advances work that builds on the Carters' legacy, including
on women’s rights and leadership, particularly in peacebuilding and combatting sexual
exploitation. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Human Rights House aims to
strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations focused on improving women’s rights – as
well as the rights of youth – to implement responsive, innovative approaches to promote gender
President Carter has highlighted the power of religion as a factor in whether women enjoy
human rights, including the right to peace, and the program is committed to partnerships that
align religious life with human rights, especially for women and girls. Through its Mobilizing
Faith for Women and Girls Initiative, it engages religious and traditional leaders in Ghana and
Nigeria to help end gender-based discrimination and violence, providing training on human
rights-based approaches and partnering with them on projects to advance the rights of women
and girls.
Advancing Human Rights and Good Governance
All human rights work indivisibly as a whole. The Carter Center concentrates on economic,
social, and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights.
The Human Rights Program’s Extractive Industries Governance Project in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo supports Congolese civil society organizations as they monitor, report,
and advocate for reform of the oil, gas, and minerals industries at the local and national levels in
order to enhance transparency, accountability, and respect for all human rights. To address
human rights and development concerns caused by extractive operations near local communities,
the project supports dialogue to ensure constructive engagement and negotiation between
companies, local governments, and affected communities.
The Human Rights House in the Democratic Republic of the Congo supports youth-focused civil
society organizations that operate Youth Houses in Kinshasa and Goma, where they work to
raise awareness about human rights among youth and promote their participation in public life.

Results and Impact

The Center and President Carter promoted the establishment of the International Criminal Court
and the post of U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, and, in 2006, were instrumental in
reforming the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, now the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Since 2003, regularly held Human Rights Defenders Forums have supported the work of
courageous activists from around the world.
In 2015, the Center launched the virtual platform The Forum on Human Rights at The Carter
Center to promote human rights, connect human rights defenders, and showcase the work of
activists to a worldwide audience, providing them with an opportunity to interact with human
rights experts and expand their knowledge of human rights through the resource library and
In six provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the program established protection
networks that provide holistic, rapid response support to human rights defenders when they are
threatened as a result of their work. These networks have also successfully advocated for
legislative changes, including, in 2019, crucial new protection laws in some provinces for human
rights defenders.
In advance of the 2018 election in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it worked to increase
the capacity of youth-focused civil society organizations and to engage youth by establishing
three Youth Houses in Kinshasa and Goma. Young participants have become leaders in their
communities, implementing their own trainings and raising awareness about important human
rights issues.
For more than 30 years, President and Mrs. Carter have personally supported thousands of
human rights defenders by appealing to heads of state in letters or in private meetings on behalf
of those who are persecuted for their courageous work.
Through the Mobilizing Faith for Women and Girls Initiative, the Center has partnered with
nearly 200 religious and traditional leaders in Ghana and Nigeria to advocate for women’s and
girls’ rights.
The Extractive Industries Governance Project has improved transparency and accountability in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s oil, gas, and minerals industries, most notably through a
2017 investigation of mismanagement at the DRC’s largest state-owned mining company and by
making recommendations for improvements and protections that government officials
incorporated into the 2018 mining code.

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