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S41 assignment

How far do these two sources agree? Explain your answer using the details
of the source

Ans; both source a and b seem to be on the topic of the treaty of Versailles,
Germanys reaction and how harsh it was towards them. Source a mainly
describes the people of Germany objections to the treaty of Versailles and
their complaint had an effect particular by the british and attempts were
made to lessen the burden

Even thought in some sections the treaty was lenient with Germany, but it
was the acknowledgement of defeat for the germans that was detrimental to
them and their national pride. Even later the treaty was the treaty was
lessened. Source A state the peace treaties cannot be blamed but the people
who applied the settlement in the later years , states that a similar
statement , it can be argued that everything went wrong in the 1920 was due
to the actions of the statesmen and leaders of those decades and not the
fault of the treaty of Versailles, this statement from source B alins to some
extent, many aspects of the war were simply vindictive and vengeance by
the allies

2) study source c, how useful is this source about the treaty of Versailles?
Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge.

The picture and the statement of the mother to the child is the author
thoughts on how the treaty of Versailles affected the innocent people who
had nothing to do with the choices of their political leaders. The statement
by the mothers is that the treaty of Versailles and several other incidents
that drove Germany finance into the ground. The treaty of Versailles
reparations sector was heavily impacting Germany. The treaty was drawn

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