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Antihypertensive drugs

martes, 15 de agosto de 2023 23:52

Untreated high blood pressure has been shown in numerous studies to damage blood
vessels, accelerate atherosclerosis, and cause left ventricular hypertrophy. These
abnormalities contribute to ischemic heart disease , stroke , heart failure , and kidney
failure , which are together the most common causes of death worldwide.

Approximately 95% of patients with hypertension are considered to have what is

called primary hypertension, which cannot be attributed to a specific cause. The
remaining 5% have secondary hypertension, which is due to an identifiable cause (eg,
chronic kidney disease or hyperaldosteronism). In some cases it is possible to control
secondary hypertension by medication or surgery.

of relaxation factors such as nitric oxide and prostacyclin, as well as vasoconstriction

factors such as angiotensin II and endothelin 1. Angiotensin II can cause vascular injury
through the activation of growth factors that induce vascular smooth muscle
proliferation and hypertrophy

From a systemic hemodynamic point of view, blood pressure is regulated primarily by

the sympathetic nervous system and the kidneys,
sympathetic stimulation through activation of β1 adrenergic receptors
activation of α 1 adrenergic receptors , the sympathetic nervous system stimulates arteriolar
smooth muscle to contract, resulting in vasoconstriction.

In a proportional increase in the excretion of sodium and water by the kidneys, which

sympathetic stimulation through activation of β1 adrenergic receptors
activation of α 1 adrenergic receptors , the sympathetic nervous system stimulates arteriolar
smooth muscle to contract, resulting in vasoconstriction.

In a proportional increase in the excretion of sodium and water by the kidneys, which
causes the blood volume to decrease and the blood pressure to return to its starting
point . normal.

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