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engli$h evaluation

E. E. "João Ribeiro de Carvalho" - Conceição dos Ouros - MG

Coutse: Ensino Médio Date:
Grade: Roam:

A) Choose the correct answer: b) Use many or Much:

a) How much ? I How many

1) _____ Iuck
1. I need some tea. do you need?
2) ______ fish
(, ) How much () How many
3) ______ forests
2. I need some egg5. do you need?
4) advice
( ) How much () How many ------
5) ______ homework
3. I need some paper. do you need?
6) ______ pens
( ) How much () How many

4. I need some money. do you need? 7) ______ opportunities

8) wood
( ) How much () How many ------
9) ______ ideas
5. cigarette5 do you smoke a day?
( ) How much () How many 10) ______ butter

B) Use muchl many and match the translation

1. Jane hasn't got travei ( _) Quantos ovos a galinha botou?

2. Do you know words in English? ( _) Voce tem muitos amigos no estrangeiro?
3. He didn't eat meat. ( _) Havia muito barulho na rua
4. There isn't butter in the fridge. ( _) Jane não tem tmuito tempo para viajar.
5. How eggs did the hens lay? ( _) Ele não come carne nenhuma
6. Samantha has beautiful friends. ( _) Voce conhece muitas palavras em Inglês?
7. How .lessons do you have on Mondays? ( _) Eu nao posso ver muitas estrelas no céu
8. There was too noise in the streets. ( _) Quantas lições você tem na segunda feira
9. I cannot see stars in the sky tonight. ( _) Samantha tem amigas muito bonitas
10. Do vou have friends abroad? ( ) Não tem muita rnanteiqa na qeladeira

C) Obeserve a charge e assinale a alternativa correta

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01(, I'Uhêlp youhack Oad!s b'og, De acordo com a charge, o garoto: -

butl never want to see another piece .
a) He's sympathetic
of broccoli again - ever.
b) He's agressive/assertive/blackmailer

c) He's generous

d) He is polite with his mother

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