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Data Mining

Lecture # 1
Administrative Stuff

• Instructor: Dr. Maryam Zaffar
Course Objectives

This course aims to provide the students with the key

concepts of applications, techniques, and methodologies of
Data Mining with the primary focus on the classification and
clustering algorithms.
Course Outline
Mining Methodology, Overview of Data Warehousing,
Overview of OLAP, Applications of Data Mining, Data
cleaning and preparation, Concept Description, Association
Rule Mining, Classification, Classification by Back
Propagation, Prediction, Decision Trees, Bayesian
Classification, Classification Accuracy, Regression for
Classification and Prediction, Distributions, Cluster
Course Organization
Text Book:
1. Han, J. and Kamber, M. (2011) Data Mining Concepts and
Techniques, 3rd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
Reference Books:
1. Provost, F. and Fawcett, T. (2013) Data Science for Business:
What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic
thinking, 1st edition, O'Reilly Media.
2. Witten I. H., Frank, E. and Hall, M. A. (2011) Data Mining:
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 3rd Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann.
There will be 4 assignments, 4 quizzes,
Weights: Assignments 10%
Quizzes 15%
Mid Term 25%
Final Exam 50%
Schedule of Lectures
Lect.# Topics/Contents
1 Introduction to data Mining? Data Mining on different kind of Databases. Data
mining functionalities.
2 Data objects and Attribute Types. Some basic Statistical Descriptions of Data;
Mean, Median, Mode, S.D., Variance etc. Data Similarity and Dissimilarity
3 Non-Euclidean Distances for Nominal, Ordinal and Mixed Types attributes.
4 Data Preprocessing techniques; Data cleaning; Data integration
5 Data Integration problems, removing data redundancy using Chi-square and
correlation analysis.
6 Data Reduction; Dimensionality Reduction, Numerosity Reduction Data
Compression, PCA
7 Examples of PCA; Data Normalization.
8 Mining Frequent Patterns, Market basket analysis, frequent itemsets, frequent
pattern mining. mining association rules from frequent itemsets
9 Finding Frequent itemsets, using candidate generation, generating association
rules from frequent itemsets. Brute force algorithm and The Apriori Algorithm.
10 Finding interestingness, strong rules are not necessarily interesting, from
association analysis to correlation analysis.
11 Sessional - I
Schedule of Lectures
Lect.# Topics/Contents
12 Introduction to Classification, Classification by Decision Tree, Decision tree
induction, attribute selection measures
Entropy and Gini measures for tree induction, tree pruning.
Tree pruning, pre and post pruning, scalability
Model Evaluation methods. Introduction to Weka
Conditional Probability and Bayes Theorem
Introduction to Naive Bayes Classifier with examples
18 Rule-based Classification: Using IF-THEN Rules for Classification, Rule
Extraction from a Decision Tree.
19 Rule induction using a sequential covering algorithm. Methods of Rule
20 Introduction to Artificial Neural Network. A Multilayer feed-forward neural
network, backpropagation.
Example of ANN. Revision
Schedule of Lectures
Discussion on S-II. Introduction to clustering, K-Mean clustering
Examples of k-means, k-modes, selecting best k.
Clustering: K-Medoids with examples
Clustering: Introduction to CLARA and CLARANS
27 Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering. Agglomerative Clustering
using Single Link.
28 Agglomerative Clustering using Complete Link, Average Link and
MST. Divisive Algorithms.
Introduction to BIRCH. Clustering Features. CF Tree
30 Major tasks of clustering evaluation, Extrinsic and intrinsic
evaluation methods. Revision
Terminal Exam

Introduction to Data Mining

Motivation: “Necessity is the
Mother of Invention”
 Data Explosion Problem

1. Automated data collection tools (e.g. web, sensor networks) and mature
database technology lead to tremendous amounts of data stored in
databases, data warehouses and other information repositories.

2. Currently enterprises are facing data explosion problem.

3. YouTube users upload 48 hours of video, Facebook users share 684,478 pieces
of content, Instagram users share 3,600 new photos, and Tumblr sees 27,778
new posts published.

A full 90% of world's data generated over last

two years (Date:May 22, 2013, Source:SINTEF)
 Solution: Data warehousing and Data mining
Motivation: “Necessity is the
Mother of Invention”

 Electronic Information an Important Asset for

Business Decisions
1. With the growth of electronic information, enterprises
began to realizing that the accumulated information can
be an important asset in their business decisions.
2. There is a potential business intelligence hidden in the
large volume of data.
3. This intelligence can be the secret weapon on which the
success of a business may depend.
Extracting Business Intelligence
1. It is not a Simple Matter to discover Business Intelligence
from Mountain of Accumulated Data.

2. What is required are Techniques that allow the enterprise to

Extract the Most Valuable Information.

3. The Field of Data Mining provides such Techniques.

4. These techniques can Find Novel Patterns (unknown) that

may Assist an Enterprise in Understanding the business better
and in forecasting.
What Is Data Mining?

 Data mining (knowledge discovery in

 Extraction of interesting (non-trivial, implicit, previously
unknown and potentially useful) information or
patterns from data in large databases

 Alternative names :
 Data mining: a misnomer?
 Knowledge discovery(mining) in databases (KDD),
knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis, data
archeology, business intelligence, etc.
Data Mining (Example)
 Random Guessing vs. Potential Knowledge
 Suppose we have to Forecast the Probability of Rain in Islamabad
city for any particular day.
 Without any Prior Knowledge the probability of rain would be 50%
(pure random guess).
 If we had a lot of weather data, then we can extract potential rules
using Data Mining which can then forecast the chance of rain
better than random guessing.

 Example: The Rule

if [Temperature = ‘hot’ and Humidity = ‘high’] then there is 66.6% chance
Temperature Humidity Windy Rain
of rain. hot high false No
hot high true Yes
hot high false Yes
mild high false No
cool normal false No
cool normal true Yes
Examples: What is (not) Data Mining?

 What is not Data  What is Data Mining?


– Look up phone – Certain names are more prevalent

number in phone in certain US locations (O’Brien,
directory O’Rurke, O’Reilly… in Boston area)
– Group together similar documents
– Query a Web search returned by search engine according
to their context (e.g. Amazon
engine for information
about “Amazon”
Data Mining: A KDD Process
Data mining: the core of
knowledge discovery
process. Pattern Evaluation

Data Mining

Task-relevant Data

Data Warehouse

Data Cleaning

Data Integration

The Data Mining Process
• Step 0: Determine Business Objective/Learning the
application domain
- e.g. Forecasting the probability of rain
- Must have relevant prior knowledge and goals of application.
• Step 1: Creating a Target Data set/Prepare Data
- Data Selection
- Data Cleaning; Noisy and Missing values handling (may take 60% of
the effort!).
- Data Transformation (Normalization/Discretization).
- Attribute/Feature Selection.
• Step 2: Choosing the Function of Data Mining
- Classification, Clustering, Regression, Association Rules
• Step 3: Choosing The Mining Algorithm
- Selection of correct algorithm depending upon the quality of data.
- Selection of correct algorithm depending upon the density of data.
Step 4: Data Mining
- Search for patterns of interest:- A typical data mining algorithm can
mine millions of patterns.
• Step 5: Visualization/Knowledge Representation
- Visualization/Representation of interesting patterns, etc . and then
Use of discovered knowledge 17
Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Increasing potential
to support
business decisions End User

Data Presentation Analyst
Visualization Techniques
Data Mining Data
Information Discovery Analyst

Data Exploration
Statistical Analysis, Querying and Reporting
Data Warehouses / Data Marts
Data Sources
Paper, Files, Information Providers, Database Systems, OLTP
Data Mining: On What Kind of Data?
1. Relational databases
2. Data warehouses
3. Transactional databases
4. Advanced DB and information repositories
 Time-series data and temporal data
 Text databases
 Multimedia databases
 Data Stream (Sensor Networks Data)
Data Mining: Confluence of Multiple


Data Mining Visualization

Information Other
Science Disciplines
Data Mining vs SQL, EIS, and OLAP
• SQL. SQL is a query language, difficult for business people
to use
• EIS = Executive Information Systems. EIS systems
provide graphical interfaces that give executives a pre-
programmed (and therefore limited) selection of reports,
automatically generating the necessary SQL for each.
• OLAP allows views along multiple dimensions, and drill-
drown, therefore giving access to a vast array of analyses.
However, it requires manual navigation through scores of
reports, requiring the user to notice interesting patterns
• Data Mining picks out interesting patterns. The user
can then use visualization tools to investigate further.
An Example of OLAP Analysis and its
Walking Sticks Sales by City
• What is driving sales of walking sticks ? Step 1
• Step 1: View some OLAP graphs: Karachi
e.g. walking stick sales by city. Lahore
• Step 2: Noticing that Islamabad has high sales
you decide to investigate further. Walking Sticks Sales in
Islamabad by Age
• (Before OLAP, you would have to have written a 10 30 Step 2
very complex SQL query instead of just simply
clicking to drill-down).
• It seems that old people are responsible for most Less than 20

walking stick sales. 20 to 60

You confirm this by viewing a chart of age 360 Older than 60

distributions by city. Age Distribution by City

• But imagine if you had to do this 80

60 Younger than 20
manual investigation for all of the 40 20 to 60

10,000 products in your range ! 20 Older than 60

Here, OLAP gives way to Data Mining.

Karachi Lahore Islamabad

Data Mining vs Expert Systems
• Expert Systems = Rule-Driven Deduction
Top-down: From known rules (expertise) and data to
decisions. (To be dealt with in Part 2 of this course)
Rules Decisions
Data System

• Data Mining = Data-Driven Induction

Bottom-up: From data about past decisions to
discovered rules (general rules induced from the data).

Data Data Rules

(including past decisions) Mining

Difference b/w Machine Learning and
Data Mining
 Machine Learning techniques are designed to deal with a
limited amount of artificial intelligence data. Where the Data
Mining Techniques deal with large amount of databases data.

 Data Mining (Knowledge Discovery in Databases)

 Extraction of interesting (non-trivial, implicit, previously
unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns from
data in large databases.
 What is not Data Mining?
 (Deductive) query processing.
 Expert systems or small ML/statistical programs
Data Mining Functionalities (1)

Data Preprocessing
 Handling Missing and Noisy Data (Data Cleaning).
 Techniques we will cover.
 Missing values Imputation using Mean, Median and Mod.
 Missing values Imputation using K-Nearest Neighbor.
 Missing values Imputation using Association Rules Mining.
 Missing values Imputation using Fault-Tolerant Patterns.
 Data Binning for Noisy
Refund Country Taxable Income Cheat
1 Yes USA 125K No
2 UK 100K No
3 No Australia 70K No
4 120K No
5 No NZL 95K Yes
Data Mining Functionalities (1)
 Data Preprocessing
 Data Transformation (Discretization and Normalization).
 With the help of data transformation rules become more General and
 General and Compact rules increase the Accuracy of Classification.
Age Age
15 Child
18 Child
Child = (0 to 20)
40 Young
33 Young = (21 to 47) Young
55 Old = (48 to 120) Old
48 Old
12 Child
23 Young

1. If attribute 1 = value1 & attribute 2 = value2 and Age = 08

then Buy_Computer = No.
1. If attribute 1 = value1 &
2. If attribute 1 = value1 & attribute 2 = value2 and Age = 09 attribute 2 = value2 and
then Buy_Computer = No. Age = Child then
Buy_Computer = No.
3. If attribute 1 = value1 & attribute 2 = value2 and Age = 10
then Buy_Computer = No.
Data Mining Functionalities (1)
 Data Preprocessing
 Attribute Selection/Feature Selection
 Selection of those attributes which are more relevant to data
mining task.
 Advantage1: Decrease the processing time of mining task.
 Advantage2: Generalize the rules.
 Example
 If our mining goal is to find that countries which has more Cheat
on which Taxable Income.
 Then obviously the date attribute will not be an important factor in
our mining task. Date Refund Country Taxable Income Cheat

11/02/2002 Yes USA 125K No

13/02/2002 Yes UK 100K No
16/02/2002 No Australia 120K Yes
21/03/2002 No Australia 120K Yes
26/02/2002 No NZL 95K Yes
Data Mining Functionalities (1)

 Data Preprocessing
 We will cover two Attribute/Feature Selection
 Principle Component Analysis
 Wrapper Based
 Filter Based
Data Mining Functionalities (2)
 Association Rule Mining
 In Association Rule Mining Framework we have to find all the rules
in a transactional/relational dataset which contain a support
(frequency) Greater than some minimum support (min_sup)
threshold (provided by the user).

 For example with min_sup = 50%.

Transaction ID Items Bought
2000 Bread,Butter,Egg
1000 Bread,Butter, Egg
4000 Bread,Butter, Tea
5000 Butter, Ice cream, Cake

Itemset Support
{Butter} 4
{Bread} 3
{Egg} 2
{Bread,Butter} 3
{Bread, Butter, Egg} 2
Data Mining Functionalities (2)
Association Rule Mining
 Topic we will cover
 Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithms (Apriori, FP-Growth, Bit-
vector ).
 Fault-Tolerant/Approximate Frequent Itemset Mining.
 N-Most Interesting Frequent Itemset Mining.
 Closed and Maximal Frequent Itemset Mining.
 Incremental Frequent Itemset Mining
 Sequential Patterns.
 Projects
 Mining Fault-Tolerant Using Pattern-Growth.
 Application of Fault-Tolerant Frequent Pattern is Missing values
Imputation (Course Project).
Data Mining Functionalities (2)
 Classification and Prediction
 Finding models (functions) that describe and distinguish classes or
concepts for future prediction
 Example: Classify rainy/un-rainy cities based on Temperature,
Humidify and Windy Attributes.
 Must have known the previous business decisions (Supervised
City Temperature Humidity Windy Rain
Lahore hot low false No
Islamabad hot high true Yes Rule
Islamabad hot high false Yes • If Temperature = Hot &
Multan mild low false No Humidity = High then
Karachi cool normal false No
Rain = Yes.
Rawalpindi hot high trueCity YesTemperature Humidity Windy Rain
Muree hot high false ?
Sibi mild low true ?

Prediction of
unknown record
Data Mining Functionalities (2)
 Cluster Analysis
 Group data to form new classes based on un-labels class data.
 Business decisions are unknown (Also called unsupervised Learning).
 Example: Classify rainy/un-rainy cities based on Temperature, Humidify
and Windy Attributes.
City Temperature Humidity Windy Rain 3 clusters
Lahore hot low false ?
Islamabad hot high true ?
Islamabad hot high false ?
Multan mild low false ?
Karachi cool normal false ?
Rawalpindi hot high true ?
Data Mining Functionalities (3)
 Outlier Analysis
 Outlier: A data object that does not comply with the general
behavior of the data.

 It can be considered as noise or exception but is quite useful in

fraud detection, rare events analysis
City Temperature Humidity Windy Rain 2 outliers
Lahore hot low false ?
Islamabad hot high true ?
Islamabad hot high false ?
Multan mild low false ?
Karachi cool normal false ?
Rawalpindi hot high true ?
Are All the “Discovered” Patterns
 A data mining system/query may generate
thousands of patterns, not all of them are interesting.
Suggested approach: Query-based, Constraint
 Interestingness Measures: A pattern is interesting if it
is easily understood by humans, valid on new or test
data with some degree of certainty, potentially
useful, novel, or validates some hypothesis that a
user seeks to confirm
Can We Find All and Only Interesting
 Find all the interesting patterns: Completeness
 Can a data mining system find all the interesting patterns?
 Remember most of the problems in Data Mining are NP-
 There is no global best solution for any single problem.
 Search for only interesting patterns: Optimization
 Can a data mining system find only the interesting patterns?
 Approaches
 First generate all the patterns and then filter out the uninteresting
 Generate only the interesting patterns—Constraint based mining
(Give threshold factors in mining)
Reading Assignment

Book Chapter
Chapter 1 of “Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber”
book “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”.
Data Mining ------- Where?
Some Nice Resources
 ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (SIGKDD)

 Knowledge Discovery Nuggets

 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering –

 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine

Intelligence –

 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - Publisher: Springer

Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic
Publishers B.V.
5810/. current and previous offerings of Data Mining course
at Stanford, CMU, MIT and Helsinki.
Text and Reference Material
 The course will be mainly based on research
literature, following text may however be consulted:
1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. “Data Mining:
Concepts and Techniques”, 3rd Ed.
2. Provost, F. and Fawcett, T. (2013) Data Science for Business:
What you need to know about data mining and data-
analytic thinking, 1st edition, O'Reilly Media.
3. Witten I. H., Frank, E. and Hall, M. A. (2011) Data Mining:
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques,
3rd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
4. David Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth.
“Principles of Data Mining”. Pub. Prentice Hall of India,
5. Usama M. Fayyad et al. “Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining”, The MIT Press, 1996.

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