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Should be pretty obvious, place your files in whichever folder you need them to be

in. You must press Rescan Custom Content if you change any files while the game is
already running for the changes to be seen.

If you have a video background set, it will override any image background you have
set. If a song folder has a video inside it (they must be named 'video') that will
override both image and video backgrounds.

Image backgrounds and highways can either be JPG or PNG files.

To choose a highway, press Start to enter the profile options and scroll down to
the Highway setting and choose it there.
To choose backgrounds, go into the Custom Content menu in the Settings menu.

On Windows, video backgrounds can be MP4, AVI, WEBM, VP8, OGV, and MPEG format.
On Mac, video backgrounds can be MP4, WEBM, VP8, OGV, and MPEG format.
On Linux, video backgrounds can be WEBM, VP8, and OGV (low format amount is a Linux
thing I think, nothing I can really do about it right now)

If you are distributing videos with charts as a charter we recommend sticking to

vp8 web video files for best cross platform support.

Older hardware may not be able to play videos at all, which is a hardware problem
and not a problem with Unity or CH. If videos just don't work, then that is
probably why. Please remove all videos if this is the case, as Unity will
constantly write errors every frame to an internal log and may slow down

*Note* For mac users please disregard this folder or move it to

`~/Library/Application Support/com.srylain.CloneHero` with the songs folder

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