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Jaely Null


Hello there, my name is Jaely Null, and this is my personal narrative.

There have been a lot of things in my life that have helped shape me into the

person I am today. I’ve had both good and bad experiences, and each one of them

has taught me something different. I’ll start out with giving a little backstory

about myself!

I was born on December 12, 2003 in a hospital, I was born early and was at very

high risk of not making it. I also had a twin sister come into the world that very

same day. We both had to stay in the hospital for several months due to our weak

immune systems.

While I was a baby and can’t remember those times, my mother often tells me the

story of how scared she was of losing my sister and I and the story always makes

me appreciate being alive.

The doctors weren’t sure if my sister and I would even make it past birth, but here

I am today, having made it to almost 20 years old! The situation has made me

truly believe in miracles.

Along with my twin sister, I also have three other siblings, three older brothers.

Two of them live very close to me and I see them all the time, but one lives far

away. I don’t get to see him much because he’s so busy, but each time he comes

over I cherish our time together.

My home life has always been good, my mom and dad were both around while I

was growing up and me and my sister became inseparable. There are times where
me and my sister had small fights, but we always came together in the end. Going

through my life would be hard without her.

Now that you know a little bit about my backstory, let me move onto some

situations that have happened in my life that have helped shape me into who I am

today. I’ll start with some of the good experiences I’ve had.

One situation that comes to mind when I think about the good times in my life

was something that happened recently. I got my very first job working at walmart,

I was super excited, and although my first day made me really nervous, I was

super happy I was moving up in the world of adulthood.

My very first day ended up going great, and I was proud of myself for taking the

responsibility on of having a job and the expectations that came with it.

My time working was hard at first, I was super overwhelmed with all the

responsibilities my boss and work colleagues had for me, but eventually, as the

days passed, the job got easier. Working at my first job had it’s ups and downs, I

went from being stressed out, to handling myself pretty well. Each day was

different and depending on how busy I was determined how well my day went. I

think those things are typical for jobs though, you never really know what each

day is going to bring you.

I would say my overall experience working for the first time was good, I did focus

most of my time on my job though, so somedays it felt like I didn’t have much

else to do. I enjoyed the money, and it helped me work on my social skills, I’ve

never been an introvert, per say, but I’m also not someone to just walk up to a
stranger either. Working helped me learn to communicate with others and the

experience taught me some great teamwork skills!

I want to become a vet once I’m ready, so I felt the experience gave me a good

idea of what the working field is like. My coworkers were what made each of my

shifts so great, I made so many good memories with them, and I wouldn’t trade

them for the world. My coworkers made my work experience fun and less

stressful, it really helped me understand the value of good friendships and I now

understand how to tell the good people from the bad ones.

Now, let me tell you about a bad experience that happened. My father had a bad

motorcycle wreck a few years ago, he was in critical conditon for several months

and there were several times the doctors didn’t think he was going to make it.

During this time, my sister and I weren’t allowed to be in the state the hospital our

father was staying in was located, we had to stay with our grandparents.

It was super hard for me to be so far away from my mom and dad, there were

nights when I couldn’t sleep and I worried myself sick over it for months until I

heard good news. I felt hopeless and lost some days and other days I did my best

to remain positive. I also had to learn to put myself aside and be there for my

sister, she had a rougher time than I did.

Eventually though, things turned around and he came home! He had been

improved every day since the wreck, and the whole thing taught me to remain

hopeful and determined.

All situations, whether good or bad help make us who we are. They help us learn

valuable lessons about life, and they determine our future. I’m thankful for every

experience I’ve had thus far, even the bad ones. There is not a day that goes by

that I’m not discovering something new about myself.

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