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Speaking Project (script)

Self-Study Activity Final Project Script (Moodle week


Title: Talk Show

USB English 6 (3-4 hrs.)
Students’ names: Julian Tumbajoi, Steven Rico Flores y Luisa Mites

▪ Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your script.
▪ Write what you are going to say in each section of the script.
▪ Be sure to follow the structures and recommendations listed below.
▪ Be sure to use simple language. The use of complex vocabulary or grammar structures we have
NOT learned during the semester are not necessary. Rely on the content you have learned and
what is most comfortable for you to express.
▪ You do not have to produce long and heavy descriptions. Be coherent and concise.
▪ Make careful use of dictionary tools (

Say hello using a common expression. ● E1: Hello, my name is Julian.
● E2: Hello, my name is Luisa
Introduce yourself (mention your full ● Hello, welcome to the viewers in our
WOSS program, today we have a new
name and role in the presentation) and
special guest that comes from far
what you are going to talk about. away.
● Z: Hello, I am Zubin pratap, a pleasure
to be able to accompany you.

Introduction ● E1: Welcome Zubin, it's a pleasure to
have you here.
Welcome viewers to your talk show. ● z: Thank you very much for the
Introduce yourself as the host and invitation!
introduce your guest(s). ● E2: how are you today?
● Z: Very good, very good.

Body ● E1: What do you currently do?

● Z: I'm an engineer.
Introduce your guest(s) by asking and ● E2: For how many years have you
answering questions about: been an engineer?
● Z: For more than 6 years
▪ Basic biography about the ● E1: Hey!, but they told us that you had
person: name, nationality, age, been a lawyer, is that true?
profession, background, ● Z: The truth is, for more than 12 years
influences, etc. I have practiced my career, in fact I
loved her.
▪ Professional contribution (social ● E2: And what do you currently do?
work, philanthropy, influence, ● Z: I'm a software engineer at Google
etc.) to your professional field. ● E1: incredible, incredible.
● E2: Currently you look very young,
Next, open a space for discussion in how old are you?
which together you must: ● Z: hahaha maybe, I'm 53 years old
● E1: and where do you live?
● Z: In the United States, San Francisco,
it's close to work
● E1: What do you feel with what you
are doing today?
● Z: Programming was almost magic to
me (“writing text and making
machines follow your commands is
something with unlimited power”), but
it didn't look as smart and
mathematical as the programmers.
● E2: Could you tell us how your process
has been?
● Z: I inadvertently reinforced that myth
for myself: I tried to learn to code three
times. In 2014, in 2015, and in 2017.
And all three times I quit because I
tried to jump too high, set myself up
for failure, and then assumed I wasn't
smart enough (when actually, I had
tried to run before I learned to walk).
● E1: and how was it finally?
● Eventually, he found a mentor who
helped him learn to code and he left a
"successful legal" career to "become a
beginner again."
● E2: What is the most important thing
 Identify or create a recurring that these achievements have given
problem, issue or concern within you?
your profession. ● Z: In my opinion, instead of looking
at how difficult the goal is, we should
 Together you must discuss a
focus on the learning process and
solution to the problem. always keep learning new tools,
techniques, practices, languages,
Helpful Grammar: frameworks, etc...
● E1: What was it that made you known
 Present Perfect / Present Perfect in your fields of study?
Progressive (for, since): to express ● z: That I managed to create an
influences, consequences, application that helps lawyers
observations, etc. from the past up streamlining the judicial system,
to the present time. which serves to identify and distribute
 Used to / Would: to describe the cases that occur in a city in an
past habits and routines. equal manner so as not to overload
 Comparative and Superlative some judges.
Adjectives; Equivalents: to ● E2: and what is the name of the
make comparisons application?
● Z: The app is called "Don't overload
 Modal verbs: to express advice,
yourself anymore."
suggestions, obligations,
permission, abilities or
 The First or Second Conditional:
to describe possible solutions and
outcomes to the problem
 Conjunctions and Relative
Pronouns: to connect ideas
 Future Tenses (will; be going
to; present progressive): to talk
about future actions.
 Other grammar: Phrasal Verbs;
Adverbs; Would rather/prefer;
Questions with how; WH-
JConclusion ● E2: Awesome to have had Zubin
Pratap today, a corporate lawyer who
End your discussion by highlighting or taught himself to code using
expressing your final thoughts on what and other learning
you discussed. resources.
● E1: and incidentally a Zubin who
develops software in Melbourne,
Australia, a hackathon lover and
competitor in the first freeCodeCamp
hackathon at GitHub HQ last
Farewell ● Z: It has been a great pleasure doing
this interview, I hope you can reinforce
your goals and meet them.
Say goodbye to your guest(s) and to ● E1: To you for being here, thank you
the viewers in the classroom. very much.
● E2: Don't forget our viewers that
tomorrow we will have a new
● E1E2: Bye, bye

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