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Fashion Instagram Stories


Before opening this project please download free fonts:

Project Overview:

Choose the story you want to edit from the All Stories composition. Double click
to open it.
Each Story includes several text layers, placeholders and a control layer.

Edit Placeholders:

Import all media files that you would like to use into the template. Click
The next step is to insert your media in each placeholder of the story.

Simply drag your image or video from the Project Panel into the Timeline. Don’t
forget to resize your media according to the composition size (press “S”). Repeat
this step with each placeholder of the story.

Edit Text:

Open up the text composition and double click on the text layer to start editing it.
Control Layer:

Click on the Control layer and make all necessary changes in the Effect Control

Now we are ready to render this composition. Choose Story composition and
render it.

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoy this template.

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