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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Competencia Comunicativa en Inglés

Lic. Maximiliano Garza Cantú

Evidencia 2. Resumen de tipos textuales.


Adriana Aracely Cruz Pérez Rosa María Ovalle Casillas

Matrícula 1654273 Matrícula 1654280

Grupo G04

Monterrey, N. L., a 21 de mayo 2023

Textual types

Descriptive text
This is based on the definition of something, be it a person, an object, a situation or
any other type.
In this type of text, emphasis is placed on definition and detail, since it seeks a
vision of what is described that is as appropriate as possible to reality.
Descriptive text is one of the kinds of text that is not only useful for describing
something tangible, it is also used for something intangible, such as a situation, a
sound, etc. It can even be used for a sensation, for example, the answer to the
question how are you?
Obviously, the text can be very profound, and the more it is, the more accurate and
truthful it is. Within this we can distinguish between technical and literary. The
former focuses on data, the latter is more personal.
Descriptive text of a type of plant: cacti
Cacti are plants of the succulent family. They are native to America, but are also
found in Africa. Inside, they contain a large flow of aloe vera as a liquid reserve,
since they are plants found in desert climates.
Cacti have attractive, solitary and hermaphroditic flowers, that is, unisexual. Its size
varies according to each species. Thus, you can find large cacti (more than 2
meters) and also small (a few centimeters).

Narrative text
The second most important text is the narrative, which is based on the explanation
of facts, whether fictitious or real, always established in a given space and time.
In this case, the narrative can encompass everything from landscapes to
descriptions of people, situations, facts, plots, etc. In addition, they can use very
different formulas to narrate, although mainly verse and prose are used.
In general, this type of texts consists of three different parts, which are the
approach, the knot and the outcome:
Approach: it is the beginning of the text where the story is located and the
characters and conflicts are presented.
Knot: the main trunk of the story where the narrative and situations unfold, raising
main questions for the text.
Outcome: it is the end, where all the plots are solved reaching the climax or high
point to discover the unknowns and establish the conclusions.
Narrative text of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (children's novel)
Charlie rushed in through the front door, shouting, "Mom! Mum! Mum! Mrs. Bucket
was in the grandparents' room, serving them the soup for dinner. "Mom! Charlie
shouted, coming in like a waterspout, "Look! I got it! Look, Mom, look! The ultimate
Golden Ticket! It's mine! I found a coin in the street and bought two chocolate bars
and the second one had the Golden Ticket on it and there were lots of people
around me who wanted to see it and the shopkeeper rescued me and I have come
running home and here I am! IT'S THE FIFTH GOLDEN TICKET, MAMA, AND
Mrs. Bucket stood dumb, staring at him, and the four grandparents, who were
sitting on the bed swinging bowls of soup on their knees, slammed their spoons
and stood motionless against the pillows. For about ten seconds there was
absolute silence in the room. No one dared to move or speak. It was a magical
Argumentative text
It is a text whose purpose is to reject or defend an idea, a project or a thought.  Its
objective is to convince the reader that the stipulated arguments are valid and
agree with the writer. In terms of structure, there is introduction and body.
Political speech delivered by Raúl Alfonsín at the assumption of the
Presidency of the Argentine Nation, December 10, 1983.
Political speeches try to convince voters of a point of view linked to the economic,
social or political situation of the country, and appeal to both rational arguments
and emotional elements. For example:
The will of the people, through their representatives, is present today in this august
place to testify that a new stage of our national life is beginning at this
moment. [...] We are going to live in freedom. Of that, there is no doubt. Nor should
there be any doubt that this freedom will serve to build, to create, to produce, to
work, to claim Justice – all justice, that of common laws and that of social laws – to
sustain ideas, to organize in defense of the interests and legitimate rights of the
whole people and of each sector in particular. [...] Democracy is an even higher
value than that of a mere form of legitimacy of power, because with democracy you
not only vote, but also eat, educate and heal.

Expository text
It is used to present or clarify meanings, so that it is reported objectively without a
clear subjective point of view. There are two types, informative, with topics of
general interest for those who read, and technical, with very specific knowledge on
a topic.
The Temple of Zeus at Olympia
Between 468 and 460 BC. C. rises in honor of Zeus one of the most important
temples of the classical era. Libón de Elis, the architect, places on the plain of the
Altis a hexastyle building of Doric order in which he used a system of ideal
proportions. The materials used in its construction were mainly limestone and
marble from Paros.
Its pediments recreate mythological scenes related to the origin of sports
competitions: in the eastern pediment the chariot race between Pelops and
Oenomaus; In the western pediment the battle between Lapiths and Centaurs.
The metopes, which adorn the anterior and posterior chambers, are sculpted in
relief and represent the 12 labors of Heracles.
The sculptural work offers a contrast between dynamism and rest; The
architectural shows the monumentality in the dimensions and perfection of the
Doric style.
Literary text
These are types of texts of great literary aesthetics, which is why they are
considered works of art. They stand out for the use of a metaphorical language, full
of emotion and expressiveness. Some examples of literary texts are short stories,
poems, short stories and certain essays.
In addition, a literary text can narrate real or purely fantastic events, through
unconventional forms of writing with the aim of embellishing the message. The
purpose of this typology is to move the reader or trap him in the story.  It also seeks
to make him reflect or even transmit some vital teaching.
"The Miser", by Molière (theatrical comedy, fragment)
VALERIO: How, dear Elisa, you feel melancholy after the kind assurances you
have kindly given me about your happiness! I see you sigh, alas, in the midst of my
joy. Do you regret, tell me, that you have made me happy? And do you regret this
promise, to which my passion has been able to compel you?
ELISA: No, Valerio; I can't regret everything I do for you. I am moved to it by a
power too sweet, and I do not even have the strength to wish that things did not
happen like this. But, to tell you the truth, the good end causes me uneasiness,
and I greatly fear to love you more than I should.
VALERIO: Huh! What can you fear, Elisa, of the kindnesses you have had with
ELISA: Ah! A hundred things at once; the outburst of a father, the reproaches of a
family, the censures of the world; but more than anything, Valerius, the change of
your heart and that criminal coldness with which those of your sex pay more often
than not the too ardent testimonies of an innocent love.

Journalistic text
In the past it was associated with an informative function, so that I had to relate a
fact as it was with total objectivity. Texts written as news and that offered objective
information. But today there are also other types, such as the opinion column or
entertainment. It can be used both in written and oral medium and focuses on the
present, using understandable and close language free of technicalities that the
reader cannot understand.
U.S.-Mexico border: the images that illustrate the "breaking point" that the
migrant crisis has reached.
With serious and concentrated countenances, men, women and children did not
lose sight of the cameras that focused on them.
Dozens of Central American migrants held in El Paso, Texas, waiting for their
asylum claims to be reviewed before entering the United States, crowded over the
metal fence that separated them from the group of journalists who approached
It happened on Wednesday, shortly after the press conference in which
Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, the most responsible position of the US
Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said that the border between
his country and Mexico reached a "breaking point".
McAleenan attributed the incident to an "unprecedented" increase in the number of
migrants crossing illegally.


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