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FEMS Microbiology Letters 171 (1999) 1^9


Biocontrol of plant disease: a (Gram-) positive perspective

Elizabeth A.B. Emmert , Jo Handelsman a; *
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA

Received 2 October 1998; received in revised form 19 November 1998; accepted 19 November 1998


Biological control offers an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of pesticides for controlling plant diseases.
Unfortunately, growers continue to use chemical control over biological agents, and lack of knowledge often contributes to the
downfall of a biocontrol agent. Knowledge of the biological environment in which the agent will be used and of how to produce
a stable formulation are both critical to successful biocontrol. Certain Gram-positive bacteria have a natural formulation
advantage over their Gram-negative counterparts: the spore. Although the Gram-positive bacteria have not been as well
represented in the biocontrol literature, their spore-forming abilities and historical industrial uses bode well for biocontrol
success. Here we describe several systems utilizing Gram-positive biocontrol agents that have been researched in depth and
provide models for the future of biocontrol. z 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Biological control; Gram-positive bacteria; Formulation ; Bacillus cereus ; Streptomyces

1. Introduction for new methods to supplement existing disease con-

trol strategies to achieve better disease control.
Control of plant disease is a pressing need for Moreover, alternatives to many of the synthetic pes-
agriculture in the 21st century. The increasing de- ticides currently in use are needed. Many of the syn-
mand for a steady, healthy food supply by a bur- thetic chemicals may lose their usefulness due to re-
geoning human population will require controlling vised safety regulations [2^4], concern over non-
diseases that reduce crop yield. Furthermore, in- target e¡ects [5^8], or development of resistance in
creased pressure for food production will intensify pathogen populations [9]. Thus, there is a need for
the demands on agricultural production systems, new solutions to plant disease problems that provide
which in turn, may increase disease pressure on e¡ective control while minimizing negative conse-
crop plants. Current practices for controlling plant quences for human health and the environment
disease are based largely on genetic resistance in the [4,10].
host plant, management of the plant and its environ- Biological control, using microorganisms to sup-
ment, and synthetic pesticides [1]. There is a demand press plant disease, o¡ers a powerful alternative to
the use of synthetic chemicals. The rich diversity of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (608) 263-8783; the microbial world provides a seemingly endless re-
Fax: (608) 262-8643; E-mail: source for this purpose. Increasing the abundance of

0378-1097 / 99 / $19.00 ß 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 1 0 9 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 5 7 0 - 9

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a particular strain in the vicinity of a plant can sup- dry ice until application. There is a substantial base
press disease without producing lasting e¡ects on the of industrial experience with Bacillus and Streptomy-
rest of the microbial community or other organisms ces spp., which have been used for insect biocontrol,
in the ecosystem [4,11^13]. Biological control is also industrial enzyme production, and antibiotic produc-
likely to be more robust than disease control that is tion for many decades. This experience can be ap-
based on synthetic chemicals. The complexity of the plied to the use of members of these same genera for
organismal interactions, the involvement of numer- biocontrol to overcome current obstacles to fermen-
ous mechanisms of disease suppression by a single tation, formulation, and storage. Some of these or-
microorganism, and the adaptedness of most biocon- ganisms have been the subject of intense study at the
trol agents to the environment in which they are used genetic and biochemical level, providing a basis for
all contribute to the belief that biocontrol will be study of them as biological control agents. More-
more durable than synthetic chemicals [3,4,14]. over, a few biological control systems involving
Despite its appeal and potential, biological control Gram-positive bacteria have been studied intensively
has not made the transition from research plots to in the ¢eld and laboratory, providing a base of
farmers' ¢elds very e¡ectively. Quite a few biocontrol knowledge that can be used to develop the bacteria
agents are currently on the market (see into e¡ective products and to identify potential sour-, [15]). However, success ces of failure.
with biocontrol agents is often unpredictable and too The Gram-positive bacteria have received less at-
variable for large-scale use. There are many reasons tention than the £uorescent pseudomonads in the
for this, but two common themes are a lack of literature on biocontrol, in part, because the Gram-
knowledge of the biological control system and di¤- positive organisms have been less tractable for genet-
culty in obtaining a successful formulation. To de- ic study and less is known about the mechanisms by
termine why biocontrol fails, there must be an which they suppress disease [17]. However, their e¤-
understanding of the biocontrol agent and its inter- cacy is striking. Many surveys of soil bacteria have
actions with the pathogen, the plant, the microbial identi¢ed strains of Streptomyces and Bacillus as po-
community, and the environment. Unfortunately, tential biocontrol agents [18^21].
few systems have been studied in detail, and until In this minireview, we seek to highlight the Gram-
detailed studies of the whole system are undertaken, positive organisms that have potential in biocontrol.
we are unlikely to have su¤cient insight to avoid We provide examples of Gram-positive bacteria that
failures and reduce variability. Many biocontrol illustrate certain principles and research approaches.
agents are di¤cult to formulate as products. A num- For a more comprehensive treatment of biocontrol,
ber of organisms have been successful in research please see one of the recent reviews on the topic
plots, but scaling up production, providing e¡ective [17,22].
formulation, and producing a stable, inexpensive
product has caused them to languish as research
marvels that do not reach the marketplace [14]. 2. Bacillus subtilis GB03: story of ¢eld success
The sporulating Gram-positive bacteria o¡er bio-
logical solutions to the formulation problems that It is probably not a coincidence that among the
have plagued biocontrol. In contrast, successful, via- ¢rst successful biopesticides for control of insects
ble formulations of £uorescent pseudomonads re- and pathogens were members of the genus Bacillus.
main a major obstacle for their large-scale use [16]. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) accounts for over 90% of
Sporulating Gram-positive microorganisms, such as all marketed bio-insecticides and represents a world-
Bacillus and Streptomyces, o¡er heat- and desicca- wide market of $110 000 000 annually for control of
tion-resistant spores, which can be formulated read- insects [23]. Bt has been a successful market item for
ily into stable products. These spore products can be over 25 years [24]. A relative newcomer to the mar-
formulated as a dry powder, while Gram-negative ket, Kodiak, is a strain of Bacillus subtilis that is
microorganisms, like Pseudomonas syringae, are for- highly e¡ective for crop protection from the patho-
mulated as frozen cell pellets that must be kept on gens Fusarium and Rhizoctonia, as well as in stimu-

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lating plant growth [25,26]. Use of Kodiak has been damping o¡ consistently [27]. B. cereus UW85 has
steadily increasing across the US, and it was used on since proven a reliable biocontrol agent of Phytoph-
2 million hectares of crops in 1994 [26]. The success thora damping o¡ and root rot of soybeans under
of these organisms is certainly due, in part, to the diverse ¢eld conditions in the upper midwest US [13].
ease of formulation and storage of the products. The UW85 has been extensively ¢eld-tested and is cur-
Gram-positive spore o¡ers a product formulation rently in review by the US Environmental Protection
that has been selected over billions of years of evo- Agency for registration as a seed treatment for soy-
lution for its robustness and durability. Increased beans. Performance of UW85 has not been reliable
intensity in research on the Gram-positive bacteria in the southern soybean-growing regions (Osburn
associated with plants will provide the potential for a and Smith, personal communication) and it has
suite of products that may vary in their biological been variable on alfalfa (E. Kazmar, personal com-
target while sharing a unique formulation. munication). Therefore, research has focused on
the basis for disease control, interaction of UW85
with the plant, and the impact of UW85 on the mi-
3. Bacillus cereus UW85: story of a system crobial community in which it must function. The
goal of such research is to determine sources of var-
3.1. Field performance iability in control and develop strategies to improve
A system that has been examined at many biolog-
ical levels ^ from the molecular to the community 3.2. Interaction with the pathogen
interactions ^ is Bacillus cereus UW85 (Fig. 1). The
bacterium was initially identi¢ed in a collection of B. cereus UW85 suppresses disease in the labora-
rhizosphere isolates as one that suppressed alfalfa tory by preventing normal development and infec-

Fig. 1. A working model for biological interactions in the Bacillus cereus biocontrol system. We have observed all of these interactions,
but we have not determined that all of them play a role in biocontrol. Current research in our laboratory is addressing the role of these
interactions in biocontrol.

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tion by oomycete pathogens [28]. The bacterium pro- 3.4. Interaction with the host plant
duces two antibiotics, zwittermicin A and kanos-
amine, which contribute to biocontrol of alfalfa The interaction of B. cereus with the host plant
damping o¡. Kanosamine is an aminoglycoside, has revealed some promising avenues for improving
and zwittermicin A is an aminopolyol, which is a biocontrol. In a study of the impact of plant exu-
novel class of antibiotic [29]. The puri¢ed antibiotics dates on antibiotic production by UW85, the alfalfa
directly inhibit growth and development of the seed was found to release a potent inhibitor of
pathogen and suppress disease, and mutants lacking growth of UW85 [33]. The inhibition is due to can-
the antibiotics are reduced in disease suppressiveness avanine, which is a well-known constituent of le-
[28]. Together these data provide strong evidence gume seeds. Canavanine-resistant mutants of
that the antibiotics contribute to disease suppression UW85 achieved larger populations surrounding al-
in the laboratory; experiments are needed to deter- falfa seeds than the canavanine-sensitive parent,
mine their role in the ¢eld. In addition to antibiotic but populations on the seed surface were not a¡ected
production, B. cereus modi¢es the ionic composition by canavanine [34]. These data suggest that large
of the medium in which it grows. It raises the pH, spermosphere populations are not necessary to
sequesters calcium, and excretes ammonia. This com- achieve successful biocontrol in this system, and
bination is highly toxic to zoospores of oomycete they highlight the need to consider seed chemistry
pathogens, causing rapid swelling of the expulsion when designing formulations for biocontrol. In addi-
vacuole, followed by zoospore lysis [30]. The role tion to seed inhibitors, there may be other plant
of these e¡ects in soil is di¤cult to assess, since B. traits that could be modi¢ed or exploited for biocon-
cereus mutants a¡ected in the process do not grow. trol. Work with tomato indicates that the ability to
Thus, it is not known whether zoospore lysis con- support biocontrol by UW85 is a heritable trait. In-
tributes to biocontrol in the ¢eld. bred lines of tomato di¡er signi¢cantly in their sur-
vival in the presence of UW85, but they do not di¡er
3.3. Interaction with the microbial community in the in resistance to the pathogen [35,36]. These inbred
rhizosphere tomato lines provide the basis for a breeding pro-
gram to enhance this trait for practical use as well
B. cereus UW85 a¡ects bacterial communities on as the genetic material required for molecular map-
soybean roots. Introduction of UW85 on soybean ping of the loci that contribute to the phenotype [35].
seeds greatly altered the composition of culturable
communities in some ¢eld experiments [12]. This im-
pact of UW85 is surprising, given that it colonizes 4. Streptomyces spp.: story of ecological principles
roots at low population density, although it persists
on soybeans throughout the growing season [31]. It 4.1. Scab-suppressive soil: understanding a system
is not known whether the alteration of bacterial
communities or colonization are required for disease A well-developed system that has been studied
suppressiveness by B. cereus, but intriguing hypoth- with an ecological approach is suppression of potato
eses are suggested by the impact of B. cereus on the scab by Streptomyces spp. Scab is caused by Strep-
microbial community in the rhizosphere. Perhaps the tomyces scabies, which is closely related to the spe-
e¡ect of B. cereus on plant health is exerted through cies used for its control. This relatedness of the
the community by stimulating growth of other bac- pathogen and biocontrol agent has led to some re-
teria that stimulate root growth, antagonize the markable studies of the ecological behavior and in-
pathogen, or induce resistance in the host. Alterna- teraction of the pathogens and strains that suppress
tively, B. cereus might alter the community in a man- them. Study in this system was initiated with the
ner that reduces the attractiveness of the root to the interesting observation that continuous cropping of
pathogen [32]. These remain testable hypotheses that potato often led to a natural decline in disease and a
may explain elements of the complexity of disease scab `suppressive' soil [37], suggesting that a biolog-
suppression. ical change occurred in the soil. In an e¡ort to de-

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termine whether biological factors could be associ- ulite formulation rather than a tuber-dip [39]. All of
ated with the disease suppressiveness of the soil, Liu these data indicated that larger doses of the suppres-
et al. [38] isolated two strains of Streptomyces sp., sive strains led to increased biocontrol of scab. A
designated PonR and PonSSII, from tubers grown in greenhouse study was undertaken to monitor how
disease-suppressive soil. In a 4-year ¢eld trial, the pathogen populations were a¡ected by the addition
strains signi¢cantly reduced the number of scab le- of suppressive strains. In this study, there was a pos-
sions on tubers in all years. itive correlation between pathogen root or soil pop-
ulations and scab severity, suggesting that disease
4.2. E¡ect of disease severity incidence is driven by the population density of the
pathogen [40]. Increasing the inoculum density of the
Disease pressure is one component of biocontrol suppressive strain led to an increase in its root pop-
that is highly variable and often under-researched. ulations; however, pathogen root populations were
Research of disease pressure is important for assess- una¡ected. Interestingly, soil populations (for both
ing the relationship between disease and biocontrol pathogenic and suppressive strains) were more pre-
success and learning how well the strains protect at dictive of disease severity than root populations, sug-
varying levels of disease. And since success is de¢ned gesting that the soil, and not the root, may be the
in terms of disease reduction, knowledge of variabil- source of tuber inoculum [40].
ity in disease across a ¢eld will contribute to more
accurate measurements of biological control success. 4.4. Friend or foe: tracking Streptomyces strains
Scab severity and biocontrol e¤cacy were carefully
monitored for 2 years in a research ¢eld [39]. Both One di¤culty in Streptomyces ¢eld research is
levels of scab and suppression of it varied among identifying and tracking strains. Colony morphology
blocks in the ¢eld. Interestingly, biocontrol in a is the standard method used to identify Streptomyces
plot was positively correlated between years, suggest- species; however, this tends to be time-consuming
ing that the biocontrol strains are e¤cient colonizers, and subjective. Fatty acid analysis is a reliable and
that detrimental e¡ects on the pathogen persist into feasible method of distinguishing pathogenic Strep-
the next year, or that microsite variation a¡ects con- tomyces strains from suppressive strains [41]. Using
trol the same way in consecutive years. The natural this powerful method, Bowers et al. [42] examined
disease variability present in this research provided the ecology of suppressive and pathogenic Strepto-
an opportunity for studying the interaction between myces species in soil and monitored the e¡ects that
disease severity and disease suppression, and in 1 year addition of suppressive strains had on the Strepto-
of the 3-year study, disease and biocontrol were pos- myces community. Following an initial inoculation
itively correlated (L. Kinkel, personal communica- with suppressive strains, Streptomyces populations
tion). in soil, on roots, and on tubers were monitored
over 2 years. Inoculation did not alter the diversity
4.3. E¡ect of suppressive strains: of the Streptomyces community as evidenced by sim-
optimizing conditions ilar numbers of fatty acid strain groupings in both
inoculated and uninoculated plots. However, inocu-
In any system, formulation, dose, and application lation did decrease the number of pathogen-related
method must be studied to identify the optimal isolates at least 85% in the ¢rst year of the study and
method for introducing the biological control agent at least 36% in the following year. The number of
into the ¢eld. A comprehensive, three-year ¢eld trial scab lesions declined with inoculation with the sup-
with scab-suppressive strains was conducted to iden- pressive strains and this decline in lesion number was
tify the most e¡ective methods for introducing the correlated with the decline in pathogen populations.
control strains. Better control was achieved using Due to the relatedness of pathogenic and suppressive
repeated application of the suppressive strains each strains in this system, it is thought that the addition
year, larger doses of the suppressive strains, individ- of suppressive strains leads to scab control through
ual strains rather than combinations, and a vermic- the displacement of pathogenic strains.

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Fig. 2. Antibiotic production by tester strains against sensitive Streptomyces strain RB4. Tester strains were spotted on R2 generation me-
dia and grown 3 days at 30³C. Tester strains were killed by a 1-h exposure to chloroform vapors. A-15 ml overlay of 1% water agar was
added, followed by 100 Wl of RB4 culture. Zone sizes were scored after 3^5 days at 30³C. Photo supplied by L. Kinkel and reproduced
with permission from [43].

4.5. Strain-speci¢c e¡ects: searching for 4.6. Communication between strains: power in pairs
super-suppressive strains
The latest approach for improving disease control
Equipped with basic information about this sys- in this system involves combinations of strains. Re-
tem, the Kinkel group set out to isolate new Strep- cently, Becker et al. [45] unearthed evidence for in-
tomyces strains from several sites to identify strains terspecies communication between Streptomyces
that are more suppressive than those originally iso- strains. They found that PonSSII produced antibiot-
lated (Fig. 2). Of the 93 strains examined, 22 were ic(s) earlier and at higher levels when sterile culture
more antagonistic in vitro than the standard PonR supernatants from other Streptomyces strains were
and PonSSII strains, and none of these was patho- added to the PonSSII growth medium (Fig. 3). The
genic. These 22 strains, PonR, PonSSII, and 17 vir- added culture supernatants do not have antibiotic
ulent strains were tested for in vitro antagonism in activity, suggesting that the increased inhibition is
all possible pairwise combinations. Interestingly, due to communication between the strains. Homo-
suppressive strains were more antagonistic and in- serine lactone autoinducers were not detected in
hibited more strains than pathogenic strains. Six of the Streptomyces supernatants using an Agrobac-
the newly acquired antagonistic strains were tested in terium indicator strain; thus, it is possible that the
the ¢eld, and all but one signi¢cantly reduced the Streptomyces strains are producing autoinducers
number of scab lesions as compared to the uninocu- other than homoserine lactones or communicate
lated control, although none of these new isolates with a di¡erent signal. The next goal is to develop
were more e¡ective than PonR or PonSSII [44]. cocktails containing strains that communicate
This suggests that suppression of potato scab in with each other to maximize antibiotic production
the ¢eld by Streptomyces spp. is not simply related and disease control (L. Kinkel, personal communi-
to the in vitro inhibition ability of each strain. cation).

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Fig. 3. E¡ects of strains 23 and RB4 CM on antibiotic production by PonSSII. CM or planin broth (10 ml) were added to PonSSII cul-
tures after 8 h of incubation. Averages of replicate (n = 6 or 8) £asks are shown. Bars represent standard error. This ¢gure is based on
Figure 1 in [45] with permission.

5. Conclusions is used, careful measures must be taken to delay the

development of antibiotic resistance. Indeed, studies
The need for biopesticides is intensifying in mod- have demonstrated that the use of antibiotics in ani-
ern agriculture, but product development lags, in mal feed leads to antibiotic resistance in humans [46].
part due to the barriers to e¡ective formulation of Even with this caution in mind, antibiotics produced
cheap, stable products. Many of the troublesome by biocontrol microorganisms are likely to produce
formulation problems associated with Gram-negative minute amounts of antibiotic, compared with
bacteria are overcome by packaging biocontrol ac- amounts of chemical fungicides used to control dis-
tivity in a Gram-positive spore. However, research ease, and microbes will deliver the antibiotic to the
on the spore-forming bacteria associated with plants exact location needed, as opposed to the blanket
is a ¢eld that has received little attention compared approach used with fungicides [47]. An increased re-
with the intensive study of the Gram-negative bac- search focus on the Gram-positive bacteria associ-
teria. In-depth study of Gram-positive bacteria, such ated with plants will enhance our understanding of
as Bacillus cereus and Streptomyces spp., has led to the complex interactions between these organisms
biological paradigms that di¡er from those emerging and generate useful products for management of
from the study of organisms such as Pseudomonas pests and pathogens in the agroecosystem.
and Rhizobium. With Bacillus cereus, large popula-
tions on the root are not necessary to achieve disease
control, and with both Bacillus and Streptomyces, Acknowledgments
interactions leading to control are more complex
than simple models based on single characteristics, We thank Linda L. Kinkel for reviewing the
such as population size or in vitro inhibition. manuscript and supplying Figs. 2 and 3. We thank
Many of the biocontrol organisms mentioned in an anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments
this minireview employ antibiotic production as a on the manuscript. Preparation of this manuscript
mechanism of disease control. Any time an antibiotic was supported by Hatch Project 4038 and the Uni-

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