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The Power of Mineral Water

When I ponder and look at the blue sky, I wonder about something that I want to
“What is the essence of life? what life should feel discomfort?”
I expect there is someone who answer my question, I feel that my life is
uncomfortable when there is sweet taste in my body. In fact, many people really like and enjoy
something that tastes sweet. I don’t know what happened before. I think all humans are born
with the same body structure. I’m an ordinary human with the usual memory, sometimes I
escape from careless and forgetfullness. My weak body is inseparable from the liquid element.
Sweet! I ate chocolate in my mouth. I felt sweet taste and the aroma of chocolate
that appeared from the chocolate bar. I dived this delicious taste an I kept to spread this
delightful sweetness to all corners of my mouth. Yes, I came home from my school in Tayu. I
waited for the bus go to Jepara. The bus didn’t come. Fortunately, there was my friend named
Atika. Atika rode a car and she wanted I to go with her. Time run very slowly, an hour felt like a
year. Traffic jam and traffic light were so boring. At the intersection of the umpteenth time,
our car was forced to stop by red light on the traffic light. Because of the traffic jam, Atika
invited me to drop in stall in the roadside. I ordered ice tea, my favorite drink. Atika ordered
cold mineral water. I slowly drank ice tea which turned out to be very sweet. Actually I didn’t
like it but I drank it because the weather was so hot.
I arrived home. I wanted to urinate but I held my urine. My ureter hurt. Oh, I forgot
that I didn’t be allowed to hold urination. And everyone is definitely not recommended for it. I
urinated immediately, I felt pain. The color of my urine was orange. To find out of the color of
urine, this is the urine color chart :

After I urinated, I felt that my bladder was still full of urine, because all my urine didn’t come
out. If there was only a little urine, so I felt something was blocking my bladder. I was very
tormented when it was relapse. It was the inconvenience that I felt since I was around 5 years
“So, is it the nature of life?”
“Should everyone feel a little or a lot of suffering?”
“Hmm... I think so.”
Dhammapada verse 182 explained that :
“Hard to gain is birth as man, hard is the life mortals, hard to get is the opportunity
of hearing Dhamma, hard it’s for a Buddha to appear it.”
Because the difficulty of born as human being, the existence of me is luck. This luck
is often not used properly. One thing that is the most important in life is health. It was like the
pain that I felt. Whether because I couldn’t take care of my body well or because of my past
deeds to support me to meet this discomforting life.
This imcomplete urination is called Anyang-anyangan. One way to overcome
anyang-anyangan is to drink mineral water. I often drink lots of mineral water, because I had
problem with urinating. It happen at night. If anyang-anyangan relapse, I can’t sleep well. It is
really torturous, isn’t it? When I was in that state, my mother always gave me lime sediment or
Njet. My great-grandmother said that njet could shed urine. How to make njet to be medicine
is quite easy. Just refine njet, and add a little water, then apply it to the bottom of abdomen.
However, at this time njet is difficult to obtain. I rely on mineral water to shoothe it. Although
the healing process was longer than treated with njet.
Mineral water had become my life mate. Sugar was my enemy. I didn’t know if there
was no mineral water. Then, what did I neutralize my body from sweet taste? Would I eat salt
or drink sea water? Was I going to neutralize it with bitter melon juice or lime juice?
“Hmmm… it made my saliva flow towards to the end of my lip.”
In fact, I would fell pain according to their respective perception. If my mind
determinded that inconvenience was suffering or disease, so it would arise. Dhammapada
verse 36 explained that:
“The mind is very difficult to see, very delicate and subtle, it moves and lands
wherever it pleases. The wise one should guard his mind, for a guarded mind brings
Even though I was in a situation like it, I didn’t think that was being uncomfortable
didn’t mean suffering. It was natural in life. So as my body, when my body had excessive sweet
taste, I didn’t need anything to fight it. However, I only need mineral water to neutralize it.

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