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ASSIGNMENT 1: Essay (10 points) Argue how the ASEAN region contributed to the growth of
Philippine society. Limit your answers to one paragraph, with nine lines. Use actual data to
support your arguments.

Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) gives nations within the region to
do more trade for goods and services. Tax on imported goods is lowered or even eliminated.
ASEAN wants to provide easier travel services for their service providers. However, even
citizens can enjoy the benefit of improved air, sea, or land travel. With the progressive dynamic
between the ASEAN region, with easier and cheaper travel options, goods, and services, it only
making sense that it comes with the extended bonus of better employment opportunities. The
Filipinos would have more access to better jobs if they are better equipped for these emerging
roles. Thankfully, even the country’s education would be enhanced because of ASEAN
integration. For instance, last August 2017, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs announced in
the ASEAN regional forum in Manila that they would be offering a $10 Million Scholarship
Program to support post-secondary students and mid-career professionals from Southeast Asia.
The National University in Singapore offers scholarships for ASEAN countries for graduate
coursework. These are only a few of the examples of quality international support for Filipino
students. ASEAN contributes to the advancement of the Philippines as a whole. Because of the
incredible support from other Southeast Asian nations, the country is better prepared for
globalization. With the Filipinos’ way of life eventually improved, it will be no surprise if the
economy contains to perform well in the next few years. ASEAN is one of the many reasons why
the Philippines is in a good and stable pace and potential investors, businessmen, and its
citizens need not worry about the country’s stability.

1.The reconciliation of the freedom of the individual with the authority of the state is called

a. human rights violation

b. social contract
c, humanitarian reason
d. martial law
e. all of the above

2. The social contract presupposes

a. liberation
b. subjugation
c. alienation
d. militarization
e. none of the above of each associate, together with all his rights to the whole community.
For, as one gives himself absolutely, the conditions are the same for all; and this being so,
no one has any interest in making them burdensome to others.

3. In social contract, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to

a. everybody
b. somebody
c. nobody
d. none of the above
e. b and c and as there is no associate over whom he does not acquire the same rights as
he yields others over himself, he gains an equivalent for everything he loses and an increase
of force for the preservation of what he has. in simple words, social contract is an
agreement between the individual and the society and or the government about upholding
certain rights and abiding on certain laws in order to ensure smooth relationship dynamics
of citizens in a city or a country

4. Romanticism and Idealism theory is a philosophical movement during the

a. Age of Enlightenment
b. Age of Revolution
c. Democratic Revolution
d. Age of Aquarius
e. Age of Romanticism that emphasizes emotional self-awareness as a necessary precondition to
improving society and bettering the human condition

5. Imagination, emotion and freedom are the focal points of

a. democratic society political dynasty
c. romanticism
d. egalitarianism
e. communism

6. Citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives.

A. democratic
b. communistic
c. socialistic
d. republic
e. all of the above form of government is a state ruled by representatives of the citizen body.

7. Both the republican and democratic form of government share common

a. economic structure
b. constraints of the government
c. decision making basis
d. sovereignty of the individual
e. sovereignty of the state.

8. 1. Wisdom is near when we stoop than when we soar, 2. Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion, recollected in tranquillity, 3. Nature never did betray
the heart that loved her. These are the thoughts and wisdom by Romanticism time written by
a. William Wordsworth
b. Edgar Allan Poe
c. Vincent Van Gogh
9. Is an ethical theory that states that the best action is the one that maximizes utility
A. democracy
b. romanticism
c. republican
d. communism
e. utilitarianism

10. Utilitarianism is based on the Greatest Happiness Principle, which states that actions are considered
a. kind
b. evil
b. immoral
d. moral
e. good when they promote utility and immoral when they promote the reverse. Utility, itself, is, defined
by Mill as happiness with the absence of pain.

11. Pleasure or happiness Is the only thing that truly has

a. unanimous
b. valuable
c. immeasurable
d. unpredictable
e. intrinsic value

12. Nature has placed humankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It
is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.
A. this saying is true
b. this saying is partly true
c. this saying is a utilitarian view
d. this saying is a Christian view
e. this saying is untrue

13. Marxist social and political thought encompasses the Marxist class conflict and Marxian economics.
Together with Friedrich Engels, he wrote
a. The Constitution
b. The Political Theory
c. The Communist Manifesto
d. The Great Political Thought
e. The Future Shock that lays the theory of class struggle and revolution. Marx presented the flaws of
capitalism in his book Das Kapital and argued that capitalism shall naturally vanish because of the chaotic
nature of free market and surplus of labour.

14. Marx portrayed capitalist society as composing of the

a. rich and the poor
b. the ruler and the ruled
c. the bourgeoisie and the proletariat,
d. the working class and the capitalists
e. none of the above i.e. the ones controlling the means of production and the workers that transform raw
commodities to valuable economic goods. The bourgeoisie‘s power to control capital allows them to limit
workers‘ability to produce and obtain what they need to survive. Capitalism is all about commodities
bought and sold, reducing the value of labour as another kind of commodity for sale, like cars, wine, cloth
and the like making labourers weak in the capitalist economic system.

15. One very influential concept introduced in Marxist political and economic thought is the
a. Communist Manifesto
b. The Life of Mao
c. The Theory of Demand and Supply
d. The Labor Surplus Theory. This measures the difference between wages paid to the workers and the
price of goods sold, which the workers previously manufactured. For example, if a worker who is making
wall clocks is given a daily wage of $300 and his productivity rate is 8 clocks per day, which clock is sold
for $300 each and that the market absorbs all 8 clocks daily, then the value of labour of the worker is
reduced to only one clock and the revenue from the remaining clocks sold belongs to the capitalists. The
$2100 difference is called the surplus value of labour that is not enjoyed by the workers.

1. Persons settling in one geographical territory, living in a community, sharing similar purposes in life,
obeying social contracts, organized by an authority, and enjoying freedom from any external control is
described as
a. a Family b. a State c. a Territory d. a Village e. a Region

2. Max Weber (pronounced as Max Veba) defined a state as a polity that maintains a monopoly on the
legitimate use of
a. violence b. enmity c. terror d. anarchy e. service

3. A political doctrine, in support to monarchical absolutism, asserted that kings derived their authority
a. God b. votes of the people c. congress d. supreme court justices
e. military forces and could not be accountable for their actions by an earthly authority like the parliament

4. Monetary measures are policies on

a. money supply management and interest rates regulation
b. tax revenue management and government spending
c. foreign policy management and international trade
d. social welfare management and distribution of equitable wealth
e. military management peace and order that help achieve macroeconomic objectives like curving
inflation, regulating consumption, achieving target growth, and maintaining a certain level of liquidity.

5. Give 6 commodity goods and services that governments spend on and would have very little incentive
for any business to invest in.

1. Public parks and recreation areas.

2. Public transportation systems
3. Public education systems
4. Public healthcare systems
5. National defense and security
6. Social welfare programs
Answer the following questions.
 1. The distribution of the Social Amelioration Program is an indicator of the presence of
(a) economic stability
(b) aristocracy
(c) democracy
(d) social inequality
(e) political will

2.  Earning differences among people in the society indicates the presence of

 (a) economic stability
(b) aristocracy
(c) economic inequality
(d) social inequality
(e) political will 

3.  Tax revenues and government spending are tools of the government called
(a) employment policy
(b) monetary policy 
(c) trade policy
(d) tax policy
(e) fiscal policy

4. The Central Bank is responsible in regulating

 (a) corporate taxes
(b) money supply
(c) drug trafficking
(d) the government‘s spending on roads and bridges
(e) GSIS loans
5. Subsidies are primarily sourced from
 (a) the banks
(b) the pork barrel
(c) taxes
(d) salaries and wages
(e) personal loans

6. In Monarchical Absolutism, it is asserted that kings derived their authority from

 (a) the congress
(b) the house of commons
(c) the president of the country
(d) God
(e) the people 

7.  The state created by Spaniards after colonizing the Philippines is an example of
 (a) social contract theory
(b) force theory
(c) evolutionary theory
(d) monarchical absolutism
(e) feudalism theory

8.  A social contract is beneficial to one if

 (a) the law is implemented fully
(b) the others adhere to it as well
(c) the lawyers consider it as contract
(d) it lawful
(e) if it is moral
9.  Max Weber (pronounced as Max Veba) defined a state as a polity that maintains a monopoly on the
legitimate use of violence because
(a) the government is tyrant
(b) the government wants to ensure peace for the good citizens
and physical control over the insurgents
(c) the government is ready for war
(d) violence is the weapon against rebellion
(e) the people are naturally ready for violence

10.  Quality of life is improved if people are

 (a) healthy
(b) educated
(c) having enough choice sets
(d) enjoying freedom of speech
(e) all of those enumerated earlier

 1. The reconciliation of the freedom of the individual with the authority of the state is called
a. human rights violation
b. social contract
c, humanitarian reason
d. martial law 
e. all of the above

2. The social contract presupposes

a. liberation
b. subjugation
c. alienation
d. militarization
e. none of the above of each associate, together with all his rights to the whole community. For, as one
gives himself absolutely, the conditions are the same for all; and this being so, no one has any interest in
making them burdensome to others.

3. In the social contract, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to
a. everybody
b. somebody
c. nobody,
d. none of the above
e. b and c and as there is no associate over whom he does not acquire the same rights as he yields others
over himself, he gains an equivalent for everything he loses and an increase of force for the preservation
of what he has. in simple words, the social contract is an agreement between the individual and the
society and or the government about upholding certain rights and abiding on certain laws in order to
ensure smooth relationship dynamics of citizens in a city or a country.

4. Romanticism and Idealism theory is a philosophical movement during the

a. Age of Enlightenment
b. Age of Revolution
c. Democratic  Revolution
d. Age of Aquarius
e. Age of Romanticism emphasizes emotional self-awareness as a necessary precondition to improving
society and bettering the human condition

5.  Imagination, emotion, and freedom are the focal points of 
a. democratic society
b. political dynasty 
c. romanticism
d. egalitarianism 
e. communism

6. Citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives.

A. democratic
b. communistic
c. socialistic
d. republic      
e. all of the above forms of government is a state ruled by representatives of the citizen body.

7. Both the republican and democratic forms of government share common   

a. economic structure
b. constraints of the government
c. decision-making basis
d. the sovereignty of the individual
e. sovereignty of the state.

8.1. Wisdom is near when we stoop than when we soar

2.  Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion,
recollected in tranquillity.
3. Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. These are the thoughts and wisdom of
Romanticism time written by:
a. William Wordsworth
b. Edgar Allan Poe 
c. Vincent Van Gogh

9.  Is an ethical theory that states that the best action is the one that maximizes utility 
A. democracy
b. romanticism
c. republican
d. communism
e. utilitarianism

10.  Utilitarianism is based on the Greatest Happiness Principle, which states that actions are considered
a. kind
b. evil
c. immoral
d. moral
e. good when they promote utility and immoral when they promote the reverse. Utility, itself, is, defined
by Mill as happiness in the absence of pain.

11.Pleasure or happiness Is the only thing that truly has

a. unanimous
b. valuable
c. immeasurable
d. unpredictable
e.  intrinsic value

12.   Nature has placed humankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It
is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.
a. this saying is true 
b. this saying is partly true 
c. this saying is a utilitarian view 
d. this saying is a Christian view 
e. this saying is untrue

13.  Marxist social and political thought encompasses the Marxist class conflict and Marxian economics.
Together with Friedrich Engels, he wrote 
a. The Constitution
b. The Political Theory 
c. The Communist Manifesto
d. The Great Political Thought 
e. The Future Shock that lays the theory of class struggle and revolution. Marx presented the flaws of
capitalism in his book Das Kapital and argued that capitalism shall naturally vanish because of the chaotic
nature of free market and surplus of labour.

14.  Marx portrayed capitalist society as composing of the

a. rich and the poor 
b. the ruler and the ruled 
c. the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, 
d. the working class and the capitalists
e. none of the above i.e. the ones controlling the means of production and the workers that transform raw
commodities to valuable economic goods. The bourgeoisie‘s power to control capital allows them to limit
workers‘ ability to produce and obtain what they need to survive. Capitalism is all about commodities
bought and sold, reducing the value of labour as another kind of commodity for sale, like cars, wine, cloth
and the like making labourers weak in the capitalist economic system.

15.  One very influential concept introduced in Marxist political and economic thought is the
a. Communist Manifesto 
b. The Life of Mao  
c. The Theory of Demand and Supply 
d. The Labor Surplus Theory. This measures the difference between wages paid to the workers and the
price of goods sold, which the workers previously manufactured. For example, if a worker who is making
wall clocks is given a daily wage of $300 and his productivity rate is 8 clocks per day, which clock is sold
for $300 each and that the market absorbs all 8 clocks daily, then the value of labour of the worker is
reduced to only one clock and the revenue from the remaining clocks sold belongs to the capitalists. The
$2100 difference is called the surplus value of labour that is not enjoyed by the workers.

 Research –Based Questions

1.      Is it possible to reduce the price of rice to P20 . Limit your answers to 2 paragraphs with 9 lines
each.  (10 points)
The price of local rice can be lowered to P20 per kilogram if the cost of production is lowered, and
the National Food Authority’s buffer stock is raised, the Department of Agriculture (DA) said. Higher
funding and increasing rice buffer stock will play significant role in lowering the price of the staple in the
country. Also the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) said bringing down the price to around PHP20 per
kilo is achievable through its mega farms project.
Agriculture Secretary William Dar said a PHP20 per kilogram price of rice would be only feasible
with strategic planning and programs "involving all sectors”. Every efficiency that we can have; every good
technology that we have; every opportunity to capacitate the farmers and engage the youth; we should have
an increasing investment for post-harvest facilities including drying, milling, warehousing, we should invest,"
he said in the Laging Handa briefing . Dar, however, commended the aspiration of the next administration
under President-elect Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., saying he shares the same "laudable" goal. He said
higher yields with lower production costs must be first achieved. These prerequisites remain a challenge
considering the continued conflict between Ukraine and Russia. "Our latest analysis shows that if this war in
Ukraine continues, the cost of production is at three pesos and thirty centavos. So add it to the present level,
of course, producing a kilo of palay (unhusked rice) is at PHP11.50, so almost PHP14.80, the cost producing a
kilo of palay is at fifteen pesos," he said in mixed English and Filipino .He also noted that it is important to
identify "challenges and value chain approaches". "As I’ve said, we will increase productivity, yield targets,
we will work on lowering the cost of production, which is currently increasing, we hope this will drop. So, we
have many challenges that we have to put into consideration in this new program, designing this program
towards the P20.00 rice price," he said. Dar said the incoming administration may opt to invest in increasing
the buffer stock of the National Food Authority (NFA), setting China and India as examples with a 365-day
buffer stock of rice. "Strengthen the NFA; increase buffer stocking; increase the fund, as well as the fund for
capital expenditure for us to do this. So, if we start this July towards the end of the year, they can have that
capacity of good for 15 days but we see to it that if we have a stimulus bill, the capital expenditure should be
increased so that next year they can go to full capacity of 30-day buffer stocking," he said.

2.      Close your eyes and see what you will be in the next 10 years. Write them in one paragraph 9 lines
In the next 10 years probably I am 29 years old. I am adult that has mature mind, have
obligations, and making my own decisions. I hope I have a stable job or a profession. A Community
Development Worker that is working in the community. Organize, help, and develop community
and people. I provide and help myself, family, and others who are in need. I achieve my goals
especially travelling in my dream destinations, spoiled myself, and surpass many challenges.
Sharing to the younger generation how I achieve everything despite challenges in life and be an
inspiration to them. A responsible, brave, dedicated woman.
3.      Draw your vision for the country in the next 20 years. (5 points)

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. d.
5. d.
6. d
7. b
8. a
9. e.
10. a

1. c
2. e
3. c
4. a
5. b
9. C
10. d

II. Explain the following TAO teachings 2 points each

1. It emphasizes the importance of humility and non-attachment to worldly desires and

2. It stresses that one should not cling to material possessions or desires.
3. Desires and attachments or lust are seen as sources of suffering and confusion.
4. To be in control of one’s self is emphasized as a path towards personal and spiritual
5. It means: A wise leader allows their people to remain innocent of worldly knowledge and
desire, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and contentment over material possessions
or distractions that may lead them astray.
6. The concept suggests that by releasing our desires and ambitions driven by ego, we can
allow events to occur naturally, which enables us to connect with a profound wisdom and
intelligence present in the universe. This intelligence can assist us in making decisions and
taking actions that align with our authentic selves and contribute to the betterment of
7. These two sentences suggest that wisdom and truth are often found in simple, direct
communication, rather than in complex arguments or in trying to please others. By speaking
truthfully and avoiding arguments, we can cultivate deeper understanding and connection
with ourselves and others.
8. This statement suggests that true wisdom comes not just from acquiring knowledge, but
from cultivating a deeper awareness and connection with the natural world and the
underlying principles of Tao

9. A saintly person in Taoism doesn't accumulate excess for personal desire but instead helps
others. The more they give, the richer their life becomes. They follow the natural benevolent
way of Tao and act without contention.
10. There is a balance or "middle way" to be found in all things, and extremes of any kind can
be harmful or counterproductive.
III. What do you understand about your religion and identify what in your religion is in
conflict with other religions 10 points
I am Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic is the largest Christian church worldwide. That accepts
the Pope as its leader and is based in the Vatican in Rome.

Roman Catholic beliefs and practices are a strong tradition of the liturgy( ceremony),
emphasis on practices ( usually termed, sacraments) including baptism, Eucharist, prayers for
the sick, holy orders, confirmation and confession/ penance, dedication to creeds (formulated
statements of beliefs ) and etc.
One aspect of Christianity that may be viewed as in conflict with other religions is its belief in
the exclusivity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This belief asserts that salvation can
only be attained through belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the saviour of humanity.
This is in contrast to some other religions, which may have a different understanding of
salvation or do not require belief in a specific figure or deity.
Additionally, certain Christian beliefs, such as the concept of original sin and the belief in the
divinity of Jesus Christ, may be viewed as conflicting with the teachings of other religions or
faith traditions.
However, even though we have different religions is important to remember that different
religious traditions have their own unique beliefs and practices and that differences in
interpretation and perspective are a natural part of religious diversity. It is possible to have a
respectful and open dialogue between different faith communities without necessarily
agreeing on all theological or philosophical points.

IV. Describe your teacher in Contemporary World [Bonus points 10 points]

She is an inspiring teacher. She graduated from different prestigious schools/universities in
the country and we are all amazed. Many degrees she has finished. She thought us that
education is very important to everyone. Be responsible and have the courage to surpass the
challenges you may face. She teaches us professionally and equally despite her busy
A teacher with flaws, is relatable and approachable, as her own struggles and experiences can
provide valuable lessons and insights.
Lastly, one thing I admire about her is she has good taste in fashion, and is someone who is
able to dress in a way that is both stylish and appropriate for her professional role.
Identify which teachings are the following:

1. Economic
2. Stoic philosophy
3. Islam
4. Old Testament (Bible)
5. Hindu
6. Practicality
7. Islam
8. Buddhism
9. Islam
10. Practical Principle
11. Hindu
12. Hindu
13. Hindu
14. Hindu
15. Hindu
16. Hindu
17. Hindu
18. Hindu
19. Hindu
20. Hindu

Joanna Marie Tanate BSCD 1-B

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