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The trooping the colour ceremony

Trooping the Colour Ceremony celebrate is The Queen's official birthday

Queen was actually born on April 21, 1926. However, it is customary for the
Queen's birthday to take place in the summer. Since 1805 The Sovereign's
birthday is officially celebrated by the ceremony of Trooping the Colour
(Queen's Birthday Parade). This impressive display of pageantry takes place
on a Saturday in June by her personal troops, the Household Division, on
Horse Guards Parade, with Her Majesty the Queen herself attending and
taking the salute.

The Royal family

Windsor is the family name of the royal family . The press sometimes refers to
its members as " Windsors " . Queen Elizabeth is only the fourth monarch
with this name .
The royal family endorses developments in Britain by performing such
ceremonial functions as cutting ribbons , opening businesses , launching
ships , and laying cornerstones . Many members of the royal family are
involved in charity work and maintain a public presence by visiting shelters ,
hospitals , and clinics . Princess Diana actively supported many charities
related homeless and deprived children , drug abuse , breast cancer , and
victims of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) . She also supported a
campaign of the Red Cross to ban landmines .

The heir to the british throne

The heir to the British throne , the Heir Apparent , has been called the Prince
of Wales since the institution of the title by King Edward I in 1301. Edward I
led the conquest of independent Wales between 1277 and 1283. He
subsequently proclaimed his son , Edward , born at Caernarfon in Wales
1284 , the Prince of Wales . There is no succession to the title , which is only
renew at the Sovereign's pleasure . The present Prince of Wales is the 21 " in
line , Prince Charles Prince Charles was created Prince of Wales at Caernarfon
Castle on July 1 " 1969 .

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