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The 5 Big

That Kill Your
Chances Of Ever
Getting Her Back

Written by Michael Webb
Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back


You’re in a very fragile state. You’ve lost the love of your life and you
want her back more than life itself.

I understand. This is a very tough time.

But it could get worse. Much worse.
And sadly, the odds are stacked against

You see, in most cases, guys DON’T

get their girl back. The simple reason
being they do all the wrong things that
push her further away.

And chances are, you’ll only get one

shot at this.

So you must do it RIGHT.

I’ve seen so much terrible advice out there about getting a

girlfriend/wife back; that I knew I needed to inform you with the right

If you can avoid these 5 big mistakes that most guys make, you’ll
have a much greater chance of getting her back…

Mistake #1: Trying to get her back too soon

First, you need to work out her state of anger or resistance to you.

As long as she’s angry, you stand little to no chance of being

reassessed objectively, let alone get her back.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that you broke up without her getting
too angry.

© Michael Webb 2

Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back

Maybe she even says she wants to be your friend (but don’t read too
much into this, it may be her way of escaping the guilt of moving on
without you).

The rule here is this: don’t step into the

energy field of her anger.

Allow some time and space for the dust to

settle. This way, you’re less likely to get
hung up on or greeted with biting sarcasm
when you do pop back into the picture.

So how long should you wait?

Some “experts” say wait three months,

and there is a widely held belief that
absolutely no contact whatsoever is the
most strategic way to handle this cooling
off period.

But only YOU know the truth for your situation.

So many guys screw up their chances because of impatience

and urgency to “do something.” Don’t do this!

When you go back in too soon, simply because you are urgent from a
sense of panic, it won’t work. She’ll smell your fear and throw up even
more defenses than before.

You need to wait until the time is right, and the time isn’t right until
you’ve done some serious, non-pain-induced thinking and made
some major changes because of it.

What changes? More on that later…

© Michael Webb 3

Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back

Mistake #2: Apologizing or promising to

change “for good”
Straight out apologies DON’T WORK.

Forget delivering flowers with a pathetic apology. The flowers and

card will end up in the trash.

What about cleaning yourself up?

A new haircut, a shower, a cooler

car, a better job?

The best any of this can do is help

to bring back her hope, but it
always requires more than those
weak surface fixes to get her

Sure – shave the beard, get cooler

friends, dress better, play coy and
don’t be needy, yada yada yada.

Some of these are valid – MOST of

them are not.

For example, if how you dressed was a symptom of the larger issue
of your lack of self-respect, then it’s valid, yet it’s only a small

You need to dig deeper than that.

Because the nice clothes will be completely meaningless in the long

run unless you really change the things that matter in the process.

Don’t waste your money. This is the time for deep internal

© Michael Webb 4

Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back

Mistake #3: Trying to make her feel sorry for

you and showing that you miss her
Listen… She may feel sorry for you (and that may feel good to you,
because any form of attention from her at this point is like heroin), but
it won’t bring her back.

The moment you become pathetic,

you’re done. The moment she sees
through your contrived “I-have-it-
together”, you become pathetic, and
you’re done… again.

Your only hope is to be strong in the

face of what you are feeling, and to
demonstrate not a shred of bullcrap in
whatever process of reconciliation

It’s going to take A LOT more than

just making her feel sorry for you to
bring her back. You need to do some
serious self-improvements.

Mistake #4: Trying to get her attention, make

her jealous and mind games
Most guys, in their desperate attempts to get their girl back, seek out
advice from the Internet. Sadly, most info out there is nothing more
than shallow manipulation and obvious trickery.

You see, most strategies teach men to hide or mask what went wrong
in the first place, or to create the illusion of change instead of
actually looking inside and dealing with their issues.

Don’t get caught up in the surface things that might get her attention
– apologizing, dressing nicer, playing I-won’t-call-you-first games,

© Michael Webb 5

Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back

transparent jealously ploys.

Yes, these may get her attention but so what?!

If you never fix the root problem behind the breakup, you’ll
never hold her attention long enough to win her back.

And when the time does come to get her attention, the best strategy
of all is to have no strategy whatsoever.

That’s right.

Play no games, exhibit a complete and total lack of BS in your actions

and be as real and open as possible.

Only then, when you have her attention, is any sort of ‘strategy’
appropriate, and even then, it’s more of an avoidance of suicidal
moves than it is strategic manipulation.

Mistake #5: Fixing the wrong things to get

her back
Most guys do an extremely poor job of healings their relationships.

Unfortunately, without fixing the real issues at hand, the problem

almost always returns and another gut-wrenching breakup follows.

The key to getting her back is changing the right things about

Winning her back has much more to do with your character, with
the very fabric of who you are, than it does with what you did or
what you wear or who you hang out with.

Because let’s face it – if you don’t have it together once you get
her attention, you’ll lose your only chance to win her back.

I’ve seen too many men have their sweethearts slip through their

© Michael Webb 6

Special Report: The 5 Big Mistakes That Kill Your Chances Of Ever Getting Her Back

fingers because they followed stupid fake tactics.

And that's why I written a book for guys just like you.

My book “Getting Her Back… For Good” is all about the root
problems – the real issues – rather than quick fixes or manipulation.

You’ll learn to identify why she fell in love with you, then why she left
you and finally understand what you need to change in order to get
her back.

If you understand the core

reason you lost her,
regardless of who left who,
then you have a shot at
getting her back.

And I can do this for you.

Please take the time to

read my advice.

I know it can help you get her back.

Because the last thing you want to do is delay this process until
it's too late and she moves on for good.

So what are you waiting for?

Check out my guide now at…



© Michael Webb 7

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