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Preparation Unit Test 9 Science Primary 3

Name: ……………………………….. Score: ……. / 100

1. What is climate?

b)is the pattern of weather in a place over many years
c)the temperature

2. What type of weather is this?

a)windy b)rain c)sun d)rainbow

3. Which season is it?

a)spring b)summer c)autumn d)winter

4. What season that have leaves on trees change colour? ... .

a)winter b)summer c)autumn d)spring

5. a period of year that comes with certain weather conditions is called

a)season b)weather c)climate

6. the condition of the air around us is called _____________

a)Season b)weather c)climate

7. the pattern of weather that occurs over a long period of time is called
a)Season b)Weather c)Climate d)temperature

8. light rain is called _______

a)drizzle b)thunder c)season d) shower
9. Summer , spring and winter are the example of __________

a)climate b)weather c)Season

10. What does this symbol represent on a weather map?

a)Sunny b)Partly Cloudy c)Cloudy d)Thunderstorm

10. The study of weather is called
a)Astrology c)Earthology
d)Meteorology b)Biology

11. _________________shows a record of the weather each day

a)weather chart c)wind speed
b)weather direction d)wind chart

12. Which storm forms over water?

a)tornado b)hurricane c)thunderstorm

13. The scientist that studied and predicted about the weather is

14. What should we do if there is a thunderstorm?


15. What is the difference between typhoons and tornadoes?

- typhoons :

- tornadoes:

16. What is weather ?


17. What is climate ?


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