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(campaigner) for the RSS,[73] working under Inamdar.

[74] Shortly before the war, Modi estranged)[1]

took part in a non-violent protest in New Delhi against the Indian government, for Residence(s) 7, Lok Kalyan Marg,
which he was arrested; because of this arrest, Inamdar decided to mentor Modi.[74] New Delhi, Delhi,
According to Modi, he was part of a Satyagraha that led to a political war.[71][i] India[a]

In 1978, Modi received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the School of Alma mater Delhi University (BA)
Open Learning[77] at the Delhi University.[57] graduating with a third class.[78] In 1983, Gujarat University
he received a Master of Arts degree in political science from Gujarat University, (MA)
graduating with a first class[79][80] as an external distance learning student.[81] There is Awards List of state honours
a controversy surrounding his educational qualification.[82][83][j]

Early political career

Personal (http://n
In June 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency in India that
lasted until 1977. During this period, known as "the Emergency", many of her political
opponents were jailed and opposition groups were banned. [87][88] Modi was appointed PM India official
general secretary of the "Gujarat Lok Sangharsh Samiti", an RSS committee co- (http://pmindia.go
ordinating opposition to the Emergency in Gujarat. Shortly afterwards, the RSS was
banned.[89] Modi was forced to go underground in Gujarat and frequently travelled in Nicknames see article
disguise to avoid arrest, once dressing as a monk and once as a Sikh.[90] He became
involved in the printing of pamphlets opposing the government, sending them to Delhi Narendra Modi's voice
and organising demonstrations.[91][92] He was also involved with creating a network of 28:59
safe houses for individuals who were wanted by the government, and in raising funds
Narendra Modi on the COVID-19
for political refugees and activists.[93] During this period, Modi wrote a Gujarati- pandemic
language book titled Sangharsh Ma Gujarat (In the Struggles of Gujarat), which Recorded 19 March 2020
describes events during the Emergency.[94][95] While in this role, Modi met trade
unionist and socialist activist George Fernandes and several other national political figures.[96]

Modi became an RSS sambhag pracharak (regional organiser) in 1978, overseeing activities in Surat and Vadodara, and in
1979, he went to work for the RSS in Delhi, where he researched and wrote the RSS's history of the Emergency. Shortly after,
he returned to Gujarat and in 1985, the RSS assigned him to the BJP. In 1987, Modi helped organise the BJP's campaign in
the Ahmedabad municipal election, which the party won comfortably; according to biographers, Modi's planning was
responsible for the win.[97][98] After L. K. Advani became president of the BJP in 1986, the RSS decided to place its members
in important positions within the party; Modi's work during the Ahmedabad election led to his selection for this role. Modi
was elected organising secretary of the BJP's Gujarat unit later in 1987.[99]

Modi rose within the party and was named a member of its National Election
Committee in 1990, helping organise Advani's Ram Rath Yatra in 1990 and Murli
Manohar Joshi's 1991–1992 Ekta Yatra (Journey for Unity).[48][100][101] Modi took a
brief break from politics in 1992 to establish a school in Ahmedabad, and due to
friction with Shankersinh Vaghela, a BJP MP from Gujarat.[101] Modi returned to
electoral politics in 1994, partly at the insistence of Advani; as party secretary, Modi's
electoral strategy was considered central to the BJP victory in the 1995 state assembly
election.[102][103] In November of that year, Modi was appointed BJP national secretary
and transferred to New Delhi, where he assumed responsibility for party activities in
Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.[104] The following year, Shankersinh Vaghela, a
Modi with Atal Bihari Vajpayee in
prominent BJP leader from Gujarat, defected to the Indian National Congress
c. 2001
(Congress) after losing his parliamentary seat in the Lok Sabha election.[48] Modi, who
was on the selection committee for the 1998 Gujarat Legislative Assembly election,
favoured supporters of BJP leader Keshubhai Patel over those supporting Vaghela to
end factional division in the party. His strategy was credited as central to the BJP winning an overall majority in the 1998
election,[105] and Modi was promoted to BJP general secretary (organisation) in May of that year.[106]

Chief Minister of Gujarat

Taking office

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