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1st of June 2021


I am writing in regards to your recent inquiring about Klemensia Noni Bora

It is a great pleasure that I am recommending to you Klemensia Noni Bora . I am a Head chef at
Makan Dulu Restaurant and I have supervised Her ,who held the position Waitress Restaurant and
Bar Training from 1st of June 2020 until 1st of june 2021

Klemensia Noni Bora would be great aset to any company who hiring Her, She is a honest
person,loyal to do her job,She is a hard worker and can work under preasure , Klemensia Noni Bora
is a “ team Player”and motivated fellow employee during long hours of work

During this time She has shown a great of enthusiasm for her work and has taken responsibilities
above and beyond with her position

In conclusion, I would highly recommend Klemensia Noni Bora.Based on my experience to

supervised her and how she did perform in the available position.

Klemensia Noni Bora will be an extremely positive addition to your company. If you need any
additional information feel free to contact me at (+6281212831505) or by email at
( anytime



Head Chef Makan Dulu Restaurant

Kalena Wano,Loura,Southwest Sumba Regency

East Nusa Tenggara,Indonesia

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