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Improving the Nine Grade (A) Students' Listening Comprehension through in

Procedure Text by Jumbled Sentences Approach using Audio-Video: A Correlational

Study at SMPN 2 Sukodono in The Academic Year of 2021/2022

Arif Dwi Cahyono
Magister Student English Department STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo


The main purpose of this research is to show that the listening ability of the students of SMPN

2 Sukodono and to find out to what extent the jumbled sentences approach can help students'

learning process by using the statistical reliability test method. The author tries to prove that

the jumbled sentences approach can be a learning approach to improve students' writing skills.

The researcher underlines that the problem in this research is focused on writing ability.

Related to problem identification, most of the students got low scores in writing procedural

texts. The subjects of this study were 33 ninth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukodono. In

collecting data, the researcher used tests (pretest using audio, posttest 1 using audio, and

posttest 2 using audio video method), observation, documentation and field notes. This

research is in collaboration with English teachers at SMPN 2 Sukodono. The results of this

study indicate that the jumbled sentences approach can be used as a teaching activity in

listening successfully and significantly with statistical reliability tests without using audio-

video instead of using audio. The researcher concluded that there was a significant

improvement by using the jumbled sentence approach in the students' writing ability in grade

nine at SMPN 2 Sukodono.

Keywords: listening skills, jumbled sentences, reliability test, correlation study

1. Introduction

English as an international language plays a vital role in almost all aspects of

life. It is used not only as a means of communication but also as a medium of

instruction in the classroom. There is a saying, “English is the gateway to the world”

which means that without it, people cannot survive in the global society. There are

several reasons why English has become an international language, namely; (1)

migration by English speakers, (2) colonialism by the British, (3) the international role

and influence of the USA commerce, international communications, media, films, and

the spread of new technology (Crystal, 2009).

Teaching English as foreign language was difficult because student learn new

vocabularies, pharagraph, that they never learn. In process learning a foreign language,

the teacher needs some approach which is suitable for the students. Before define

approach, teacher must consider many factors of students, school, environment. In the

learn English language has five skill, one of them was writing, writing was the

representation of language in textual medium that usually called as written language.

Listening is the first skill and basic ability in learning a new language that

beginners have to learn. It is a receptive skill meaning that the language learning

beginners receive new words from what they have heard or listened to. The ability to

receive will affect the ability to produce. If they are good at listening; as a result, they

will understand and even have a good competency in productive skills namely

speaking and writing (Nurmala, 2019). Listening skill is key to all effective

communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily

misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the

message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Now a days, English as a foreign language has been taught in school because

of the students should be able to practice and apply four skills in their daily life well.

The four skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is one of skill in

English. Listening has often played second fiddle to its counterpart, speaking in

standardized testing industry a number of separate oral production tests are available.

(Brown Douglas:2003).

In this study focusses on the listening skill there are some assessments in order

to know the achievement of the students. Assessment is a popular and sometimes

misunderstood term in current educational practice (Brown Douglas:2003). According

to Hornby (1998:10), achievement is something achieved, something done

successfully with effort and skill. Arikunto (1994) states that achievement is an ability

or vivid capability which has been owned by individual after going through a certain

experience or when it is applied by individual in a certain condition. The designing

assessment task of this study is selective listening in listening cloze tasks. Listening

cloze tasks may focus on grammatical category such as verbs tenses, articles, two-

word verbs, prepositions or transition words/phrases. (Brown Douglas:2003). In this

study, students’ listening achievement are identified by using jumbled sentences on

procedure text.

Jumbled sentences is a technique of teaching English in which the students are

asked to rearrange a group of scramble sentences into a good and a correct order.

Jumbled-sentences which is known as jumbled texts is cooperatively sequencing piece

of jumbled texts by at first skimming for a meaning to establish a quick order, then

scanning for detail to confirm its accuracy (Wright et al., 2006, p. 87). Jumbled-

sentences technique helps the students to think creatively and logically to determine

the sentences appropriately to be the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and

concluding sentence. The implementation of jumbled sentences does not only involve

the students, but the teacher who has an important role in the learning-teaching

process. To connect with the roles of teacher in the learning teaching process, Barnawi

(2016) wrote some teacher’s roles such as teacher as a facilitator, teacher as a learning

conceptor, and teacher as an evaluator.

One of the genre of the text is procedure text. Definition of Procedure Text

According to Nystrand and Himley (1986: 81) A text is explicit not because it says

everything all by itself but rather because it strikes a careful balance between what

needs to be said and what may be assumed. The writer’s problem is not just being

explicit, the writer’s problem knowing what to be explicit about.

2. Literature Review

A text is a meaningful linguistics unit in a context. A linguistics unit is a

phoneme or a morpheme or a phrase or clause, or a sentence or a discourse.

Meaningful is full of meaning. Context refers to either linguistic unit before and after a

text. Non linguistics context is outside a text. So a text is any meaningful linguistic

unit in both lingustic context and non linguistic context.

Text is both a spoken text and a written text. A written text is any meaningful

written text. It can be notice or a direction or advertaisment or a paragraph or an essay

or an article or a book ect (Sanggam, 2008).

Procedure is a type of text to tell how to do something. There are goal and

steps in sequence as its organization structures. Procedural texts are complex structure,

they often exhibit a quite complex rational (the instructions) and irrational structure

which is mainly composed of advices, conditions, preferences, evaluation, user

stimulations, etc. They form what is called the explaination structure, which motivates

the goal instructions structure. A number of these elements are forms of

argumentation, they provide motivations and a strong and essential internal coherence

to procedural texts (Siekmann, 2008). Jumbled sentences is material "writing skills" or

skills that trains students to write random sentences into coherent paragraphs or text,

can include descriptive text, report, procedure, recount and narrative. Using jumbled

sentences is one of the teaching aids that teachers depend on in their teaching. The

word jumbled is used to describe something which is in disorder or not in proper


A paragraph as we know consist of set a sentences, and in the context of these

types of questions, this set is jumbled and mixed, which gives us a jumbled paragrpah

that may or may not make sense in the given order (Ajay, 2005).

Rearranging jumbled sentences or jumbled words or linking the jumbled

halves of sentences also appears to be quite enjoyed by younger pupils. Is a slightly

more advanced version, pupils rearrange sentences given in random order to produce a

letter or similar communication (wringe, 2013).

According to Brown, approach is theoretically well−informed positions and

beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the

applicability of both to pedagogical settings (Brown, 2007).

Another catogary of sentence arragement questions is of jumbled sentence. In

this test, the students have to rearrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful

paragraph. This type of test judges the students’ s ability to understand the logical

pattern, thematic unity and evaluation of ideas in a paragraph (Malti, 2010).

Willy renadya (2017)state that are some procedure to using jumbled sentence

in writing as follow:29 a) Ask the students to rearrange the paragraphs. b) Write down

the proper order of a jumbled text following the situation-problem- solution-evaluation

structure. c) Students can undertake this task individually if the class size is small, or
in small groups when the class size is big. At this stage, teachers may also introduce

the Michigan corpus of upperlevel student papers ,an online database of successful

writing that can be used by students to improve their writing. Students can directly

interact with the database to learn about features of academic writing in an innovative


The other procedure to applicaes jumbed sentences in teaching writing are as

follow (Arthur, 1990):30 : Students number jumbled sentence in a logical order, then

write them in the numbered order to form paragraph and essays. Arranging sentences

involves figuring out the writer’s logic. A student read the sentence, they constantly

think, “where does this fit?” what exactly does it say?” what should come next?” they

have to follow the author’s logic to arranging material general , specifics, transitions.

To encourage internalization of the syntax grammar and spelling of standard english.

Students write the sentences partly from memory, cheking back to the original and

correcting any differences. This activity gives them immediate feedback on

organizatio and language.

3. Method

1. The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any correlation

between listening skills of the students at Sukodono 2 Senior High School,

Sidoarjo. As such, the independent variable is Jumbled Sentences and the

dependent variables are listening Achievement. Since the study attempts to prove

the correlation between the variables, the design type is correlation research. In

collecting the data, the writer used the following technique: A) Test: In this

research the researcher use test as data collection method to measure both of

variables. The test consists of pre-test and post-test. The test use students’ writing

skill in procedure text. The material in pre-test and post-test were different but
have same difficulties. B) Observation was a monitoring and recording

systematically to the phenomenon that was investigates. Its mean that observation

was a data collection strategy in which the activities of subjects were visually

examined. C) Documentation was data collection method by investigating object

written such as book, magazine, document, note and others. The researcher used

this method to get the data about the history of the school, total of teachers, official

employed and students at SMPN 2 Sukodono. D) To collect the data more

accurately, the researcher used field note to make easy when analyze the data. In

much profession, it was a manner of good practice to make field note while

actually engaged in professional. The researcher used this method to know

students’ activities during teaching process. It was done after finishing learning

process. It can be seen in Figure 1.

Listening through Procedure Text by

Jumbled Sentence


Listening through Procedure

Text by Jumbled Sentence with
Audio Video


RESEARCH METHOD This research uses quantitative descriptive, According

to Hopkins (2000:434). Quantitative is measuring the variables that are already

available. The aim of the research is to discover the answer of a meaningful question
using a scientific procedure. Ary (2010:639) says that Correlation is research that

determines the extent of data collection and direction of equal relations between two

or more. The researcher decides using correlation in this research because it is able to

find out the objective data and can measure students' between listening ability and

their vocabulary mastery. Therefore, this research is arranged to get a valid conclusion

whether there is a significant correlation between the two variables. To investigate the

correlation between variables, this research can be presented in table form below:

Table 1. Variable of the Study

No Variable Sub Variable Indicator Instrument

1 Listening (X) Students are Clozed test
able to
answer the
2 Jumbled Students are Clozed test
Sentences able to
answer the
Creswell (2010:54) Independent is that which affects dependent while the

dependent variable is influenced by independent variables. The population in this

research is 33 students from the SMPN 2 Sukodono. The researcher chooses nine

students because this class has learned listening skills.

In this research, there are two types of test used for data collection, the first is

collecting data on listening ability and the second is collecting data on jumbled

sentences. The first is the listening test: the researcher uses a clozed test consisting of

20 items. If the students answer correctly, they will get a score (1) for each number.

On the other hand, if students' answers are wrong, they will get a score (0). The total

score of the correct answer is (100).

Normality assumption test for t-test on population. However, it is difficult done. Therefore
test distribution normality is carried out on sample data. P value (0.001) > 0.05, H0 accepted,
the sample data follows the distribution normal distribution. Assumption of normality
fulfilled. To see the average value of the pretest score and posttest seen in the table
Descriptives, the mean value of the pretest is 45,3; while the Posttest average was 57,9. In the
following Paired Samples T-Test table, p value (0.004) < 0.05, H0 is rejected, there is an
equation significant difference between the mean pretest and posttest scores. To see the
magnitude of the effect, the value of d= -1.09 indicates a moderate effect. However, with a
difference in the mean of -12.6 and the range. A very wide CI95 indicates the uncertainty of
the mean difference. Uncertainty. This could be due to an insufficient sample size to produce
an accurate estimate.


1. The sample is normally distributed (p=0.001).

2. The mean pretest (M=45.3; SD=18.3) and the mean posttest (M=57.9; SD=20.1).
3. Based on the difference in the mean score of 10.1 (CI95 = [-16.7:-8.49]) the model
learning shows a significant difference between the mean pretest and posttest with
moderate effect (t(19) = -6.26; p=<0.001; Cohen's d=-1.09).

Reliability Test

Data Reliability refers to consistency of scores or answers from implementation of one other
instrument and if measurements were made on a unit will produce an output that same.
Research Finding The researcher provides numbers and tables in this research. The subject or
sample of this research is the nine class students in SMPN 2 Sukodono consisting of 33
students. The researcher conducted a listening test (X) and a Listening through Procedure
Text by Jumbled Sentence (Y1) and Listening through Procedure Text by Jumbled Sentence
with Audio Video. That is done to get the required data associated with two variables. After
data collection that includes listening test score and score test jumbled then researchers
present it. Presentation of the following results data of the listening test: Data of listening test
is done for students in the nine class students in SMPN 2 Sukodono consisting of 33

Cronbach's Alpha is a measure of reliability that has a value ranging from zero to one (Hair et
al., 2010: 92). According to Eisingerich and Rubera (2010: 27) the value of the minimum
reliability level of Cronbach's Alpha is 0.70. There are two reasons the researcher used the
minimum reliability value of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.70. First, a reliable Cronbach's Alpha
(0.70), can provide support for internal consistency. The average variance and composite
reliability exceed the recommended threshold (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988, in Eisingerich and
Rubera, 2010: 27). Second, because the researcher followed the previous research conducted
by Eisingerich and Rubera (2010: 27).

The value of the reliability level of Cronbach's Alpha can be shown in the following table

Reliability Analysis

Scale Reliability Statistics

mean sd Cronbach's α McDonald's ω

scale 55.7 17.8 0.908 0.910

Item Reliability Statistics

if item dropped
mean sd item-rest correlation Cronbach's α McDonald's ω

Listening Pre Test 45.3 18.3 0.836 0.855 0.855

Listening Post test 57.9 20.1 0.842 0.847 0.849

Correlation Matrix
  Pearson correlation is a correlation measure used to measure the strength and direction
of a linear relationship between two variables. Two variables are said to be correlated if a
change in one variable is accompanied by a change in the other variable, either in the same
direction or in the opposite direction. It must be remembered that a small (not significant)
correlation coefficient does not mean that the two variables are not related. It is possible that
two variables have a strong relationship but the value of the correlation coefficient is close to
zero, for example in the case of a non-linear relationship. Thus, the correlation coefficient
only measures the strength of the linear relationship and not the non-linear relationship. It
should also be remembered that the existence of a strong linear relationship between variables
does not necessarily mean that there is a causal relationship. P-Value value
(probability/significance value).
The probability value (P-Value) can be interpreted as the magnitude of the observed
probability (probability) from the test statistic.

The value of (alpha) is the maximum error determined by the researcher, while the p-value or
sig. is the error value obtained by the researcher from the results of statistical calculations
(Statistical Test Results). For example, from the output software (Excel, SPSS, Jamovi) the
sig value is obtained. (p-value) = 0.002, it means that the statistical research error (based on
statistical tests) is 0.2%. If the value of sig. We compare this (p-value) with = 0.05 (alpha 5%)
then automatically the sig value. (p-value) is smaller than. The value of = 5% means that out
of 100, at most 5 errors can be tolerated by the researcher. In short, if 5 errors are still
tolerable, what else is only 0.2. So the opportunity to reject H0 is getting bigger. Confidence
interval is an interval or range of estimated value (estimated value) of the population, this
value is obtained from a sample collected from a particular population. Confidence interval
can also be interpreted as an interval estimator, if interpreted confidence interval means what
percentage (we want) of the sample from the population that is in the interval or range of
population parameters. The validity of an instrument shows the level of accuracy of an
instrument to measure what is to be measured. So the validity of an instrument relates to the
level of accuracy of a measuring instrument measuring what will be measured. The
instrument is valid, if rcount rtable. Invalid instrument, if rcount < rtable


Based on the calculation, the researcher concludes that there is a very low correlation
between listening jumbled sentence using audio and video and listening jumbled sentence at
SMPN 2 Sukodono. In this research, there are several suggestions for teachers, students, and
other researchers. The first for teachers will consider and choose which questions are suitable
for students. The second is for students especially students from the English Language
Education Program to make it easier for them to memorize jumbled sentence by procedure
text by listening to English-related questions. The third is for the researcher is expected to get
good results in improving their ability in learning English especially learning listening and
jumbled sentence by procedure text. And the last is for the other researchers are this research
as a reference. For other researchers who do the same kind research.

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