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Students should spend time working before beginning their university studies.

To what extent do you

agree or disagree?


There is a common view that young people should find work between leaving school and starting
university for their own personal development. It is the opinion of this writer that students will
benefit from gaining employment before continuing with their academic studies at university.

One of the most important reasons is to gain work experience, which can provide graduates with a
significant advantage when applying for a future career. Employers today are searching for candidates
who stand out from the crowd, and by demonstrating a proven work history, young people can show
they already possess the relevant skills and experience to become a suitable employee. In an
increasingly competitive job market, where most applicants already have university qualifications, it is
necessary to offer something else in order to attract the attention of potential employers.

Another salient point is that young people can become financially independent by finding a job
straight after school. Earning a salary means no longer relying on parents or family for financial
support, plus they will understand the value of money by realising how long it takes to save for things
they can not afford. For instance, a student employed in a restaurant may have to work many months
in order to purchase a new smartphone. This experience will also benefit them in the future and
ensure they appreciate earning a higher salary after graduating from university.

To summarise, there are a number of advantages for students who choose to work before starting
university. In particular, having the opportunity to gain skills and experience that could not be learnt
in a place of education. This can set them on the path to a brighter future.

(278 words)


There is a common view that young people should find work between leaving school and starting
university for their own personal development. It is the opinion of this writer that students should not
seek employment until the completion of their academic studies.

It is vital to understand that gaining higher level qualifications is the key to a successful career.
Students should concentrate on their studies and transition from high school to university without
distraction whilst maintaining focus on their academic goals, which they can benefit from in the
future. Take the example of the architect, who has to study for several years at university, but once
graduated can enjoy a well respected and highly paid job. It would not be possible to do this without
the necessary qualifications, therefore young people should look at the bigger picture when
considering whether to work after leaving school.

It should also be considered that students who have recently left school are likely to be employed in
low paid jobs. They may be required to work long and unsociable hours which can be stressful, and
only receive a basic salary in return. For instance, the 18 year old who is employed in a 24 hour
convenience store, and works through the night so does not have the opportunity to spend time with
family or socialise with friends. This can lead to exhaustion and may have a negative impact on their
mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, it is crucial that young people reserve their energy and focus for their studies now, they
can enjoy a higher salary at a later stage once they have graduated. Therefore this essay has shown
the best choice is to start work upon the successful completion of a university course.

(289 words)

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