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New attachment formation in the Jan Gottlow*, Sture Nyman*, Jan

Lindhe*, Thorkild Karring** and

Jan Wennstrom*

human periodontium by guided 'Department of Periodontoiogy, Facuity of

Odontoiogy, University of Gothenburg, Box
33070, S-400 33 Gothenburg, Sweden
"Department of Periodontology, Royal Dental

tissue regeneration Coiiege, DK 8000 Aarhus, Denmark

Case reports

Gottlow J, Nyman S, Lindhe J, Karring T and Wennstrom J: New attachment

formation in the human periodontium by guided tissue regetieration. J Clin Periodontol
1986: 13: 604-616.

Abstraet. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether a regenerative
surgical procedure, based on«guided tissue regeneration, could predictably result
in the formation of a new attachment in hutnan teeth. The material included 12
teeth in 10 patients with advanced periodontal disease. Following fiajJ^elevation,
scaling, root planing and retnoval of granulation tissue, a teflon membrane was
placed over the denuded root surface in such a way that the epithelium and the
gingival connective tissue were prevented from reaching contact with the root
during healing. The fiap was replaced on the outer surface of the membrane and
secured with interdental sutures. This design of wound preparatiori givesprgfer-
ence to the cells originating frnm the pp.rjc>drmU\\hg-Arr\pnt (PDL-cells) to repopulate
the wound area adjacent to the root. Histologic~ahalysis"7)lThe resiiTrof treatment
was made in 5 of the 12 teeth scheduled for extraction. In the remaining 7 teeth,
the result was evaluated using clinical measurements. The result of healing dis-
closed that in al! teeth treated, substantial amounts of new attachtnent had Key words: New attachment - periodontal
formed. This suggests that prei!ictahle_xestitt4tion of the attachtnent apparatus ligament - periodontai wound heaiing - tissue
can be accomplished by using a method of treatment which is based on the
principle of guided tissue regeneration. Accepted for publication 24 June 1985

Previous studies in dogs and monkeys resorption was found to occur when the denuded root surface in such a way
from our laboratories have revealed granulation tissue derived from the gin- that all periodontal tissues except the
that the cells, which, during healing fol- gival connective tissue or the alveolar PDL-cells were prevented from
lowing periodontal therapy, repopulate bone was proliferating into contact with reaching contact with the root. Heahng
the wound area adjacent to the root the root surface, while re=e]3itjielja]iz- resulted in extensive atnounts of new
surface, determine the quality of the ation of the surface prevented both con- connective tissue attachment, i.e., the
newly fonned tissue in the hard-soft tis- nective tissue attachtnent and root re- formation of new cementum with insert-
sue interface of the periodontium (Kar- sorption. In fact, the only cells which ing collagen fibers, a finding which sug-
ring et al. 1980, 1984, Nyman et al. seemed to have_tlie_capacity_tojorm a gested that the principle of guided tissue
1980, Gottlow et al. 1984a,b, Isidor et new attachment were cells originatmg regeneration could be a solution of the
al. 1986, Magnusson et al. 1985, Hou- from the periodontal ligament (PDL- problem of how to predictably produce
ston et al. 1985). The cells which re- cells). Based on this knowledge of the a new attachment apparatus.
populate this area may originate from biological behaviour of the different A pilot experiment was carried out in
any of the different tissue components periodontal tissues during_wouridJieal- one human tooth with a long-standing
of the periodontium: the dentogingival ing, the principle of guided tissue regen- periodontal lesion using the method de-
epithelium, the gingival contiective tis- eration was introduced and tested. A scribed for guided tissue regeneration
sue, the alveolar bone and the periodon- method was developed by which peri- (Nyman et al. 1982b). Histological
tal ligament. The shape and size of the odontal ligament cells exclusively were analysis after 3 months of healing dis-
wound (i.e., the distance between the allowed to repopulate^the root surface closed that 7 mm of new connective tis-
various tissue cotnponents in the peri- after periodontal therapy (Nyman et al. sue attachment had formed on the root
phery of the wound and the root sur- 1982a, Gottlow et al. 1984b). A mem- surface where the attachment loss be-
face) and the potential of the different brane (Millipore* filter, Millipore S.A. fore treatment amounted to 11 mtn. The
types of tissue cells to migrate, obvi- Molsheitn, France, or Gore-tex® mem- finding from this experitnent prompted
ously determine the result of healing. brane, W.L. Gore and Ass. Inc., Flag- the initiation of a more extensive series
In the studies referred to above, root staff, Arizona, USA) was placed over of experiments in hutnans, the objective
attachment in the human periodontium 605

of which was to assess how predictably fects were assessed with the calibrated healing, a final exatnination was made
new attachment may fortn when treat- probe at the satne location points as including tneasurements of the probing
ment included guided tissue regener- used for the PAL tneasurernents. The attachtnent level.
ation (GTR). horizontal measurements into furcation During a 3-week period following
areas were made with the probe placed GTR surgery, the patients rinsed the
on the buccal/litigual bone crest. tnouth twice daily with a 0.2% chlor-
Material and Methods
A teflon membrane (Gore-tex®, W.L. hexidine digluconate solution. Mechan-
The material of the present study in- Gore and Ass. Inc., Flagstaff, Arizona, ical plaque control was initiated when
cluded 12 teeth in 10 patients who were USA) was adjusted to cover the root the sutures were removed, i.e., 10 days
referred to the Department of Periodon- surface from a level around 5 rntm apical after surgery.
toiogy, University of Gothenburg, for to the bone crest to a level approaching
treatment of advanced periodoiital dis- the CEJ. The membrane was retained
ease. The comprehensive treattnent plan in this position and the tnucoperiosteal
for the patients called for the extraction flaps were placed on the outer surface
of 5 of the 12 teeth included in this of the membrane and secured with inter-
study. After the patients had signed the dental sutures in such a way that the
informed consent forms, 4 out of these coronal border of the tnetnbrane was
5 teeth were treated with the GTR tech- consistently located around 1-2 tnm
nique in conjunction with traditional coronal to the flap margin. This wound
flap surgery of neighbouring tooth re- preparation was designed to prevent the
gions. 1 tooth was treated without the oral epithelium atid the gingival connec-
GTR technique. Following healing, the tive tissue ftotn reaching contact with
experimental teeth were extracted and the root during healing. The sutures
could thus provide tnaterial for histo- were removed 10 days after surgery.
logical analysis of the result of healing. After 3 tnonths of healing, the 5 teeth
The remaining 7 teeth were all treated which initially had been scheduled for
with the GTR method but following extraction were retnoved together with
healing, were retained in good function. surrounding periodontal tissues. The bi-
The result of healing in these teeth was opsies were fixed in 10% buffered for-
evaluated using clinical measurements. malin, decalcified in EDTA and embed-
ded in paraffin. Serial sections, 8 /an
thick, were cut parallel to the long axis
Experimental procedure
of the tooth. The sections were stained
Prior to surgery, the probing attach- with hematoxylitie and eosin. Van Gie-
ment level (PAL) was determined at the son's or Mallory's connective tissue
site (surface) to be subjected to regener- stain and were analyzed tnicroscopically
ative therapy. In molar areas exhibiting ( X 40). The amount of new attachment,
furcation involvements, PAL was meas- i.e., the linear distance frotn the apical
ured both in the vertical (at the entrance extension of root-planed surface (aRP)
to the furcation) and horizontal direc- to the coronal level of newly fortned
tions into the furcation. The vertical cementum with inserting collagen fibers
measurements were made from a fixed (C), was assessed in 5 sections, 80 iim
landmark on the tooth (CEJ or from apart, obtained frotn the central portion
the margin of., a restoration) and the of each experimental root.
horizontal measurements frotn the In the group of 7 teeth which were
buccal/lingual surface of the tooth. The scheduled to be retained, a second surgi-
measurements were rnade to the nearest cal procedure was carried out after 3
mm using a calibrated periodontal months of healing. Thus, an incision,
probe; diarneter of the probe tip = 0.5 placed 2-3 mtn from the gingival mar-
mm. Following intra-crevicular in- gin, was made through the gingiva to
cisions through the bottom of the pock- expose the tnetnbrane. The wound edges
ets, full thickness flaps were raised at on each side of the incision were elev-
the buccal and lingual aspects of the ated and the tnembrane was dissected
tooth. Epithelium and granulation tis- and removed. Parts of the underlying
sue on the inner surface of the flap were soft tissue which, by probing, was found
removed with a pair of scissors. The to be non-attached tQ the root surface,
root surfaces were scaled and planed were excised with a scalpel. The level of
using hand instruments and flame- the alveolar bone crest and the apical
shaped diamond stones and remaining extension of angular defects were deter-
granulation tissue was removed. No oss- mined by probing as described above.
eous recontouring was carried out. The The iticisional wound was closed with
level of the alveolar bone crest (PB) and sutures which were removed after 10
the apical extension of angular bony de- days. After another 3-tnotith period of
606 Gottlow, Nyman, Lindhe, Karring and Wennstrom

Histological analysis of regeneration in tiie extracted teeth
CASE: No. 1. (Male. 54 years) A
H: 47 Lingual furcation "

2 -

4 -

8 -

7. Male, 54 years of age (Figs. A-G). The clinical status of the lingual
furcation area of tooth 47 after flap elevation is shown in B. Initial probing
attachment level (PAL) and bone level (PB) in the vertical as well as horizontal
directions are presented in A. The membrane was placed to cover the lingual root
surfaces and the entrance to the interradicular area and the flap was repositioned
and secured with sutures (C). Following a heahng period of 3 months, a soft tissue,
attached to the root, covered the lingual root surfaces including the entrance to
the furcation (D). The furcation defect could not be identified by probing. Mesio-
distal sections from the lingual portion of the furcation showed that the entire
circumference of this area was covered by newly formed cementum (F). The
dehneated areas in F are shown in higher magnification in E and G. Heahng had
resulted in complete closure of the furcation defect.

CASE: No. 2. (Male, 38 years) CASE: No. 2. (Male, 38 years) Q

TOOTH: 36 Mesial root, distal surface TOOTH: 37 Furcation
Control vkfithout membrane

involvement 'Through-and-through'

2 -
4 -
6 -
6 -
PAL PB 8 -
ve rt. INITIAL

Case 2. Male 38 years of age (Figs. A-G). The lower left

molars (36 and 37) exhibited »through-and-through« fur-
cation involvement (Figs. A, B and C). In tooth 36, the
distance from CEJ to the alveolar bone crest at the buccal
entrance to the furcation area was 7 mm. A similar degree
of bone loss was also noted at the buccal aspect of tooth
37 and at the lingual furcation entrance of both teeth.
Identical surgical procedures were performed around both
teeth with the exception that membranes were placed only
at 36. In this tooth, membranes were placed both at the
buccal and lingual aspects of the roots. After healing, tooth
37 was extracted and tooth 36 was hemisected and the
mesial root removed. The histological mid-section of the
distal surface of this root is shown in D with delineated
areas in higher magnification in E and F. The length of
newly formed cementum with inserting collagen fibers is 2.8
mm. Epithelium is present in the coronal portion of the
root. The histologieal analysis of tooth 37 (G) disclosed
an epithelialized furcation area without any signs of new
attachment formation. ... , ^,, -. r. .

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