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The King’s Speech

Words Meaning
Heir Successor, inheritor
Stutter stammer
Enunciate pronounce, articulate
Loo - informal toilet
Chuffing kind of the exhaust of a steam engine
Indentured. arrangement or contract
Servitude bondage, slavery
Appraisal review, evaluation
Discretion will, choice, pleasure
Antipodean opposing, adverse, reverse
Inane silly, absurd
Herring fish
Mallard bird
Commotion uproar, noisy or violent motion,
Albatross sea bird
Diction Expression, phrasing
Yearning Desire, longing
Regal imperial, royal
Bolshevik communist, socialist, red
Commence Begin, start, instigate, initiate
Impediment Impairment, inhibition, predicament
Wagers bet, gamble, stakes
Muffled quiet, mute, lower, inaudible
Sublime beautiful, uplifting, inspiring
Realm kingdom, monarchy, dominion, empire,
Functional language/Expression

If I may take the liberty She (pronoun) was used for car
Is anyone there? Why bring it up if you can’t talk about
Poor and content; is rich and rich enough Please make yourself comfortable
How are you Vs how do you do? Timing isn’t my strong suit
Awfully sure of yourself Call me XYZ
My game. My turf, my rules My castle, my rules
Thank you so much for dropping by A bob to each to keep it sweet
What if my husband were Duke of York- Pop these on- informal- put these on,
conditional sentence- husband were instead husband try these on
She’s a sport Sure, a prince’s brain knows what it’s
mouth doing
Out of the question: matter settled, Period, full stop
There you are- here you go

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