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Absurdist writers and their works

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.You
will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."
(Albert Camus)
Major Absurdist writers include Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Samuel Beckett, Frederick
Nietzsche and Eugene lonesco.
Albert Camus also known as the father of absurdism, he wrote an essay "The Myth of
Sisyphus". In the essay, he uses a Greek Mythological figure Sisyphus, who was condemned to
push a boulder up a mountain only to have it roll back down. Camus argues that human life is
essentially meaningless, although humans are continue to try to impose order on existence and
to look for the answers of unanswerable questions. He uses a metaphor to show the individuals
persistent struggle against the absurdity of life.
Another well-known play from absurdist movement is "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett.
The play consists of the conversation between two characters who are waiting for a Godot
throughout the play.They are looking for Godot for enlightenment, because they want to know
the purpose of their existence. But Godot continuously sends word that he will come but who
never does.
So,there is no story or plot. Niethr a proper beginning nor ending.Throughout the play they are
waiting for a person.Their dialogues are useless and are repeated throughout the play.There is
no characterization and motivation.Isolation of the individual we can see in this play.Though
both characters are with each other, but at the same time they are isolated from each
other.Another thing that we can see is that one person can easily say one thing and do it's
opposite.There is a disconnection between word and object; meaning and reality.As they are
repeatedly saying "yes,let's go" but they don't move.So Samuel in the play is Trying to show that
humans are also like that they are waiting for a person who will come and introduce them with
the purpose and meaning of their life but that person never comes and their whole life remains

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