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Career Skills: Athletics, Discipline, Melee (Light), Negotiation, Perception, Ranged, Skulduggery, Stealth,
Survival, Vigilance

Extra Skills – An Adventure begins play with 10 career skills instead of 8.

Action Points – An Adventurer gets a number of Action Points each day equal to their highest tiered talent.
Once per scene an Adventure may use spend one action point to re-roll any check or mimic the effects of
spending a Story Point.

Flexible Advancement – Unlike other character classes, an Adventurer is not required to take a class specific
talent each tier. Furthermore, once per tier an adventurer may ignore the class requirement of a talent they
select. They must meet all other requirements for the selected talent.
Career Skills: Alchemy, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge: Engineering, Melee (Light), Ranged, Mechanics,

Erudite Experimentation - The artificer chooses personal weapons or pieces of armor equal to their infusion
spell level. He may increase the damage of the weapon by one, decrease the a cost on its Critical Hit or any
single other effect by one, or increase armor's ranged or melee defense by one. Alternatively, he can decrease
the encumbrance of the item by two, to a minimum of one.

The bonus only applies so long as the character is using the item. If the item is ever lost or destroyed, the
character may apply Erudite Experimentation to a new personal weapon or piece or armor.

Artificer Infusion – Artificer infusion casting work similar to spell casting except they can only be cast on
constructs or objects. An Artificers uses their unmodified Drain Threshold and cast infusions using the Spellcraft

Infusion Level – The maximum infusion level an artificer can use is equal to the value of their highest tiered
Artificer talent. For example, an artificer who highest tiered talent is Alchemical Grenadier (Tier 2) may cast
infusion up to level 2.

Sample Infusion:

Ablative Armor
Drain 1
Range: Touch (Set of Armor)
Difficulty: Easy (d)
Duration: One Scene or until triggered
Traits: Prepare 1
Effect: This effect imbues the armor with +1 soak per s rolled on the caster check. Forms of damage
that bypass soak likewise overcome Ablative Armor. Once the infusion has prevented damage from a
single attack, the magic fades. For every aa Ablative Armor may effect one additional attack.
Special: A character with any Mark of Sentinel dragonmark talent casts this infusion with +b.

Artificer Talent List: (Characters are required to take one class talent per tier)

 Bypass Security (T1)

 Resourceful Repairs (T1, Ranked)
 Signature Vehicle series (T1-T5)
 Warforged Tech (T1)
 Enchanter (T2, Ranked)
 Alchemical Grenadier (T2)
 Tinkerer (T2)
 Tinker’s Knack (T2)
 Herbal Stimulant (T2,T3, T5)
 Resourceful Disenchant (T3)
 Eye for Detail (T3)
 Poor Construction (T3)
 Utility Belt (T3)
 How Convenient! (T4)
 Mad Inventor (T4)
Artificer Talent List – Homebrew Talents

 Offensive Runesmith (T2, Restricted: Artificer) – The character removes ⬛ per rank of Offensive
Runesmith from his checks to build, repair, and enchant weapons. In addition, weapon enchantments and
any materials used to craft weapon enchantments cost the character 50% less (this does not decrease with
additional ranks of Offensive Runesmith).
 Defensive Runesmith (T2, Restricted: Artificer) – The character removes ⬛ per rank of Defensive
Runesmith from his checks to build, repair, and enchant armor. In addition, armor enchantments and any
materials used to craft armor enchantments cost the character 50% less (this does not decrease with
additional ranks of Defensive Runesmith).
 Use Magic Device (T1, Restricted: Artificer, Rogue) – As an incident, the character may take 2 strain to
temporarily emulate one restriction for activating a magical item or device. This effect lasts until the end of
the current scene.
Additionally, If a check is required as part of an items activation it may be replaced with a Spellcraft
check of equal difficulty. The GM may spend hh on this check to trigger a Spell Mishap.
 Use Magic Device (Improved) (T3, Restricted: Artificer, Rogue) – The character may temporarily emulate
the requirements for equipping or wielding a restricted magical item. While the item is worn or in use the
character’s Strain Threshold is reduced by 2 but is otherwise unaffected by penalties for not meeting the
items requirements. Any number of items may benefit from this feat but each use lowers their Strain
Threshold by an additional 2.
Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Knowledge (all), Melee (Light), Negotiation, Performance, Perception

Bard Spells – Bards have learned to untangle and reshape the fabric of reality in harmony with your wishes and
use the Performance Skill to cast spells. A Bard adds their Presence to their Drain Threshold. Following a full
night of rest, a bard removes any drain or spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued. A Bard has access to all of
their known spells when casting.

Bard Spell Level – The maximum spell level a bard can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered Bard

Known Bard Spells – A bard knows a number of basic spells equal to their Presence score. Throughout the
course of their travels bards may discover advanced bard spells which they may add to their known spell list.
Whenever a Bard acquirers a new bard talent they may switch out one of their basic spells for another basic spell
of a level they are capable of casting.

Bardic Inspiration – You can inspire others through stirring words or music. A bard has number of Bardic
Inspirations equal to 1 + Presence. The Bard regains any expended uses when they finish a full nights rest.

When an ally, within medium range, is about to make a skill check a bard may use one of their daily uses of
Bardic Inspirations to provide the benefits of an assist to that ally as an out of turn incidental.

Jack of All Trades – The first rank of any non-career skill only costs a Bard 5xp.

Bard Talent List: (Characters are required to take one class talent per tier)

 Arcane Cantata (T3) – Use Bardic Inspiration adds b to bard spells

 Song of Fate (T4) – Incidental to grant temporary story point to ally.
 Discordant Note (T2) – OOT Incidental to grant b to an enemy attacking an ally.
 Greater Inspiration (T5) – Send 2 BI to grant an additional b or b when using Bardic Inspiration.
 Extra Performance (T1R) – 2 additional Bardic Inspirations per day.
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy), Resilience, Survival, Vigilance

Rage – Once per encounter, a Barbarian may Rage. Until the end of the encounter or until they are
incapacitated, the character adds saa to all melee combat checks they make. However, opponents add s to all
combat checks targeting the Barbarian. While raging, the character cannot make ranged combat checks or cast
spells. At the end of the encounter (or when they are incapacitated), the character suffers 6 strain.

Natural Toughness – A Barbarian gains +1 soak when they are wearing armor with encumbrance of 2 or less.

Fast Movement – When unencumbered, the cost of an additional maneuver is reduced by 1 (minimum 1). This
additional maneuver may only be used for movement. The Barbarian is still limited to two maneuvers a turn.

 Better Rage
 Spell Casting Rage
 Tireless Rage
 Uncanny Dodge
Career Skills: Discipline, Divine, Knowledge: Religion, Leadership, Medicine, Melee (Light)
Domain Skills: Clerics also gain the two skills listed for their Domain

Career Reputation: Clerics begin the game with a Reputation Level of zero with the faction Faith. This is an
abstract measurement of both the player’s connection with their deity as well as their personal faith in the ideals
of their chosen faith. Although the actions that lead to Faith reputation growth, may often align with a formal
organized church, Faith is meant to represent a more personal connection and should be tracked separately.
The Eberron setting allows for a lot of player agency when it comes to gods and the divine and players are
encouraged to speak with their GM to work out what type of actions would represent growth in faith for their

Cleric Spells – Clerics cast spells by channeling the power of the divine through faith and therefore make spell
checks using the Divine skill. A Cleric adds their Willpower to their Drain Threshold. Following a full night of
rest, a cleric may spend an hour in prayer or meditation, as appropriate for their faith, to remove any drain or
spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued. During this time they may also switch out their known spells for others
they have access to.

Cleric Spell Level – The maximum spell level a cleric can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered Cleric

Known Cleric Spells – A cleric has access to a number of spells each day equal to his ranks in the Divine skill
plus any spells granted by their Deity (see table). A cleric may select from any of the basic cleric spells he is
qualified to cast when selecting spells. As a cleric’s Faith improves he is granted the ability to know more spells.
A cleric adds their Reputation Level: Faith to his maximum known Cleric spells.

Channel Divinity – Clerics have the ability to channel divine energy directly from your deity, using that energy to
fuel magical effects. You start with two such effects: Turn Undead and Spell Channel. A Cleric may Channel
Divinity a number of times per day equal to their Cleric Level.

 Turn Undead - The cleric may take the Turn Undead action and make a Divine check opposed by the
greatest Discipline check among undead within short range. For each s one undead within short range
suffers two strain. For every a spent, one target affected suffers one additional strain.
Minion targets already effected are forced to spend their next turn moving away from the cleric. All
maneuvers must be spent on movement including downgrading Actions if possible.
The cleric can also spend aa; for every aa spent, the undead are forced to flee for one additional round.
t may be spent to force Rival adversaries to be effected as if they were minions.
Turning Undead expends one use of Channel Divinity.

 Spell Channel – By channeling power directly from the deity, clerics may enhance their spells and
reduce the impact of drain. When casting a spell a cleric can use one or more of their Channel Divinity
uses to Spell Channel. The Divine check to cast the spell is upgraded a number of times equal to the
uses of Channel Divinity spent and the Drain required is reduced by the same number. Spell
Channeling is not without its risk however and any failed casts result in a Spell Mishaps that is rolled at
+10 for each Channel Divinity spent.

Cleric Talent List: (Characters are required to take one class talent per tier)

 More Channel Divinity

 Deity based bonus to Turn Undead (different creatures, added effects, etc.)
 Stronger Turn Undead
Career Skills: Brawl, Knowledge: Nature, Medicine, Melee (Light), Primal, Resilience, Survival, Vigilance

Career Reputation: Druids begin the game with a Reputation Level of zero with the faction Eberrron. This
represents the player’s connection with the natural world and will increase when the player takes actions to
better the natural world. The Eberron setting contains druids with vastly different philosophies on what is best for
the world and GMs are encouraged to consider these beliefs when awarding reputation points.

Druid Spells – Druids cast spells by calling upon the forces of nature and therefore make spell checks using the
Primal skill. A Druid adds their Willpower to their Drain Threshold. Following a full night of rest, a druid may
spend an hour in a natural setting to remove any drain or spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued. During this
time they may also switch out their known spells for others they have access to.

Druid Spell Level – The maximum spell level a druid can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered Druid
talent. For example, a druid whose highest tiered talent is Uncanny Senses (Tier 2) may cast spells up to level

Known Druid Spells – A druid has access to a number of spells each day equal to his ranks in the Primal skill.
A druid may select from any of the basic druid spells he is qualified to cast when selecting spells. As a druid’s
reputation improves with nature he is granted the ability to know more spells. A druid add his Reputation Level:
Eberron to his maximum known Druid spells.

Wild Shape – The druid may spend 2 strain and take the Wild Shape action once per scene to transform himself
into an animal from his list of known animal totems. While wild shaped, the druid gains the following benefits and

 The druid gains the animal’s stat block, including all characteristics, skills and abilities.

 The druid retains his own personality, skills, talents and mental characteristics (Intellect, Cunning
and Presence), although is new form may make utilizing them more difficult or impossible.

 The druid retains his Drain Threshold but is no longer able to cast spells.

 When the druid transforms, he assumes the animal's Wound and Strain Threshold at zero wounds
or strain. When he revert to his normal form, he returns to the number of wounds and strain he had
prior to transforming. However, if he reverts as a result of exceeding a threshold, any excess
damage carries over to your normal form. Critical injuries carry over between forms.

 The druid loses his ability to speak while in animal form because he is limited to the sounds that a
normal, untrained animal can make, but he can communicate normally with other animals of the
same general grouping as his new form.

 The druid may take an action to return to his normal form otherwise he reverts naturally at the end
of the scene unless the wild shape is actively maintained.

Known Animal Totems – As a druid grows in power the type and variety of animals a druid can wild shape into
grows as well. The animal shapes a druid may wild shape into is call his animal totems. In order to gain an
animal totem the druid must first meet the prerequisites for gaining the desired totem. Initially, druids may only
gain animal totems for Silhouette 0 non-flying animals (although this may be improved with talents). If they meet
the prerequisites they may then interact with the chosen animal and earn its totem. Druids may retain a number
of totems equal to their Cunning characteristic plus their Spell Level. The difficulty of gaining an animal’s totem
varies depending on its adversary type.
Minion animal’s totem are readily granted. To receive a minion animal’s totem the druid must spend a short
period of time interacting with the animal and succeed at an Easy (d) Survival check.

Example: Taking advantage of some downtime, Tay’dil the druid interacts with some squirrels playing in a
nearby tree. He offers them so of his travel rations dried fruits and nuts. After only a few minutes
interaction Tay’dil has gained the squirrel totem and the ability to Wild Shape into a squirrel.

Rival animal grant their totem only after the druid has proven himself an ally. To receive a rival animal’s totem
the druid must spend at least a scene interacting with the animals, perform a minor act of service and succeed at
an Average (dd) Survival check. This act of service should represent a small sacrifice on the druid player’s part,
such as material goods (often food), time or magic.

Example: Tay’dil wishes to obtain the totem of the wolf. After interacting with a nearby pack of wolves and
succeeding on an average Survival check to avoid getting attacked, he is lead to pack member who has
been injured by a hunter’s snare. Tay’dil accrues sever points of drain and spends several hours helping
the wolf pack but in the end gains their totem.

Nemesis animal totems are rare and only granted after significant acts of service have been performed by a
druid in addition to a Hard (ddd) Survival check. Obtaining a nemesis animal’s totem is often a quest in its own
right and usually involves performing some act of service that benefits both the nemesis animal as well as the
surrounding ecosystem. Due to the complexity of gaining a nemesis animal’s totem, it may be necessary to
utilize a Speak with Animal spell, or similar effect, to aid in gaining this totem.

Example: Having spent several days following tracks, Tay’dil finally makes his way to the den of a family of
dire rats. After several tense moments and a timely animal friendship spell, Tay’dil avoids being eaten and
discovers the reason the rats are agitated is because an unnatural creature has taken up residence near
their usual foraging ground and is killing off the local wildlife. If the druid can cleanse the area of the
unnatural taint he may just earn himself a powerful new totem.

Druid Talent List: (Characters are required to take one class talent per tier)
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy), Ranged, Resilience, Riding,
Leadership, Vigilance

Extra Skills – An Adventure begins play with 10 career skills instead of 8.

Martial Skill – Fighter gains a b on all combat checks.

Martial Manipulation – After a Fighter makes a combat check, he may change a number of b up to his Fighter
level, to a face of his choice. If he does, he takes Strain equal to 2x the number of dice changed.

Fighter Talent List:

 Martial Expert (T2) – 3 strain to change one d when using Martial Manipulation
 Martial Conditioning (T3) – Reduce the strain cost of MM by 1 per dice.
 Martial Mastery (T5) – SP plus 4 strain to change one c using MM.
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Discipline, Medicine, Melee (Light), Perception, Resilience,

Flurry of Blows – Unarmed attacks made by a monk, this includes natural weapons but not brawl weapons,
have the Linked quality equal to the characters monk level.

Unarmored Defense – A Monk gains +2 soak when unarmored and having a total encumbrance of 2 or less.
This counts as an armor bonus and doesn’t stack with other forms of armor.

Superior Reflexes – When unarmed and having a total encumbrance of 2 or less, the strain cost of an additional
maneuver is reduced by 1 (minimum 1). The Monk is still limited to two maneuvers a turn.

 Weapon Flurry – Story Point to allow flurry with monk weapon

 Precision Strike Chain
 Iron Body
 Increased Unarmed Damage
 Dodge, Defensive Stance, Parry, Deflect chains
 Impossible fall
 Free running
Career Skills: Charm, Discipline, Divine, Knowledge: Religion, Riding, Leadership, Melee (Heavy), Melee

Career Reputation: Paladins begin the game with a Reputation Level of 1 with the faction Faith. This is an
abstract measurement of both the player’s connection with their deity as well as their personal faith in the ideals
of their chosen faith. Although the actions that lead to Faith reputation growth, may often align with a formal
organized church, Faith is meant to represent a more personal connection and should be tracked separately.
The Eberron setting allows for a lot of player agency when it comes to gods and the divine and players are
encouraged to speak with their GM to work out what type of actions would represent growth in faith for their
characters. A Paladin is expected to maintain a higher level connection with their faith. If a Paladin every willing
commits an evil act contrary to their faith, their reputation immediately drops to level 0 (or below). If a Paladin’s
reputation with their Deity is ever below Level 1 they lose access to all Paladin spells and abilities until they can
bring their reputation back to 1.

Divine Sense – The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good
rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until
the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or Undead within medium range of you
that is not behind full cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you
sense, but not its identity. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has
been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.

You can use this feature a number of times each day equal to your Presence score. When you finish a Long
Rest, you regain all expended uses.

Lay on Hands – Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of Healing power that replenishes when
you take a Long Rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of wounds equal to your paladin level x 5.
As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of wounds to that
creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.

Paladin Spells – Paladins cast spells by channeling the power of the divine through faith and therefore make
spell checks using the Divine skill. Following a full night of rest, a Paladin may spend an hour in prayer or
meditation, as appropriate for their faith, to remove any drain or spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued.
During this time they may also switch out their known spells for others they have access to.

Paladin Spell Level – The maximum spell level a Paladin can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered
Paladin talent minus 2. This means that a Paladin gains the ability to cast 1 level spells after taking their first teir
3 Paladin talent.

Known Paladin Spells – A Paladin has access to a number of spells each day equal to his ranks in the Divine
skill. A Paladin may select from any of the basic Paladin spells he is qualified to cast when selecting spells.
Divine Smite – When a Paladin makes a melee attack, as an incidental, they may take 2 Drain to perform a
Divine Smite. If the attack hits it deals +3 damage, and gains Concussive and Radiant.

Class Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge: Psionics, Melee (Light), Psicraft
 Seer Skills: Perception, Streetwise, Vigilance
 Shaper Skills: Deception, Mechanics, Alchemy
 Kineticist Skills: Autohypnosis, Skulduggery, Coercion
 Egoist Skills: Autohypnosis, Coordination, Medicine
 Nomad Skills: Athletics, Survival, Coordination
 Telepath Skills: Deceptions, Charm, Negotiation
 Psionic Warrior Skills: Brawl, Melee (Heavy), Ranged

Class Reputation: Psions begin the game with Reputation Level 0 with the Dreaming Dark. When a Psion
manifests powers they have the option of drawing on Dal Quor for additional energy. Throughout a session a
Psion character should track the number of empty pips they use to manifest powers. At the end of the session
they subtract their Willpower from that number and the remainder is treated as negative reputation with the
Dreaming Dark. This represents their repeated use of Dal Quor’s power drawing the attention of its inhabitants.
The truly alien nature of the Quori make the repercussions of this of this attention vague but drawing the eyes of
Dal Quor seldom ends well.

Psionic Discipline – A psionic discipline is a rigid set of mental exercises that allows a psion to manifest psionic
power. A Psion selects a single psionic discipline at character creation. The selected discipline represents the
nature of their natural psionic gifts and psionic training. This choice grants the Psion three class skills and
defines the type of powers they can manifest.

Psionics – Psions begin play with a Psionics Rating of 1 and their choice of one power selected from
their Discipline. Psionic powers and Psionic Rating is covered in more detail in the Magic & Psionics

Body Fuel – When a Psion manifests a power they make take the Body Fuel Incidental. If they do
they take 2 wounds and increase their Psionic Rating by one for that power. They may use body fuel
a number of times per day equal to their Psion level.

Psicrystal – A psicrystal is a fragment of a psionic character’s personality, brought into physical form
and a semblance of life. Because it is an extension of its creator’s personality, a character’s
psicrystal is in some ways a part of him. The psion selects a personality fragment used to craft the
psicrystal at character creation and this choice determines its personality and its bonus skills. See
Sidebar for Details.
Tables needed: Disciplines & Psicrystal stats

Career Skills: Athletics, Knowledge: Nature, Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy), Perception, Ranged, Resilience,
Stealth, Survival, Vigilance

Career Reputation: Rangers begin the game with a Reputation Level of zero with the faction Eberrron. This
represents the player’s connection with the nature and will increase when the player takes actions to better the
natural world.

Bonus Talent – A Ranger may select one of the following talents as a bonus talent at character creation.
Animal Bond, Cunning Snare, Expert Tracker or Outdoorsman.

Hunter – Each time a Ranger increases their Ranger Level they selects a creature type or sentient species. A
rangers adds b to all skill checks when interacting with creatures or species of the type selected, including
combat checks. The ranger also adds +10 to all of his Critical Injury rolls against those creatures. When
interacting with a chosen creature or species, instead of a b, Charm checks intended to impress or persuade
receive a b.

Ranger Spells – Rather than channeling the raw power of nature like Druids, Rangers pick up useful survival
tricks that are as equal parts personal cunning and magic. Ranger cast spells using their Survival skill.
Following a full night of rest, a may remove any drain or spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued.

Ranger Spell Level – The maximum spell level a Ranger can cast is equal to the value of their Ranger level
minus 2. This means that a Ranger gains the ability to cast 1 level spells after taking their first tier 3 Ranger

Known Ranger Spells – A Ranger learns one basic ranger spell at each ranger spell level. A Ranger always
has access to all know ranger spells.

Ranger Talent List:

 Fight Styles – Archery, 2-Weapon, Animal Companion

 Cunning Snare “Trap” talents
 T1 Ranked – Ranger Spell talent
Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge: Underworld, Melee (Light), Perception, Ranged,
Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise

Sneak Attack – When making a Ranged or Melee (light) check against an adversary, who is engaged with an
ally or has not yet acted in the encounter, the attack deals +2 damage and has it’s critical rating decreased by 1.
If the attack results in a critical the Rogue may add or subtract up to their Rogue level x10 to the critical roll. This
ability only works against living creatures with discernible anatomies.

Skill Monkey – When purchasing skill ranks the cost of raising a Rogues lowest, or tied for lowest, career skill is
reduced by 5 (minimum 5).

Trap Expert – A Rogue removes b from all checks related to disarming traps or alarms. Rogues may choose to
make a Skulduggery check with a difficulty upgrade, instead of a Spellcraft check when attempting to disarm
magical traps, locks or alarms.

Rogue Talent List:

Career Skills: Arcane, Athletics, Charm, Coercion, Deception, Melee (Light), Ranged, Resilience

Sorcerer Spells – An event in the Sorcerer’s past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark,
infusing them with Arcane Magic. This font of magic, whatever its origin, fuels your Spells. Sorcerers therefore
make spell checks using the Arcane skill. A Sorcerer’s magic relies on their ability to project their desires onto
the world therefore Sorcerers use Presence when rolling Arcane checks. A Sorcerer adds twice their Willpower
to their Drain Threshold. Following a full night of rest, a Sorcerer may spend an hour in meditation to remove
any drain or spell mishaps they’ve previously accrued.

Sorcerer Spell Level – The maximum spell level a Sorcerer can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered
Sorcerer talent.

Known Sorcerer Spells – When a Sorcerer casts spells they may choose from any of their known spells. A
Sorcerer begins play with 2 basic arcane spells and gains two known spells whenever they gain a new level
Sorcerer level. When a Sorcerer gains a Sorcerer level they may choose to forget a known spell and replace it
with a basic spell of up to the same level.

Sorcerous Bloodline – Each sorcerer has a source of magic somewhere in her heritage that grants her access
to spells, talents, and abilities. This source can represent a blood relation, genetic quirk or an extreme event
involving a creature somewhere in the family's past. For example, a sorcerer might have a dragon as a distant
relative or her grandfather might have signed a terrible contract with a devil. Regardless of the source, this
influence manifests in a number of ways. A sorcerer must pick one bloodline at character creation. Once made,
this choice cannot be changed.

 Draconic

◦ Gold, Brass or Red: Fire Resistance; Elemental Substitution (Fire)

◦ Bronze or Blue: Lightning Resistance; Elemental Substitution (Lightning)

◦ Silver or White: Cold Resistance; Elemental Substitution (Cold)

◦ Copper or Black: Acid Resistance; Elemental Substitution (Acid)

◦ Green: Poison Resistance; Elemental Substitution (Poison)

 Chaos – Psychic Resistance; Dazing Spell

 Favored Soul – Radiant Resistance; Subdual Substitution

 Dragonmarked – Stun Resistance; Stilled Spell

Sorcerer Resistance – A sorcerer gains damage resistance to a particular type of damage depending on their
Bloodline. This resistance provides a number of soak equal to their Sorcerer level against damage of the listed

Masters of Metamagic – A Sorcerer gains a bonus metamagic talent, at character creation, based on their
Bloodline. Sorcerer’s may ignore prepare added by a metamagic talent. A sorcerer may pay strain instead of
the drained cost added by a metamagic talent. If they do they pay twice the drain value increase as strain.

Sorcerer Talent List: (Characters are required to take one class talent per tier)

Career Skills: Alchemy, Arcane, Discipline, Knowledge (all), Melee (Light), Mechanics, Spellcraft, Vigilance

Wizard Spells – As a student of arcane magic, you have a spellbook containing spells that show the first
glimmerings of your true power. To power these spells you pull energy from the world around you and channel it
through arcane words and gestures into arcane spells. Wizards therefore make spell checks using the Arcane
skill. A Wizards’s magic relies on their ability to learn, recall and shape these archaic formula through long hours
of study, thus wizards use Intellect when rolling Arcane checks. A Wizard adds their Willpower to their Drain
Threshold. Following a full night of rest, a Wizard may spend an hour in meditation to remove any drain or spell
mishaps they’ve previously accrued.

Arcane Recovery - When making a check to recover strain following an encounter, a wizard may spend a to
recovers 1 drain per a spent.

Wizard Spell Level – The maximum spell level a Wizard can cast is equal to the value of their highest tiered
Wizard talent.

Spellbook – A Wizard begins play with two basic 1st level spells in their spellbook and may add one spell to their
spellbook for free each time they gain a new Wizards level. A Wizard may permanently add a spell from any
scroll to their spellbook by making a Spellcraft check with a difficulty equal to the spells level. This check takes
10 minutes per spell level of the spell being added and expends the scroll. See pg. XX for more information on
scribing spells.

Wizard Spell Access – While a wizards Spellbook allows them to collect an unlimited number of spells, on any
given day they only have access to a limited number of them. A wizard may choose up to their Intellect plus
Wizard level in spells to have access at any given time. Following an extended rest or between scenes where
the wizard had at least 10 minutes of rest they may switch out any number of spells with ones in their spellbook.

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