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Practicing Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Developing a consistent sleep routine can significantly improve your sleep quality.
Follow these tips:

1. Regular Sleep Schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps
regulate your body's internal clock and improves the quality of your sleep.

2. Mindful Eating
Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. These can disrupt sleep and
lead to discomfort during the night.

The Role of Physical Activity

Regular physical activity has a positive impact on sleep quality. Engaging in regular
exercise, such as brisk walking, yoga, or swimming, can promote better sleep. However,
it's essential to time your workouts earlier in the day to avoid increased alertness before

Managing Stress and Relaxation Techniques

Stress is a common disruptor of sleep quality. Incorporating relaxation techniques into
your daily routine can alleviate stress and promote better sleep. Consider:

1. Deep Breathing
Practice deep breathing exercises before bedtime to calm your mind and reduce stress.

2. Meditation and Yoga

Engage in meditation or gentle yoga to relax both your body and mind, making it easier
to fall asleep.

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