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Name: ____________________________________

Activity #2

1. Go to this link , listen the audio an complete the


Conversation #1

Man: Did you call me?

Woman: Yes, I called you. Can you help me today?
Man: Sure, what can I do for you?
Woman: Can you take me to school?
Man: OK, I can pick you up at 10.
Woman: Great! See you then.
Conversation #2

Man: Who is your best friend?

Woman: My best friend is Sue.
Man: Do you talk to her every day?
Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always meet her for lunch.
Man: Why do you like her?
Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me laugh.

Conversation #3

Man: Who is your teacher?

Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like him a lot.
Man: Why do you like him?
Woman: Well, he´s nice and he always helps me with my homework.
Man: He sounds nice.
Woman: He is. We all love him.

Conversation #4

Man: Do you have my keys?

Woman: No. I put them on the table.
Man: Great. I see them. What about my wallet?
Woman: I think you set it on the counter.
Man: Really, I don´t see it.
Woman: Well, I'll help you. One of us will find it.
2. Answer the following questions about the video
2.1 What will the man do?
a) Pick her up.
b) Take her to school.

He will do both.

2.2 Where does she see Sue?

a) She sees her at school.
b) She sees her at work.

2.3 Who likes Mr. Wilson?

a) No one likes him.
b) Everyone likes him.

2.4 What did he do with his wallet?

a) He lost it.
b) He put it on the counter.

3. Complete the gaps with the best answer from the box.
physically near us this / that / these / those physically at a distance from

3.1 We use this / that / these / those to explain what we are talking about.
(Miss. This makes no sense to me)

3.2. We use ‘this / these’ for things which are physically near us

3.3. We use ‘that / those’ for things which are physically at a distance from

4. There are 2 recipes, but the instructions are in the wrong order. What is the right order?
Organize the instructions for each recipe
Shortbread Greek Salad
1. B 1. _c__
2. D 2. __a_
3. _f__ 3. _b__
4. __a_
5. _h__
6. __g_
7. _e__
8. _c__

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