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Dear Hiring Managers,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the position of Senior Brand Designer at Canonical.
With a deep passion for technology and innovation, coupled with extensive experience in
branding and visual design, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and
creativity to the mission of turning complex open-source software into intuitive products that
impact millions of users worldwide.

Throughout my career, I have honed my expertise in brand design, creating compelling visual
identities and brand experiences. My commitment to continuous learning and engagement
with the latest design research ensures that I stay at the forefront of design thinking, ready to
tackle new challenges with curiosity and flexibility.

As a multi-disciplined designer, I have a comprehensive understanding of user experience,

enabling me to craft designs that prioritize usability, accessibility, and adherence to web
standards. Typography, color, and layout are second nature to me, and I pride myself on
producing clear, stylish presentations that enhance the user experience.

Having worked in agency, company, and freelance settings, I bring a diverse range of
experiences and perspectives to the table, which I believe will contribute positively to
Canonical's inclusive work environment. I am eager to collaborate with the talented team of
visual designers, UX designers, and engineers to bring exciting web projects to life, and
continuously improve our work processes.

Canonical's mission to make enterprise-grade open-source software accessible to people

everywhere resonates deeply with me. I am thrilled about the prospect of contributing to the
Ubuntu and Canonical brands across various platforms, including events, offices, and digital
and social assets.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume, showcasing my

academic achievements, design qualifications, and proficiency in tools like InDesign, Illustrator,
Photoshop, and Figma. I am excited to discuss further how my skills align with the needs of
Canonical and how I can make a significant impact as a Senior Brand Designer.

I appreciate the opportunity to shape the future of open-source software and work in an
inclusive environment that values diversity. I look forward to the possibility of an interview to
further discuss my candidacy.


Tuba Salsabil

Tuba Salsabil
(+961) 81351919

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