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Ap English Short Stories

It was early in the morning: Ruby left the tent, bleary eyed, and made his way through the field. Unbound by the decaying fence, the cows had
strayed to the far end of the clearing. Ruby hopped the fence and began towards them; knowing the ritual, they stayed put. Now that he had
breakfast, and lunch if the milk lasted, Ruby began on the path that lead through the woods. He could hear the larks calling; boasting, he
imagined, to each other that they, too, were awake. Besides them it was quite. Coming out into the sunlight once again, Ruby paused and took a
look around. Exactly as he had left it. He started his daily chore, picking through the rouble, looking for bits of metal, jewelry, and tools. Despite
this having been a mining settlement, Ruby could find very more content...
A ship might, at any day, appear over the horizon, and seek shelter. The island, to those unaware of it's history, looks quaint and comfortable.
It was in a way, a nice place to visit. Long left by civilisation, nature has reclaimed all but the houses, now standing in a sea of grass. Birds
flock to the island, knowing they will be undisturbed. Despite it's small size, it now has a population of deer, who must have washed ashore
and made the hard journey from mainland. If it is a short stop, I doubt one would be more than bothered by the bodies. But it made sleeping
overnight impossible. Even from the boathouse and the docks, one can see a path of wreckage: lighthouse, once proud, is decrepit, and risks
its integrity with a gaping hole in it's side. The main building, moldy and listing, has a corresponding hole in it's roof. At the bottom of this
path lies a skeleton, axe in hand, looking up at the stars. Ruby didn't care whether the island was quaint, however. Nor if it was haunted. He
wanted to leave because he was bored. He wanted to leave because he was tired of the same day in and day out. Most of all, he wanted to leave
because he was

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