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The extended ending.

As the door creaked open, the three friends cautiously stepped out into
the dark, deserted street. Their hearts were racing as they tried to
process what had just happened. The silence was broken only by the
sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls.

Suddenly, a loud screech pierced the silence. They turned around to see
a car hurtling towards them, its headlights blinding them. They froze,
unable to move as the car swerved towards them.

But just as the car was about to hit them, it screeched to a halt, inches
away from their trembling bodies. The driver's window rolled down and
a familiar face peered out.

"Get in!" yelled their friend, motioning towards the open back door.

They hesitated for a moment, unsure if they could trust him after what
had just happened. But they had no other choice. They scrambled into
the back seat and the car sped off into the night.

As they drove away, their friend explained everything. He had been

working undercover for the police, trying to catch a dangerous gang
that had been terrorizing the city. He had been following them for
weeks, and had stumbled upon their hideout just as they were about to
attack his friends.

The three friends were stunned. They had never suspected that their
friend was a cop. As they drove towards safety, they couldn't help but
feel grateful for his bravery and quick thinking.

As they reached their destination, their friend turned to them and

smiled. "I'm sorry for scaring you guys like that," he said. "But I had to
keep my cover. And I couldn't let anything happen to you."

They hugged him tightly, relieved to be alive and grateful for his
protection. As they parted ways, they knew that they would never
forget this night, and the friend who had saved their lives.

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