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November 2, 2022

Learning Activity 1.1

1. In what century did electronic communication begin?
19th Century
2. Name the three main elements of a communication system and draw a diagram that
shows their relationship.
The three main elements are transmitter, communication channel or medium, and
Information Transmit Communications Receiver Recovered
or Information
Intelligence ter (TX) Channel or (RX)
Medium Intelligence

3. List five types of communication media used for communication, and state which three
are the most commonly used.
● Wire conductors
● Free Space
● Microwave transmission
● Communication satellites
● Fiber optics cable

Commonly used are fiber optic cable, free space, and wire conductors

Learning Activity 1.2

1. Name two common household remote-control units and state the type of media and
frequency ranges used for each.
➔ Television: Simplex, 30MHz-300MHz.
➔ Cell phone: Full Duplex, 450 and 2700 MHz
2. What is the name given to simultaneous two-way communication? Give three examples.
Full Duplex is a two-way communication wherein it is simultaneous.
Examples are Telephone, instant chat room, Share it, email, remote desktop
connection, and etc.

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