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What are the 4 main parts

of the cell (in both
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell)?

2. It serves as the gate

keeper controlling what
goes in and out of the cell.
3. It is known as the matrix
of the cytoplasm
4. It serves as the ‘school’.
5. This is known as the
protein factory.
6. All cells contain
chromosomes, which
carry genes in the form of
7. Nucleus is surrounded by
a double membrane
envelope called

8. It serves as the
information center of the
9. It allows large size
materials to move in and
out of the cell.
10. It serves as the ‘CPU’ of
the cell
11. It is an extensive network
of membranes that
accounts for more than
half the total membrane
in many eukaryotic cells.
12. This is the shipping and
receiving center of the
13. It is the garbage collector
of the cell.
14. What do the mitochondria
15. What pigment does the
chlorophyll contains?
Organelle Plant Cell Animal Cell
1. Lysosome
2. Mitochondrion
3. Plastids
4. Golgi Body
5. Chloroplast
6. Centriole
7. Cell wall
8. Nucleus
9. Cell membrane
10. Nuclear envelope
11. Ribosome
12. Nucleolus
13. Vacuole
14. Cilia and flagella
15. Peroxisome

Organelle Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell

1. Lysosome
2. Mitochondrion
3. Plastids
4. Golgi Body
5. Chloroplast
6. Centriole
7. Cell wall
8. Nucleus
9. Cell membrane
10. Nuclear envelope
11. Ribosome
12. Nucleolus
13. Vacuole
14. Cilia and flagella
15. Peroxisome
1. __________________ is the control center of the cell.
2. __________________ is a thick, water-based solution in which the organelles are
3. __________________ is the powerhouse of the cell.
4. __________________ it is the rigid outermost layer of the cell.
5. __________________ are membrane-bound packets of oxidative enzymes.
6. __________________ is a protective layer that surrounds every cell and separates
it from its external environment.
7. __________________ are large membrane-enclosed compartments that store
toxic wastes as well as useful products such as water.
8. ___________________ contain a green pigment that traps sunlight and converts it into sugars
by a process called photosynthesis.
9. ___________________ is a structure that is made up of proteins and ribonucleic acids (RNA).
10. __________________ are little round structures that produce proteins.

Cell organelles:
A. Nucleus F. Ribosomes
B. Mitochondria G. Lysosome
C. Endoplasmic reticulum H. Chloroplast
D. Cell wall I. Golgi apparatus
E. Cell membrane J. Vacuole
Organelle functions:
1. _____ is the outer membrane made of a phospholipid bilayer that controls cellular
2. _____ is a rigid covering found in plant cells that controls cell pressure.
3. _____ is the fluid-filled sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal in plant cells.
4. _____ each cell contains thousands of these miniature protein factories.
5. _____ the energy producer of the cell and second largest organelle.
6. _____ is where photosynthesis takes place.
7. _____ has smooth and rough types and serves as the cell’s transport system.
8. _____ is the information center and activities director of the cell.
9. _____ is a membrane structure made of layers that packages proteins.
10. _____ is the digestive organelle for proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Multiple Choice
1. Name the organelle that protects and supports the cell, and it is only found in
A. Nucleus
B. Cell Wall
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Cell Membrane
2. Which of the following are NOT found in animal cells
A. chloroplasts and cell wall
B. mitochondria and nucleus
C. chloroplasts and cytoplasm
D. cell wall and cell membrane
3. The nucleus is like the ____________ of the cell.
A. brain
B. foot
C. hand
D. stomach
4. Which of the following converts food into energy for the cell?
A. cell membrane
B. cytoplasm
C. mitochondria
D. vacuole
5. Which organelle takes in "sun showers" and helps plants with the process of
A. Chloroplast
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Vacuole

6. What is a network of passageways that carry materials from one part of the cell to
A. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Golgi bodies
B. Cell membrane D. Ribosomes
7. What can be found in the nucleus that is made of DNA and some protein?
A. Mitochondria
B. Ribosomes
C. Nucleolus
D. Chromatin
8. What is the organelle that is covered in ribosomes, that prepare and package
proteins after they are made?

A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondria

B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum D. Golgi body
9. Which out of those listed below is an organelle is filled with enzymes that aid in
intra-cellular digestions, breaking down waste and old organelles?

A. Mitochondrion C. Lysosome
B. Chloroplast D. Vacuole
10. Which out of those listed below are found in animal cells and play a major part in
cell division.
A. Golgi apparatus C. Centrioles
B. Mitochondrion D. Cytoplasm

TRUE-FALSE: The following statements are ways to take care of our cells to
prevent cancer and conserve the biosphere on a local scale. Write true if the
statement is true. If the statement is false, replace the underlined word(s) to
make the statement true. Write your answer before the number.
____________1. Not all substances can cross the plasma membrane. For this reason,
the cell membrane is said to be permeable.
____________2. The cell membrane provides structure and support in plant cells.
____________3. The organelle that digests molecules, old organelles, and foreign
substances is the mitochondrion.
____________4. The cytoplasm found between the plasma membrane and nucleus is a
fluid structure.
____________5. The nucleus contains the DNA of the organism.

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