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Soal nomor 1

1. Nama tujuan: Dear Ms. Lee

2. Salam Pembuka dan Isi Surat: I would like to invite you
to attend our upcoming Liberal Arts department job networking
event. The
event will be held on the afternoon of May 1, 2020. We wish to
provide our graduating seniors with
an opportunity to meet business leaders in the area who may be
looking for new hires who hold
degrees in the Liberal Arts.
The event will be held at the Cox Student Center at Northern
State University, and will last about 2 to
3 hours. If you have an interest in attending or sending a
company representative to meet with our
students, please let me know at your earliest convenience and I
can reserve a table for you.
Thank for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
3. Nama Pengirim:

Soal Nomor 2

1. Tidak ada email pengirim

2. Penulisan alamat tujuan ada 2
3. Penulisan Robert Brown Tidak memakai huruf yang jelas

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Soal Nomor 3

Bekasi, 21 Mei 2022

Dear : PT.Biskuit Indonesia
From : Yosefh Agustinus

Halo kak, Saya sangat kecewa dengan PT. Biskuit Indonesia

karena saya menerima biscuit yang sudah kadaluarsa. Saya
meminta ganti rugi dari yang bersangkutan. Saya sangat
kecewa dengan PT. Biskuit Indonesia, Terimakasih.

Yosefh A.M

Soal Nomor 4

Dear : Alamsyah (Donatur)

From : Yayasan bantuan sosial

Salam Hormat
Terimakasih banyak untuk bapak Alamsyah yang sudah
menyumbang dana untuk yayasan bantuan sosial kami,
kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih dan semoga bapak
sehat selalu.

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Hormat Kami

Yayasan Bantuan Sosial

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