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Unit 2 Explanation

Spoken Cycle

A. Listening Activity
Task 1
Listen the following text, then state True or False to the following

The pattern of weather depends on the distribution of regions of warm air

and cold air. This, in turn, depends on the distribution of low pressure areas
and high pressure areas over the globe. When the Sun shines on the Earth’s
surface, the ground warms up. This warms the air above it. Warm air is lighter
than cool air and so it rises, producing an area of low atmospheric pressure.
In the cooler areas round about, the air is denser and at a higher pressure. It
begins to move in toward the low pressure area. This movement produces the
winds. The global wind pattern can be pictured as a reflection of the areas of
high pressure and low pressure across the world.
When air rises it cools. But cool air cannot hold as much moisture as
warm air. In a cooling air mass, the moisture forms water droplets. These
droplets in turn form clouds and, ultimately, fall to Earth as rain.

1. The distribution of regions of warm air and cold air forms

patterns of weather
The pattern of weather depends on the distribution of low pressure area
and high pressure areas.
2. Cool air is lighter than warm air.
3. Warm air moves toward the higher pressure are
4. Warm air is able to hold moisture more than cold air.
5. Cool air could not hold as much moisture as warm air then the
moisture form water droplets and fall as rain
Task 2

We will learn the condition of the atmosphere through language activity. By

learning the condition and how to conserve the atmosphere, we will learn
how to save the lives of our own.

In the part of listening activity, you will learn about the composition of the

You will hear:

-burning -sulfur dioxide

-oxygen -acid

-carbon dioxide

Listening Material

The burning of coal, oil, and wood has an effect on the composition of the
atmosphere. Burning uses up oxygen from the air and releases carbon
dioxide. Water vapor is also produced by burning these fuels. Carbon dioxide
and other gases together give rise to what is known as the greenhouse effect.
The Sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere and warm the Earth in the
normal way, but the excess heat cannot escape back out again. Sulfur
dioxide is also produced by burning coal, and this reacts with the moisture in
the air to produce sulfuric acid. The result is acid rain, which damages plants
and poisons lakes wherever it falls.

Task 1

While listening to the teacher or tape recorder, answer the following


1. What is meant by ‘these fuels’?

2. What does burning use?

3. What is ‘green house effect’?

4. Complete:
-The reaction of the burning of coal or wood with the ……….in the air
produces ……………..
5. What is the danger of acid rain?
B. Speaking Activity
Task 1
Look at the pictures. A customer asks a shopkeeper about something.
Discuss what you think the customer's questions and the shopkeeper's
answers are.

In Shopping Centre

Customer : ........................" ?"

Shopkeeper : " ............................."
Task 2
Study and practice the following dialogue.
a. A shopkeeper working for Oriental Cooking Utensils suggests a
customer to buy things on hire purchase (HP).
Shopkeeper : Good morning, can I help you?
Customer : Yes, I'm thinking of buying a gas stove. Have you got any
in stock?
Shopkeeper : Yes, we've got Rinnai and Hitachi. Which one would
you like?
Customer : Hmm …., Rinnai, please.
Shopkeeper : Oh, there's one over there.
Customer : (while having a look) - Hitachi, …. Hitachi, … which one is
Shopkeeper : (pointing at something) The one at the corner.
Customer : How much does it cost?
Shopkeeper : That's Rp. 250.000,-
Customer : Oh, dear. I cannot afford it.
Shopkeeper : Don't worry, you can buy things on HP.
Customer : HP? What is that?
Shopkeeper : If you want to buy something which is expensive and
you don't have enough money to pay cash, you can afford
it on HP.
Customer : Great, I'd like to buy things that way. Any more
Shopkeeper : Yes, of course. Buying things on HP is a little more
complicated and expensive than paying cash. You have to
fill in a form that gives details of your salary, place of work,
and how long you've lived at your present address.
Customer : Do I have to pay a deposit?
Shopkeeper : Yes, certainly. This might be 20% of the full price. The
bigger your deposit and the more money you can afford
each month, the quicker you'll pay off your debt, and the
less your purchase will finally cost you.
Customer : OK, I'd like to buy the Rinnai on HP, How much does it
Shopkeeper : Well, let me see. Hmmm….. Rp. 300.000, - in six
months installments.
Customer : (filling in the form) ….
Here is the form and the deposit, Rp.60.000, - Could you
deliver it this afternoon?
Shopkeeper : Yes, sure.

Task 3
Answer the following questions based on the dialogue above.
1. What's the usual reason for buying something on HP?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
2. Is buying things on HP easy?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
3. When someone buys things this way, what kind of form do they have to fill
Answer :..............................................................................................................
4. How much deposit might you have to pay on an HP purchase?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
5. What's the advantage of buying things this way?
Answer :..............................................................................................................

b. Study the following dialogue carefully. Then, practice it with a

Tony : Excuse me, Miss. My name is Tony from CBX radio. I wonder if I
could ask you a few questions?
Desi : Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
Tony : Well, I saw you come out of that building over there. Do you work
Desi : Yes, I do
Tony : I see. Well, I've been told by local people that it's a factory
making products for a western company. Is that true?
Desi : Yes, it is. But I'm not allowed to talk about this.
Tony : What's the name of the western company? There isn't a sign on
the building.
Desi : I'm afraid I can't tell you that. I'll lose my job if I say too much.
Tony : Really? Why's that?
Desi : Well, the western company doesn't want its customers to find out
that it makes its products in Indonesia.
Tony : Why?
Desi : Well, I was told the company moved here because they don't
have to pay us as much money as workers in the west.
Tony : So, if you don't get much money, why do you work here?
Desi : Well, I'm from Central Java. I moved here because I wanted to
earn more money than my parents.
Tony : What do they do?
Desi : They just farm a small piece of land. They earn much less than
me. I came here so that I could earn more money and send
some of it back to them.
Tony : So, are you happy with the job you've got now?
Desi : Well, it's OK for now. But' I'm trying improve my English so that I
can get a job in a call centre.
Tony : A call centre? Are there any English speaking call centres around
Desi : Yes, there's a big company near here that has a lot of English
speaking customers. They need people who can speak good
English for their call centre.
Tony : Do you think you'll be able to get a job there?
Desi : Well, I've got a friend who works there. She's trying to arrange an
interview for me with her boss.
Task 3
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above.
1. What is the dialogue about?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
2. Who are Tony and Desi?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
3. Does Desi work in the western company?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
4. What kinds of job Desi's father?
Answer :..............................................................................................................
5. Why does Tony want to talk with Desi?
Answer :..............................................................................................................

Task 4
Discuss with your partner and make the dialogue using the topic of industry!

A. Building Knowledge of Text

1. They must have been painted when the local climate was much moister
than it is now.
2. These trees could not have started growing unless there was water on
the surface.

a. The verb phrases in bold typed are: modal + perfect.
b. Modal ‘must’ in this sentence expresses certainty, and ‘could’ expresses
c. When followed by perfect, must + have + past participle. It expresses
certainty of the past action, while could + have + past participle expresses
unfulfilled ability in the past.
d. Sentence 1 means: It was certain that they were (had been) painted
e. Sentence 2 is stated in the conditional form which is similar with ‘The
trees could have started growing if there were enough water’. So, the
sentence means : The tree could not start growing because there was not
enough water.

More examples:
1. He did not feel well. He might have worked too hard.
2. He did pass the test. He should have tried hard to succeed.

a. might + have + past participle expresses past possibility.
b. should + have + past participle expresses unfulfilled obligation in the past.
c. He might have worked too hard means that it was possible that he worked
too hard or he possibly worked hard.
d. He should have tried hard to succeed means that it was obligation for him
to try hard but he didn’t do it, or he had obligation to try hard but he didn’t
do it.

Task 1
Put the verbs in parentheses into the modal perfect.
1. Andi arrived late to school. He (walk)
2. When I couldn’t my dictionary, my sister (use) it.
3. The man found your address. He (follow) you.
4. You (play) well if you had practiced it twice a week before the match.
5. Tom made many mistakes. He (do) the exercises carefully.
6. When he rang you up, you (write) his message.
7. She had a stomachache. She (not eat) the fruit too much.
8. Mike, you (not drive) too fast so that you could avoid the collision.
9. Shanti looked tired. She (work) all day.
10. When I got home, the garden and all around were wet. It (rain)

Task 2
Give the meaning to each of these sentences!
1. They didn’t understand it. You might have explained it without giving
any examples.
2. You should not have left you children playing in the street.
3. My sister was not seen in the living room. She might have been
4. Someone broke into his house. He must have fallen asleep last night
5. You could have sent the letter last week, but you didn’t.
6. It had been two hours the men looked for the boy. They should have
found him.
7. You should not have baked the cake too long.
8. My brother was caught in the rain. He should not have gone without
9. The workers went on strike. The company should have paid their
salary on time.
10. She was very upset. You could not have told her something useless.

B. Modelling of Text
Text 1
Indonesia is blessed with a variety of mineral resources. Not least, of
course, are oil and gas, which together have done much to fund the
development of the nation. There is copper and gold, nickel, and the least
attractive but most useful of substances, coal, which today feeds thousands of
power stations to supply the electricity that everyone has come to depend
Indonesia's mining industry - excluding the ooil and gas sector earned a
solid US$ billion in 1994 and directly employed some 45,000 workers. Copper
was the biggest contributor at just over US$ 1 billion, followed by coal with
earnings of nearly US$ 900 million. Gold and silver, nickel and tin are the
other major extractive industries. And while the depressing reality of the slow
decline of oil reserves might be offset by continuing solid prospects for the
gas industry, other mineral resources are assuming a larger role as new
deposits are found and exploited.
Coal is one such hope for the future. In 1989, a mere 9.2 million tons were
digged, while by 1994 the figure had risen to 36.3 million tons. Gold showed
an even more dramatic rise, from 5,744 kg in 1994. Other minerals,
particulary tin and nickel, remain sensitive to world price fluctuations.
(Connexions, June/July, 1996)
Bless (v) = menganugerahi; fund (v) membiayai, employ (v) = memperkerjakan,
decline (n) = penurunan; offset (v) = mengimbangi, figure (n) jumlah; sensitive
(adj) = peka.

Task 1
Find words or phrases that have the following meaning. The numbers in the
brackets show the paragraph you should refer to.
1. To provide/ spend money for. (1)
2. A place where electricity is generated. (1)
3. Not counting the thing that you are referring to. (2)
4. A statistical piece of information expressed as a number. (3)
5. Slowly become less in quantity. (2)
6. A surprising increase in number. (3)

Task 2
After reading the text above, one of your friends says these statements. Do
you agree or disagree with him? Why?
1. Coal is used to generate hundreds of electric power stations.
Answer :..............................................................................................................
2. Indonesia's mining industry, without the oil and gas sector, earned US$
billion in 1994.
Answer :..............................................................................................................
3. Of US$ 3 billion earnings, coal contributed the biggest of all minerals.
Answer :..............................................................................................................
4. From 1989 to 1994 coal and gold showed a dramatic rise, but this was not
followed by tin and nickel.
Answer :..............................................................................................................
5. The decrease of oil reserves can be compensated by other mineral
Answer :..............................................................................................................

Task 3
You are going to learn another text of ‘explanation’ in this unit. Explanation text
describes how something - such as natural, social, cultural phenomenon-
processes. The following text describe much the natural one concerning with

Before you read the text, study the following words:

- solidify(v)=harden, change into solid
- inert(adj.)=inactive, motionless, unresponsive
- blast(v)=blow up, break up, explode
- emit(v)=give off, send out
- leak(v)=escape, pass, let slip

Now, read the following text.

Text 2
The Change in Atmosphere
The atmosphere that formed as the Earth first solidified was very different from
the atmosphere of today. Even now it gradually continues to change.
The first atmosphere probably consisted mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and inert gases. The strong solar wind would
immediately have blasted much of this away into space. Then as the Earth began
to solidify, gases were emitted from the cooling rocks and built up the next
atmosphere. These gases consisted largely of carbon dioxide, with some
nitrogen, hydrogen, and traces of argon. Volcanoes continued to bring up water
vapor, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen. The Sun’s energy broke
down some of the water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. It also converted
some of the oxygen into ozone to produce an ozone layer early in Earth’s history.
The first ocean formed when so much water vapor was released that the
atmosphere could not hold it all. The vapor condensed into clouds, and it began
to rain.
The next major change in the atmosphere took place when carbon dioxide
dissolved in the early oceans. We can tell that this was happening because we
can find early rocks that contain calcite. This mineral was formed from carbon
dioxide dissolved in seawater. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fell
from about 80 percent to its present level about 0.05 percent by about one billion
years ago. Meanwhile, the hydrogen in the atmosphere was leaking off into
space. It was too light to be held firmly by the Earth’s gravity. As a result of the
loss of these gases, the proportion of nitrogen gradually grew until it reached its
present proportion of about 80 percent.
(Adapted from Encyclopedia of Science, 1998)
Task 4
After reading the text, answer these questions.
1. What does first atmosphere probably consist of?
2. When were gases emitted from the cooling rocks and built up the
next atmosphere?
3. In what way was the first ocean formed?
4. In what way did major change of atmosphere occur?
5. How can the rocks be found to contain calcite?
6. What made the nitrogen increase its proportion?
7. ‘These gases consisted largely of carbon dioxide, with
some…’(paragraph 2) What does “these gases” mean?
8. ‘It also converted some….’(paragraph 2) What does ‘It’ refer to?
9. “As a result of the loss of these gases, ….” (paragraph 3) What does
‘these gases’ mean?
10. What must we do to conserve our atmosphere?

Task 5
Now, you can get the generic structure of the text of ‘explanation’. Study
the pattern.

The Generic Text The Significant

Structure lexicogrammatical
General The atmosphere that formed as the
Statement to Earth first solidified was very different
position the from the atmosphere of today. Even
reader now it gradually continues to change.

Explanation 1 The first atmosphere probably

consisted mostly of carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide,
and inert gases. The strong solar wind
would immediately have blasted much
Relational process
of this away into space. Then as the
Earth began to solidify, gases were
Passive voice
emitted from the cooling rocks and built
up the next atmosphere. These gases
consisted largely of carbon dioxide,
with some nitrogen, hydrogen, and
traces of argon. Volcanoes continued
to bring up water vapor, carbon
dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen.
The Sun’s energy broke down some of
the water vapor into hydrogen and
oxygen. It also converted some of the Cause and effect
oxygen into ozone to produce an ozone relationship
layer early in Earth’s history. The first
ocean formed when so much water Passive voice
vapor was released that the
atmosphere could not hold it all. The
vapor condensed into clouds, and it
began to rain.
Explanation 2 The next major change in the Relational process
atmosphere took place when carbon
dioxide dissolved in the early oceans.
We can tell that this was happening
because we can find early rocks that
contain calcite. This mineral was
formed from carbon dioxide dissolved
in seawater. The level of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere fell from
about 80 percent to its present level
about 0.05 percent by about one billion
years ago. Meanwhile, the hydrogen in
the atmosphere was leaking off into
space. It was too light to be held firmly
Cause and effect
by the Earth’s gravity. As a result of the
loss of these gases, the proportion of
nitrogen gradually grew until it reached
its present proportion of about 80

Task 6
Rewrite the process in summary (paraphrase) the text above.
You may begin with :
1. The first atmosphere consisted of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, and inert gases.
2. …………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………,
4. …………………………………………………………,
5. …………………………………………………………, etc.

Text 3
Read the following text.
Over a millions of years world climates change. The way they
have changed can be seen by looking at rocks. In a particular area we
might find beds of coal that were produced in a tropical swamp,
covered by sandstones that formed in a desert. These may be
covered, in turn, by mudstones deposited at the bottom of a shallow
sea. Climate changes such as these take place over millions of years.
Extensive changes of climate can take place over shorter periods
of time. The ice ages that began 2 million years ago – not a long time
in geological terms – did not finish until 10,000 years ago. Throughout
that time the world’s climate varied widely. At times much of the
Northern Hemisphere was choked with ice caps and glaciers. Then a
few thousand years later the climates were warmer than they are now.
A few thousand years later still the glaciers swept southward again.
Even in historical times there have been major changes in the
climate. On the Tassili Plateu in the middle of the Sahara Desert, there
are old rock paintings showing grassland animals. They must have
been painted when the local climate was much moister than it is now.
Trees still grow nearby. They have immensely long roots that extract
water from deep rocks. These trees could not have started growing
unless there was water on the surface. During the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries, Europe suffered a “Little Ice Age”. The climate
was very much colder than it is now. In London, for example, winter
fairs were often held on the frozen River Thames. This would be
impossible nowadays because it does not get cold enough.
The changes in climate through geological time, as revealed by
the different rocks, can be explained by the drifting of the continents
from one climatic region to another. More recent changes are due to
shorter-term events. Volcanic eruptions can throw up dust and gases
such as sulfur dioxide high into the atmosphere. There they can block
out sunlight and lower the temperatures on the Earth’s surface. A
noticeable cooling in the 1960s coincided with increasing volcanic
activity across the globe.
Another influence may be a fluctuation in the energy output of the
Sun itself. Old astronomical records show that the Sun does, indeed,
change in size and energy output from time to time. These changes
alter the climate.

Task 10
Identify the generic structure of the text.

a. General Statement : …………………………………………………..

b. Explanation 1 : …………………………………………………………..
c. Explanation 2 : …………………………………………………………..
d. Explanation 3 : …………………………………………………………..
Vocabulary practise
Task 1
Fill up this table with the natural resources and their location.

No. Natural Resources Location/place

Task 2
The words bellow are those used in the above text. Study them and put them into
the blank spaces.
Welfare Small-scale Choice Absorbed Foster fathers
Profitable Opportunities Solve Launching

1. The problem is very difficult. It is impossible to ….in one day.

2. In this globalization era, a lot of dominant cultures are ….into other
3. The many home industries give more ….to the people in the country to get
a job.
4. The more income the country gets, the more ….. the people will achieve.
5. Many successful businessman are ready to become … for small-scale
6. The government has now been ....the programme of compulsory
education, meaning that children of 7 to 15 have to go to school.
7. Because of the rapid growth of population there is no other ….except a
birth control programme.
8. The government is always ready to give help to industries when they are

Task 2
The following words perhaps have some connection with home industries.
Study them and then match them with the Indonesian.
A Answer B
1. Experiments 1 =..................... a. tip recorder
2. Explore 2 =..................... b. menyelidiki
3. Infections 3 =..................... c. pembedaan
4. Laboratory 4 =..................... d. laboratorium
5. Spectrum 5 =..................... e. rangkaian warna merah,
jingga, kuning, hijau, biru,
nila, ungu
6. Freezes 6 =..................... f. mudah menular
7. Record player 7 =..................... g. percobaan
8. Surgery 8 =..................... h. membeku

Task 3
Fill in the blanks with the words from task two!
1. Influenza is an ….desease. It can be spread easily from one person to
2. Before drilling an oil well, a special team has to ….the land to determine
whether there is oil or not.
3. In winner, the water in many rivers in England …because of the very cold
4. A journalist usually brings a ….with him as it is a vital devide for him.
5. In the …. People do ….to find out something useful for us.
6. The patient needs a ….meaning that he has to be operated on.
7. In the rainbow we can see the ….a band of colours of red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and violet.

Task 8
Find out the word or phrases from the text which has similar meaning with:
1. changed the chemical composition
2. changed
3. made
4. became liquid as a result of being taken into a liquid
5. allow to pass out or in through

Task 11
Pick out from the text:
a. The passive form:
b. The conjunctions of temporal (To show the relational processes):
c. Cause and effect relationship:

C. Joint Construction of Text

Task 1
In groups of four, discuss whether or not the mining (See the text 1) is
good for environment and for the living things around it. Report the result
orally to your class with factual and reasonable arguments.
1. To increase the national income.
2. .............................................
3. .............................................
4. .............................................
5. .............................................

Task 2
Discuss the text 3 above, in groups using the question items below.
1. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
2. What do these words refer to?
a. they (par. 1)
b. these (par. 1)
c. they (par. 3 line 3)
d. they (par. 3 line 4)
e. they (par. 4)
3. What is the most suitable title for the text?

D. Independent Construction of text

Task 1
Write a text of explanation which describes how the rain formed! Work with your
partner to elaborate the text

Task 2
Individually, write your answer in the form of report!
1. Mention the types of climates on Earth!
2. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of volcanic
1. What do you know about ‘explanation’ text?
2. What phenomena are usually described in the form of ‘explanation’ text?
3. Give examples of connectors (conjunction) which are generally used in the
‘explanation’ text!
4. It rained very heavy yesterday. My brother should have stayed at home with
What does the sentence mean?
5. People could have decreased the air pollution by reducing the motor

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