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Review Units 15 and 16 – Intermediate 2

A. Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses (2nd conditional) –

fill in the black with the appropriate words:

1. If I ___________ (be) you, I ________________ (get) another job.

2. He ____________ (travel) more, if he ________________ (be)
3. If everyone _________(have) clean water, there ____________ (be)
less disease.
4. She _____________ (be) happier if she ________ (have) a
boyfriend, but I’m not sure.
5. If I _________ (make) more money at work, I ___________ (save)
some money finally!

Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses (2nd conditional) –

complete the sentence:

1. If I had a million dollars,

2. If I caught my girlfriend/boyfriend cheating,
3. If I grew up in the United States,

B. Past Modals – complete the sentences with would have or should

have, and the words given:

1. My mom asked me to tell her what I thought of her haircut. It looked

terrible but I said I liked it. (I/not /tell her a lie)
(You/tell her the truth)
2. I found a wallet with $300 in it, and kept the money, and now I am being
called a thief. (You/not/keep the money)
(I/return the wallet)
3. I forgot my mom’s birthday, so I told her that my card got lost in the
mail, and my phone wasn’t working. (You/make an apology)
(I/send her flowers)

C. Reported Speech: REQUESTS

1. Tyler: “Harry, can you close the door please?” (ask)

2. Julia to Daniel: “Hang up your coat.” (said)
3. Mom to son: “Don’t be so messy.” (tell)
4. Mario: “Hey Sandra, do you want to have coffee after class?” (ask)
5. Jan: “Don’t leave your shoes in the living room.” (said)
6. Teacher to class: “Could you stop using your phones?” (ask)
7. Sally: “Meet me at Juan Valdez in an hour.” (said)

D. Reported Speech: STATEMENTS

1. Lori: “I can’t come because I am feeling sick.”

2. Anita: “I’ll be there.”
3. Brad: “I’ve had the flu since Monday.”
4. Donna and William: “We may be out of town.”
5. Marco: “You look really nice tonight.”
6. David: “ I promise I will do your homework.”
E. Past tense- Simple vs. Continuous(pg.79)-Fill in the blank with the
appropriate form of the verb:
1. As/while I was______________ (drive), a dog ____________ (run)
in front of my car.

2. I ________________________(study) English while I

______________ (live) in Ecuador.

3. She ______________________ (get) in a car accident while she

________________ (sleep) on the wheel.
4. We ________ (see) a great movie today!

5. Last week I ____________ (be) sick, but now I feel better.

F. Correct the mistakes:

My friend told me be careful.

My mother told me don’t be mean to my brother.

She said me that she was sad.

I asked you do your homework.

If I were a girl, I will wear dresses.

If you angry with your girlfriend, should talk to him about it.

If she was rich, she give her money to the poor.

She told me that she have to went to the store.


1. If you don’t save your money, you (are going to/can/may) spend it all.
2. You’ll have more money to spend if you (have/had/will have) a high paying
3. “I enjoy (to travel/traveling)!”
“So am I / so do I / Neither do I”.
4. “I really hate working (on/in/at) the weekends.”
“Neither do I / neither am I / so do I”
5. “I’m not good at (to use/using) computers.”
“Neither am I / so do I / so am I”
6. I would make/do a good journalist because I enjoy (researching/to research)
things and writing about them.
7. The pyramids ______________ (build) by the ancient Egyptians.
8. Some Ecuadorians _______________ (grow) bananas.
9. The Euro ___________ (use) in many European countries.
10. Spanish ___________ (speak) in many Latin American countries.
11. Brazilians __________ (speak) Portuguese.
12.What (have you been/have you/were)
13.English class is very fascinat__ . I never feel bor___ during class.
14.She is wrinkling her nose. It definitely (mean/means) she is
15.He is rolling his eyes. Maybe it (mean/means) he is
16.Permission: You (have to/ could/ are allowed to) smoke here.
17. Obligation: You (can’t/ have to/ can) take off your shoes.
18.Prohibition: You (can’t/ have to not/ are allowed) feed the animals.

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