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In this volume, we will discuss Where is liquidity, which is

THE most important concept you will ever learn in
After carefully reading volume 01 to understand what is
liquidity, you now may want to ask : how am I supposed to
use it ? And that's a fairly easy question to answer, as it
runs the market and allows big players (winners) to place
a position and therefore, to earn money. This mean, those
big players will do everything in their power to get that

In other words, they are going to try their best to fuck you
and everyone else up.
But the real question you should be asking now is: Where
is the liquidity?

Imagine you're the common trader, a brand new world

opens to you as you take your first steps on those
magnificient charts, you look at the beautiful curve in
front of you and notice it reacted at a certain point. What
are you going to do ? The next time price is going to come
close to this point, you are going to enter a position,
place your stop-loss above the high that got created and
your take profit wherever you think is best.
But, surrounded by the tens of millions of actors in this
market, do you really think YOU are going to be the only
one to think like that ? absolutly not, there are thousands
and thousands of people like you coming into the market
every day, and remember, your stop loss is a stop order,
an stop orders are liquidity, so eventualy, and most of the
time, you are going to be stopped out, only because, the
"winners" need YOU, or, to be more precise, they need
your liquidity.

To conclude, you have to think like this common trader,

ask yourself where you would put your stop-loss if you just
got in this market. And that's where the liquidity is.

Now use your brain, you are consious of this , but how can
you use this as an edge against other common trader, you
probably can't control the market, so how are you going to
do ?

That's what we are going to see in most part of this

After reading this, I want you to go on your charts and
mark the different liquidities up.

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