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Analyses Bureaucratic and Administrative

Bureaucratic management and administrative management were organized in the
1900s to find out ways how to make work more efficient and effective. Both theories are
very important for organizations and companies to gain profit and goodwill in the market

Bureaucratic management:- The Bureaucratic management theory was given by Max

Weber (1864-1920). He was a German sociologist this theory only concentrate on rules
and regulations made by the company to make the work more efficient. According to
Max Weber Bureaucratic management is the best way to make human activities in order
moreover, in my opinion, this theory is very useful for the company to make the work
more efficient and effective. It also helps us to reduce wastage of material, money, and
time and the workers become more skilled by doing the same task daily.

Administrative management:- The Administrative management theory was given by

Henri Fayol ( 1961) and this theory concentrates on all the organization and
management terms of businesses. He was a senior manager and this theory was
developed on his own experience with five functions and fourteen principles were also
given by him.

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Bureaucratic management:- There are some principles of Bureaucratic management
like one should evaluate each part of the task by scientific studies and the workers
should be selected accordingly who is having the potential to work moreover, training
and incentives should be given to workers to make them efficient and to encourage
them to give their best in their jobs and planning is must before doing a task and it will
be better for the workers to perform their given task properly. There are some aims of
bureaucratic management like persons being hired according to their personal
background and the promotion must be given to the employees on the bases of
experience moreover, there should be a chain of command in every organization in
which top-level management gives the command to the employees. The task and
responsibility must be divided and proper instructions should be given to the workers.
The rules and regulations made by the organizations should be followed by all the
members of an organization. All the rules and regulations and the acts should be
recorded. The manager should not manage the organization. There are four advantages
given by Weber the theory of bureaucratic management helps to do the work more
efficiently moreover, the predictions of the result can also be made in addition, it is
impersonality and the speed of the work can also be increased with this theory.

Administrative management:- In the functions, he told us that to start the process

planning is a must because by doing planning one can set a target and can decide how
to reach u0p to that target and it also helps to have efficient and effective work after
that, the second function is organizing it helps to utilize the resources accordingly to
produce a product furthermore, commanding is providing proper guidance to the
workers to achieve the goals of an organization. The fourth and very important function
is coordinating it is supervising whether the raw material is used by the workers
effectively so that there should be no wastage of raw material the fifth one is controlling
it is guiding or helping the workers so that they can perform their task according to plan.
Now let’s talk about the fourteen principles first one is a division of work the tasks
among the employees should be divided one employee should be given one task so
that an employee can get skilled in performing that task and the work can be done in an
easy way and the time can be saved moreover, the authority and responsibility are
given to the subordinates to check whether the work done by the workers is correct if
not then to correct them and the discipline is must for the smooth running of the
business the workers should follow all the rules and regulations made by the
organization like the must be on time, etc. It is just that one worker should get the
command from one head otherwise an employee may get confused about which task is
to perform when an employee doing work under more than one boss in the organization
an employee may get under the pressure and will be unable to perform his or her task
properly which is called unity of command. Every employee should have a common
objective and a goal to achieve like there are different groups with different work in an
organization but they all do the work for the same objective this is called unity of
direction. The principle of subordination of individual interest to general interest tells us
that managers should direct the employees in such a way that the worker should work
for their objective and ultimately the objective of the organization can also be achieved.
Remuneration is a must for the workers to motivate them for the better work and it is
only the best way for the motivation they must also be given a bonus and prizes etc for
the better work they have done so that the other workers can also get motivated to do
the better work. Centralization is the process in which decision-making power is in the
hand of top-level management the centralization system can be seen in small
organizations and decentralization is when the top-level management gives the
authority to take decisions to middle-level management. The scalar chain can be
defined as a formal line from high to low stage every piece of information is followed
according to this chain. The proper orders must be given to the workers and should be
explained properly and one order should be given at one time to the worker so that he
can work properly furthermore, there should be equality for all the workers and they
should be treated equally in an organization. The principle of stability of tenure of
personnel explains that the right staff should be at the right place so that the work done
should be effective and efficient. The initiatives should be given to the workers to
motivate and encourage them to do the work more efficiently and effectively. The last
and the fourteenth principle is esprit de crops this principle explains that the manager
should develop the culture and atmosphere of an organization.

In conclusion, it can be said that both the theories are very important for the smooth
running of the business in my suggestion all the companies should do the work
according to this theory it will be better and easier for the workers.

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