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Ayson, Sheena Lane

Lacson, Berlon Sebastian

Sumilhig, Kalvin Clark


Preconceived ideas

What counts most in a person's life is their spirituality. It offers numerous solutions in
terms of religion and daily living. Spirituality may improve and expand a person's
relationship with God, who created everything and regards humans as the most special
of his creatures. Spirituality may make a significant difference in a person's life.
Spirituality provides certainty that what cannot be seen will occur. God is unseen, yet
through spirituality, we may see him even when he is not visible. Like believing in future
consequences for activities you have not yet performed, such as certainty of salvation.

Spirituality is what enables us to become self-aware. It is something that gradually

molds someone into a better person. It is natural for us to seek understanding and strive
for greater values and purpose as humans. It focuses on one's experiences and unique
viewpoints, which helps in self-improvement through reflective thinking. Our ability to
attain tranquility is facilitated by spirituality.

Spirituality is something within oneself, the true self. Spirituality is where a being
achieves beyond one’s beliefs. It is where a person attains self-actualization. Where we
seek that transcends the material world. Spirituality is a way that strives for a purpose
that reaches our true self.

What is spirituality? Based on different authors

Spirituality is a wide topic with several interpretations. In general, it entails a sense of

connection to something larger than oneself, as well as a desire for purpose in life. As
such, it is a universal human experience that affects us all. A spiritual experience might
be described as sacred, sublime, or simply as a profound sensation of aliveness and
connectivity. (n.d., Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing).
“Spirituality has about it a sense of the transcendent. It deals with those values that
reach beyond the material world and its self-serving goals. These are the values not
merely espoused but deeply felt within by human . . . . Spirituality, then is experiential,
existential, and touches the inner core of each human being, where he or she most truly
lives” (Barnum, 2011, pp. 2–3).

“Spirituality involves exploring certain universal themes – love, compassion, altruism,

life after death, wisdom and truth, with the knowledge that some people such as saints
or enlightened individuals have achieved and manifested higher levels of development
than the ordinary person. Aspiring to manifest the attributes of such inspirational
examples often becomes an important part of the journey through life for spiritually
inclined people. The spiritual journey involves first healing and affirming the ego so that
positive states are experienced; with secure self-esteem, belief in self-worth and a
capacity for love and generosity, a person becomes less constrained by ego defences.
An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality.”

Group synthesis:

Since religion is frequently associated with spirituality, my first thought when I hear the
word is religion. However, as we dug deeper, we discovered that spirituality is a wide
spectrum of beliefs and can be defined according to a person’s perception of
spirituality. Their own definition can be associated with religion, nature, and self-
awareness. But one thing that all of these themes are similar to is that they focuses on
one thing: achieve one’s optimal being, and positive emotions.

We all have different opinions when we hear the word spirituality some say it comes
from religions, beliefs, norms and life. But as we seek what is the true meaning we
come up with an answer that transcends the physical world. That is to achieve one’s
true purpose, the true self.

Spirituality represents the inner human desire for purpose and identity. The objective of
this more customized practice is to find tranquility and meaning in life.

What is spirituality? | Taking Gharge of your health & wellbeing. (n.d.). Taking Charge
of Your Health & Wellbeing.

Springer Publishing Company. (2021, January 13). The concept of spirituality. Springer

Spencer, M. (2012). What is spirituality? Royal colleges of psychiatrists.

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