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Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022



Hanifah Rahmah1 and Indah Rachmatiah Siti Salami2

Environmental Engineering Study Program
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132

Abstrak. Tahun 2020 dunia digemparkan dengan adanya wabah COVID-19. Virus COVID-19 menyebar
dengan cepat ke seluruh negara termasuk Indonesia. Untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 lebih jauh,
pemerintah menetapkan suatu kebijakan seperti penerapan protokol kesehatan. Namun, tidak semua
masyarakat mau mematuhi hal tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menentukan hubungan tingkat
pengetahuan dan terkait COVID-19 dengan perilaku pengendalian COVID-19, menentukan pengaruh tingkat
pengetahuan terkait COVID-19 dengan perilaku pengendalian COVID-19 pada masyarakat, dan mengetahui
perbedaan persepsi terkait COVID-19 antara masyarakat dengan tenaga kesehatan selama periode pandemi
COVID-19. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Metode
penelitian dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan teknik simple random sampling. Jumlah responden
yang dibutuhkan ialah 400 orang dari masyarakat kota Bandung. Terdapat dua data analisis yang dilakukan
yakni analisis univariat dan bivariat. Pada tingkat pengetahuan diketahui 40 persen responden memiliki
pengetahuan yang baik dan 60 persen memiliki pengetahuan kurang. Dari hasil perhitungan diketahui terdapat
hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku. Nilai korelasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0,128
dari nilai tersebut diketahui korelasi yang dimiliki sangat lemah.

Kata kunci: COVID-19; Pengetahuan; Perilaku

Abstract. In 2020, the world was shocked by the COVID-19 outbreak. The COVID-19 virus is spreading rapidly
throughout the country including Indonesia. To prevent the further spread of COVID-19, the government has
established a policy such as the implementation of health protocols. However, not all people are willing to
comply with this. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and
related to COVID-19 with COVID-19 control behavior, determine the influence of knowledge levels related to
COVID-19 with COVID-19 control behavior in the community, and find out differences in perceptions related
to COVID-19 between the community and health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic period. In this study
using quantitative methods with a cross sectional design. The research method was carried out by distributing
questionnaires with simple random sampling techniques. The number of respondents needed is 400 people
from the people of Bandung. There are two analysis data carried out, namely univariate and bivariate analysis.
At the knowledge level, it is known that 40 percent of respondents have good knowledge and 60 percent have
less knowledge. From the results of calculations, it is known that there is a significant relationship between
knowledge and behavior. The correlation value obtained by 0.128 from this value is known to have a very weak

Keywords: COVID-19; Knowledge; Behaviour

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022

1. Introduction
At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by the presence of the corona virus
or COVID-19. Corona virus was first discovered in Wuhan City, China at the end of 2019
(Ramadhanintyas, Amelia, & Kuswanto, 2021). The World Health Organization declared
COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Until now, the COVID-19 virus is still spreading
to various parts of the world, including Indonesia (Ramadhanintyas, Amelia, & Kuswanto,
According to data from the Ministry of Health, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia until
November 2021 reached 4,255,268 cases with 143,796 deaths. Meanwhile, according to the
West Java Province COVID-19 Information and Coordination Center, in Bandung City until
November 2021, COVID-19 cases reached 37,407 with 360 deaths.
To prevent the further spread of COVID-19, the government has established a health
protocol policy (Ramadhanintyas, Amelia, & Kuswanto, 2021). Based on the Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the government establishes a policy related to health
protocols. This health protocol includes wearing masks, washing hands, staying away from
crowds, limiting mobilization and interaction, avoiding eating together, and getting closer to
However, not all people adhere to health protocols. This is because many factors
influence the behavior of implementing health protocols, one of which is knowledge.
Therefore, it is necessary to research the relationship between the level of knowledge and the
behavior of implementing health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic period located in
the city of Bandung.

2. Methodology
Data collection
Sampling will be carried out by Techniqueprobability samplingby methodsimple
random sampling. Sampling will be done randomly without focusing on a particular strata in
the population (Sugiyono, 2019). The minimum sample required is 400 people.
Population and Sample
The population to be studied in this study is the people who live in the city of Bandung.
Based on the Central Statistics Agency for the City of Bandung in Figures 2022, the number
of people in the City of Bandung in 2021 is 2,452,943. According to Sugiyono (2019), if the
population to be studied is known, the Yamane formula can be used. The following is the
number of samples needed in this study.
1 + Ne2
n = Number of samples required
N = Total population
e = Sample error rate (sampling error), by 5%
Error rate (sampling error) used in this study is 5% or 0.05 and the level of confidence
(confidence level) is 95% or 0.95. This is due to the limited time and effort required to obtain
samples in the field. The following is the number of samples needed in this study which has
been calculated using the Yamane formula.
1 + 2.452.943 × 0,052
n = 399,93 ≈ 400
Based on the calculation above, it can be seen that the number of samples or respondents
needed in this study is as many as 400 people.

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022

Data analysis
2.3.1 Univariate Analysis
Univariate analysis in this study is to analyze the variables from the results of research
on descriptive data based on the characteristics of each variable. In this study, the variables
studied included age, gender, last education, occupation, history of COVID-19, level of
knowledge, behavior, and perception. The analysis will be presented in the form of mode,
mean, standard deviation calculation, and percentage.
2.3.2 Bivariate Analysis
Bivariate analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the dependent
and independent variables. In this study, inferential statistics are used which are suitable for
random data collection techniques in a population. Inferential statistics can be divided into
two based on the distribution of the data, namely parametric (if the data is normally
distributed) and non-parametric (if the data is not normally distributed). Variables belonging
to the numerical scale (interval and ratio data) will be processed parametrically while the
categorical scale (nominal and ordinal data) will be processed non-parametrically. In this
study, the data is classified into a categorical scale so that it can be seen that the data are not
distributed normally/evenly, so there is no need for a normality test. Data processing will be
carried out using the SPSS program which will use the chi square test. The chi square test
aims to determine the relationship or influence of two nominal variables and to determine
the strength of the relationship between one variable and another. Chi square test was
performed with alpha (α) 0.05 and Confidence Interval (CI) 95%. The basis for making
decisions based on the level of significance (P) is:
1. If P < 0.05 then the research H0 is rejected
2. If P > 0.05 then the research H0 is accepted

3. Results and Discussion

Characteristics of Respondents
This research uses quantitative method with cross sectional design. The number of samples
needed is 400 people.

3.1.1 Distribution of Respondents by Gender

Respondents who filled out the questionnaire included women and men. The distribution of
respondents by gender is as follows.

Table 1 Percentage of Respondent Gender

No. Gender Amount Percentage
1 Woman 288 72
2 Man 112 28
Total 400 100

Based on table 1, it can be stated that the number of female respondents was 288 people
(72%) and male respondents were 112 people (28%). Gender is one of the factors that
influence a person's level of knowledge and behavior. Women have more roles and
responsibilities in health. This happens because women are more active in seeking
information than men (Amarie, Udijono, Kusariana, & Saraswati, 2020).

3.1.2 Distribution of Respondents by Age

Respondents who filled out the research questionnaire had different ages. The distribution of
respondents by age is as follows.

Table 2 Percentage of Respondent Age

No Age Amount Percentage
1 17-19 28 7

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022

No Age Amount Percentage

2 20-29 220 55
3 30-39 23 5.75
4 40-49 43 10.75
5 50-59 76 19
6 60-69 10 2.5
Total 400 100

Based on table 2, it can be seen that the most age who filled out the questionnaire was 22
years (22%). Age can affect one's knowledge, the older one gets, the more one's grasping
power increases so that the level of knowledge increases (Budiman & Riyanto, 2013).

3.1.3 Distribution of Respondents by Education Level

Respondents who took part in the study had various educational backgrounds. The
distribution of respondents according to education level is as follows.

Table 3 Percentage of Respondents Education Level

No Last education Amount Percentage
1 SD/MI 0 0
2 SMP/MTs 1 0.25
3 SMA/MA 152 38
4 D3/D4 28 7
5 Bachelor degree) 171 42.75
6 Postgraduate (S2 or S3) 48 12
Total 400 100

Based on table 3, it can be seen that the most recent education of respondents was Bachelor
(S1) which amounted to 152 people (42.75%). A person's level of education can influence
his behavior. The higher the education, the lower the risk of exposure due to implementing
COVID-19 prevention behaviors (Lu, Yi, & Ren, 2020).

3.1.4 Distribution of Respondents by Occupation and Background in the Health Sector

Respondents who filled out the questionnaire had different jobs. The distribution of
respondents by occupation is as follows.

Table 4 Percentage of Respondents' Occupation

No Work Amount Percentage
1 Student/Student 207 51.75
2 Housewife 64 16
3 Civil Servants (PNS) 22 5.5
4 Private employees 50 12.5
5 Entrepreneur 24 6
6 Etc 33 8.25
Total 400 100

Based on table 4, the most jobs owned are students/students with a total of 207 people
(51.75%). Factors that affect knowledge according to Mubarak (2011) namely the level of
education, occupation, age, interests, experience, environment, and information. The
distribution of respondents' occupations related to the health sector is as follows.

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022

Table 5 Percentage of Respondents' Health Background

No Health Sector Background Amount Percentage
1 Yes 52 13
2 Not 348 87
Total 400 100

Based on table 5, the respondent's occupations that are related to the health sector are 52
people (13%). It is assumed that respondents who are related to the health sector have a better
level of knowledge and behavior to prevent COVID-19 compared to respondents whose
work is not related to the health sector. Profession is one of the factors supporting behavior
to prevent transmission during a pandemic (Carvalho Alves M. de, et al., 2021)

Distribution of Respondents by History of COVID-19

The history of COVID-19 asked in this study was related to whether or not the respondent
had been a COVID-19 patient. The distribution of respondents according to the history of
COVID-19 is as follows.

Table 6 Percentage of Respondent's COVID-19 History

No Amount Percentage
1 Yes 190 47.5
2 Not 210 52.5
Total 400 100

According to Murni and Suwanti (2017) also mentions that knowledge is influenced by many
factors, one of which is experience. If the respondent has been a COVID-19 patient, it is
assumed to have a higher level of knowledge than respondents who have never been a COVID-
19 patient.

Distribution of Respondents by Level Knowledge

Respondents' assessment of the level of knowledge refers to several parameters, namely
knowledge related to the causes of COVID-19, the spread of COVID-19, and controlling
COVID-19. Respondents are categorized as having good knowledge when they meet these
parameters. Some of these parameters are transformed into knowledge variables and obtained
with an average value of 6.14 and a median of 6. It can be determined if the respondent has a
value of 6 is classified as having a low level of knowledge while a value > 6 is classified as
having a good level of knowledge.

Table 7 Percentage of Respondent Knowledge

No Knowledge level Amount Percentage
1 Well 160 40
2 Not enough 240 60
Total 400 100

Based on table 7, it can be seen that 160 respondents (40%) have a good level of knowledge
and 240 respondents (60%) have a low level of knowledge related to COVID-19.

Relationship between Knowledge Level and COVID-19 Prevention Behavior

To determine the relationship between knowledge level and COVID-19 prevention
behavior, it will be analyzed using Spearman analysis because the data obtained is classified
as a categorical scale.

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022

Table 8 Relationship between Knowledge Level and COVID-19 Prevention Behavior

Knowledge Behavior
Spearman's Knowledge Correlation 1,000 ,128*
rho Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.010
N 400 400
Behavior Correlation ,128* 1,000
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.010
N 400 400

From table 8, it can be seen that the correlation is 0.128*, meaning that the
correlation is very weak between knowledge and behavior variables. The correlation
coefficient figure above is positive, namely 0.128 so that the relationship between the two
variables is unidirectional. Thus, it can be concluded that the higher the knowledge, the better
the behavior in implementing COVID-19 prevention.
Scoresignificance or Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.01 because the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.01
< 0.05 then there is a significant and direct relationship between knowledge and COVID-19
prevention behavior.

4. Conclusion
• Knowledge can be influenced by gender, age, occupation, experience, and education
• The level of knowledge of the respondents is in Table 7.
• There is a significant relationship between knowledge and behavior to prevent COVID-

Final Project Seminar for Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program August 2022


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