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A Checklist for Analysing Texts

 What type of text are you dealing with? An advert? A speech? A conversation?
 Does it conform to the conventions of that type? If not, what does it gain by deviating?
 What register is the text using? How formal/ informal is it?

Pragmatics & Context

 When was the text produced?
 Who was the intended recipient?
 Is there a significant difference between you as an actual reader and the implied reader?
 What are your ideas about the text producer?
 What purpose was the text produced for?
 Does the reader need to have prior knowledge or shared values/ beliefs in order to fully access the text?
(discourse community)

Lexis & Semantics

 What lexical choices has the writer made?
 Are certain types of words being used in a certain way? For example, stative or dynamic verbs?
 What connotations do some of the key lexical terms have?
 Are euphemisms or dysphemism being used?
 What level of hyponymy is being used? Is it appropriate?
 Have they made use of technical or specialised language? (specialist register)
 Are there words linked by a common idea? (lexical/ semantic field)
 Is there any use of an idiolect or sociolect?
 Does the text use Standard English? Are there are any regional language features?

Grammar & Syntax

 What types of sentence structures are being used?
 Simple, compound, or complex sentences?
 Declarative, interrogative or imperative?
 How are words and phrases being formed?
 What use is being made of modifiers and qualifiers?
 What types of verbs are being used?
 For a conversation – are Grice’s Maxims being followed?

Discourse Structure
 How is the text structured?
 Are there common patterns/ forms of exchange? For example, lists, problem/ solution?
 Is the text structured this way to conform to type?

 How is sound used?
 What phonological manipulation is being used?

 How do the visual aspects support the function of the text?
 How is the space used?
 Does the typography link to the function of the text?
 Are there any logos/ slogans/ trademarks?
 Are there any subtle associations being used (for example, yellow equals sunny/ happy/ light)?

 How much interaction is there between the text and reader?
A Checklist for Analysing Texts
Are there any symbols used? (semiotics) Are they iconic or symbolic?

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