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cinema/movies Vocabulary

1. Unwind: relax; free your mind

Eg: She is trying to unwind herself after a long

2. Delve deeper: get to the deeper meaning

Eg: She has delved deeper into the subject

3. I’m still a kid at heart: a person who still feels like a

child in their heart
Eg: He is thirty but still a kid at heart.

4. Knock: to insult; discredit.

Eg: He has knocked his friend.

5. Busy bee: a busy person

Eg: His father is a busy bee.

6. Inside jokes: jokes among friends

Eg: The inside jokes were not entertaining

7. Stage fright: fear of being on stage

Eg: He had some stage fright before the performance.

8. The Memory of a Goldfish: a short memory

Eg: She has the memory of a goldfish.
9. premiere: the first showing of a film before it’s available
for people to see

10. to book the seats /tickets: to reserve tickets

11. cast: all the actors/actresses in a film

12. trailer: a series of short sections of a film that are

shown to advertise it

13. opening scene: the first part of a film

14. dubbed: having the sounds/speech on a film changed

to a different language
Eg: I don’t like watching films that have been dubbed, I prefer
to hear the actors’ own voices.

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