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Choose two (2) reported topics (exclude assigned topic) in the class which piqued your interest the
most. Describe how these two topics, discussed separately, allow you to widen your appreciation and
understanding of yourself. (word limit: 100 words per topic).
2. Select which of the reported topics did you find difficult to comprehend/understand. Cite at least 3
convincing reasons. Explain/elucidate. (limit: 3 paragraphs).

All of the things discussed were easily understood by me. Thanks to the visual aid, there are no
topics reported that I find difficult to learn or understand. Every reporter did their utmost to cover their
assigned topics even with the difficulties they encounter. I love also the contents of the most reporters,
everyone has given their best, and also everyone understands the lessons. But if I were to pick, I would
choose the first the Sociological Perspective of Self, not because the reporters were not doing their job
properly, but I have problem with my internet connection that time. It rained so hard that I cannot
catch up to the lesson as my net is not stable but still, I learned something because of the visual aid.

Second, the topic Anthropology Perspective of Self because the group is unable to finish and tackle
their report. They have given second chance to redeem themselves but still they are unable to finish
their task since Ma’am Luz end their report with authority because it is their fault also. Since I don’t
want to waste their time and effort, I watch again their report in google drive in the evening to get
sufficient information and thanks to the visual aids presented by them, I learned enough.

Lastly, the topic “Taking Care of the Self”. I actually really like the topic but the problem is the audio
of most of the reporters. It is damaged and it is unclear for me the message they want to convey. But
still, thanks to the visual aids which I really like, I give them the points as it is very understandable when I
see it through my eyes on what their content was than to hear their words which is not comprehendible
since their audio is damaged.
3. Describe your journey through the semester in GEC101/Psych020. Make sure to include: 3.1 report
preparation (realizations) 3.2 learning design (you were grouped per topic, present report via gmeet,
discussion in messenger and rating the reporter) 3.3 group members’ relationship Kindly organize your
thoughts when writing and try to be brief but concise in your answers.

My journey through the semester in GEC101 is a rollercoaster ride. It has its ups and downs
It is really nervous at first but through time, I enjoy the thrilling ride. In our preparation for
the report, I made the text and content for the summary in order for my group to understand
better and we assigned each one of us, two philosophers to give their perspective about self.We
have given enough time to prepare but still, there is an eminent nervous feeling that we will do
bad because we are the first reporters but still, we finished it in organized manner. In later part,
some of my groupmates are not joining in discussions because of their personal reasons and I
respect that. I tried to communicate with them and it worked. In the later part of the semester,
they seem to be participative and I love it. We are discussing the topics and I love when we are
in the same boat, in the same ride where no one should sink. All in all, I enjoy the thrilling
experience of GEC101 where I sometimes hold on in sheer terror but I enjoy the wholesome
ride most of the time.

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