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Business to Business Marketing (B2B)

Lecture -3
Introduction to B2B Marketing

Dr. Jogendra Kumar Nayak

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Consumer Marketing VS B2B Marketing

Key Area’s of Difference

 Market structure
 Buyer behaviour
 Decision making
 Products
 Price
 Channel
B2C & B2B marketing
 Promotion
 Purchasing decisions

Consumer Marketing B2B Marketing

Geographically Diversified Geographically Concentrated

More Customers Fewer Buyers Market

Monopolistic Competition Oligopolistic Competition

Direct Demand Derived Demand

B2C & B2B marketing
Positive Cross Elasticity Negative Cross Elasticity

Terms explained
• Monopolistic competition: many firms compete in the same space but for
slightly different customer groups (hotel). The products cannot be termed
• Derived demand: Increase in demand for education increases the demand for
professors, computers, infrastructure, markers, chalks, notebooks, school bags
• Cross elasticity of demand: it is the responsiveness in quantity demanded of
one good due to a change in price in another. It is positive for substitute goods
(tea and coffee) and negative for complementary goods(printer and cartridge).
• Transaction cost economics: Oliver Williamson, 1975; frequency, specificity,
uncertainty, bounded rationality (human decisions differ from economically
rational decisions due to cognitive ability, time constraint and imperfect
information), and opportunistic behavior.

Asset specificity
• Asset specificity is the degree to which an asset can be used for multiple
purposes. These can be equipment’s designed for a particular function or
labor trained to perform a single task. Customized software’s, Oil drills,
jetliners, and assembly lines are not easily or cheaply adapted to other
• For example, if a buying firm offers a contract to build a new gadget that has
an unusual form and requires different kinds of materials. In such a case a
new and expensive machine must be custom-built just to manufacture this

Bounded rationality
• Herbert Simon: human decisions differ from economically rational decisions
due to cognitive ability, social limits, time constraint and imperfect
• Example: while purchasing in a store we get affected by the relationship with
the sales person or storekeeper and the available time and knowledge about
the product.

Consumer Marketing B2B Marketing

Family Involvement Functional Involvement

Impulse Buying Rational Buying Buyer

Less Technical Expertise More technical Expertise

No reciprocity Reciprocity Exists

B2C & B2B marketing
Less Personal Relations More personal Relations

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