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The world of work has changed and business leaders must
look beyond the basics to attract and retain top talent.

of employees would be willing
to job hunt to get their
preferred working conditions

The top three reasons to job hunt are: The top three reasons people will stay in their jobs are:

1. Career progression 1. Work-life balance

2. Better work-life balance 2. Career progression

3. Better compensation and corporate benefits 3. Recognition

say feeling recognized would reduce

say feeling recognized would
65% reduce their desire to job hunt 57% the likelihood that they would take a
call from a headhunter

Meaningful recognition is the single most powerful lever leaders can pull
to improve engagement, retention, productivity, and advocacy

What makes a recognition meaningful?

1. About something 2. About me as an individual 3. About the way in which I made a difference
specific that I did or about something I value to the person who sent me the recognition

How can leaders encourage a culture of meaningful recognition?

Start at the Train to introduce Invest in an

top and reinforce effective platform

Manager recognition is Few employees report receiving An effective recognition platform

crucial to creating a culture training on recognition best will drive the results HR leaders
of recognition. Those regularly practices. Introduce regular require. From the right metrics
recognized by their managers training on how and why to to key integrations, a recognition
are also more likely to regularly send meanaingful recognitions solution can be a true
recognize others. to empower every employee engagement and retention
to contribute to a culture of driver when carefully selected
recognition. and executed well.

Learn more about the power of recognition. | 1.855.732.2356 Download report
Read the 2022 State of Recognition report today.

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